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A label (description) set representing the reason the child/young person case management was ceased.


Format X(50)
Maximum character length 50


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values Case plan goal / Service met When the case plan goals have been achieved with the family, and the BF course of intervention is concluded i.e. when the family case plan has been reviewed and the family and caseworker agree that the main case plan goals have been achieved.
Case plan goal / Service not met When the intervention is considered unsuccessful, and the BF intervention is concluded.
Family/CYP withdrawn After a period of intervention, the family states they wish to withdraw from BF.When the family ceases engaging by not attending BF appointments and services after a period of intervention.
Family/CYP not located When, following a referral to BF, the family cannot be located via the contact details provided on the referral or when a family becomes uncontactable before their Agreement to Participate (ATP) is provided.
Family/CYP Relocated When the family moves to a new area without completing the program.
Family/CYP Declined When, during the initial engagement phase, the family declines to participate in BF
Service deemed unsuitable When the family is assessed as unsuitable for BF by the Brighter Futures Assessment Unit (BFAU) because risk is too high or service needs are too low.
Ineligible referral Family do not meet basic eligibility criteria – there is no child under 9 in the family and/or there are no vulnerabilities in the family.
Service Declined - escalated risk The risk of significant harm has escalated and a Brighter Futures service is unlikely to adequately ensure a child’s safety OR, when the family has a child placed in the care of the Minister.
Service Declined - worker safety The safety of workers (or others when working with the family) would be seriously compromised and the service provider cannot reasonably manage the risk to their staff.
Service withdraws - no capacity The Brighter Futures service does not have the capacity to deliver the required service.
Referral period exceeds 2 years Select this closure reason only when BF service exceeds 2 years and the intervention has not been considered successful. (Noting a family may receive up to 18 months of sustained case management from a Brighter Futures service. In circumstances where an extension will benefit the family’s young children, a Brighter Futures service provider may extend a family’s participation by no more than six months).
Referral period exceeds - Allocation timeframe From the date the referral is allocated to the provider, the SPGs indicate families have 28 days to sign the Agreement to Participate. Use this closure reason when families have exceeded the 28 day timeframe.

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