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Concept help - Indicator

An indicator describes a measure that is regularly reported for tracking performance of a process or policy, and provides relevant and actionable information about system performance. Indicators can reference Data Elements when defining their component parts, such as numerators and denominators, and Indicators may be linked across multiple Indicator Sets to track performance over time.

A health indicator is a single measure that is reported on regularly and that provides relevant and actionable information about population health and/or health system performance and characteristics. An indicator can provide comparable information, as well as track progress and performance over time.

Health indicators support provinces/territories, regional health authorities and facilities as they monitor the health of their populations and track how well their local health systems function. Canadian Institute for Health Information - Indicators

The drivers for standard development arise from the need for better information - whether it is statistical, administrative, clinical or other information. This ensures the data used in statistics is compatible and it facilitates National and International interoperability. Australian Institute for Health and Welfare - About Indicators

Tips for creating Indicators

Indicators should be clearly defined and specify the Data Elements used in their calculations. If the resulting value type of an Indicator is known ahead of time it can be specified by attaching a Value Domain to clearly code the value and provides a valuable linkage to other similar indicators.

Once an indicator has been saved, numerator and denominator Data Elements as well as Outcome Areas can be attached from the Indicator page.

Fields available on this metadata type

Field ISO definition
Name The primary name used for human identification purposes.
Definition Representation of a concept by a descriptive statement which serves to differentiate it from related concepts. (3.2.39)
Is Federated
Is Not Federable
Version Unique version identifier of this metadata item.
References Significant documents that contributed to the development of the metadata item which were not the direct source for the metadata content.
Origin The source (e.g. document, project, discipline or model) for the item (
Comments Descriptive comments about the metadata item (
Deleted The date after which the item has been soft deleted and is no longer visible in the registry
Computation Description The plain text description of the formulae used to calculate an indicator.
Computation A group of symbols that make a formal mathematical statement.
Numerator Description A description of the number above the line in a fraction showing how many of the parts indicated by the denominator are taken.
Denominator Description A description of the number below the line in a fraction.
Disaggregation Description A description of the number that has been separated into smaller component parts.
Quality Statement A statement of multiple quality dimensions for the purpose of assessing the quality of the data for reporting against this Indicator.
Rationale A designation or description of the application environment or discipline in which an indicator is applied or from which it originates, as well as a justification for inclusion of the indicator.
Benchmark A standard, or point of reference, against which things can be compared, assessed, measured or judged.
Reporting Information The agreement arrangements under which the Indicator is reportable.

Custom Fields

Field Short definition Long definition
DCJ - Domain The program area of the organisation that the data is collected from and reported on.
DCJ - Unit of Measure For Indicators that aren't 'Number' or 'Percentage', Unit of Measure clarifies what the indicator is measuring. Appropriate for indicators beginning with 'Amount' or 'Average'.
School learning: School learning and student performance including HSC, NAPLAN, learning assessments, psychometric tests and teacher updates. Skills and post-school: Skills and post-school learning and outcomes. Providers, programs, regulatory, Quality Assurance and operations. Early childhood: Learning and development of children in ECE, preschool and after-hours care. Policy programs, Quality Assurance, regulatory and operations. Student admin and wellbeing: Student administration, attendance, wellbeing. Education leadership: People: Schools and corporate workforce, training and workforce development (learning pathways) and Work Health & Safety. School infrastructure: Physical and digital corporate assets and infrastructure Corporate infrastructure: Physical and digital corporate assets and infrastructure Operations: Corporate IT, finance, information management, procurement, legal and risk management
Focus Area The focus areas methodically chosen for the next 4 years are crucial for improvement and deemed vital to learners, guardians, teachers, and staff
Success Statement
Increasing community confidence in public education Increasing NSW public education market share Increasing community confidence in public education Increase the proportion of children who are developmentally on track Increase the proportion of children enrolled in preschool Reduce admin workload for teachers Increasing the number of school staff so supply meets demand Increasing the proportion of teachers and school staff who feel valued, trusted and respected in their profession Increase the proportion of students reporting a sense of belonging Increase the proportion of students who take up university, training or work in the year after school Improving literacy and numeracy outcomes for all students Increase the proportion of students completing year 12 in public schools Increasing attendance rates Our school infrastructure helps to ensure that schools are safe and inclusive environments for learning and development Our end-to-end operations are efficient, effective and provide an easy to access service experience
Success Measure
DCJ - Internal Reporting Captures disaggregation used only for internal reporting.
Metadata not for public facing reporting products, this field captures disaggregation that is only used internally.
NSWTA - Portfolio

Official Definition

A particular characteristic or dimension used to measure intended changes defined by an organisational unit’s results framework. Performance indicators are used to observe progress and to measure actual results compared to expected results. They serve to answer “how” or “whether” a unit is progressing towards its objectives, rather than “why” or “why not” such progress is being made. Performance indicators are usually expressed in quantifiable terms, and should be objective and measurable (e.g., numeric values, percentages, scores, and indices). Handbook on Monitoring and Evaluating for Results. United Nations Development Programme, Evaluation Office, NY, 2002.