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'The Child Protection Reports - Longitudinal Data Asset' has been developed to support internal and/or external research, evaluation and modelling. It is a continuation of the historic 'Overtime' file which was historically developed from quarterly and annual extracts provided to FACSIAR by the Information Management team and processed using SPSS scripts. 

The primary purpose and use cases of the 'The Child Protection Reports - Longitudinal Data Asset' are:

  • Where historic data is required beyond what is available in the 'Child Protection Reports -  Base Data Asset' or the 'Client Information Warehouse (CIW)'. This includes records from ChildStory, KiDS and other previous case management systems as well as paper based records.
  • Where the user requires data as recorded according to business and counting rules of the time around which the record was created. For example, the district out of which case work activities were carried out will be recorded at the time of the record creation. In contrast, data from the CIW Production Environment and recent FAP loads will record the historic district according to current definitions.
  • The asset contains a subset of the fields currently available in the CIW report builder and the Child Protection Reports Base Data Asset. The included dimensions have been selected based on anticipates usage needs. The full list of fields have not been included to minimise the complexity of the asset. 

Due to the processing of the file, records and resulting counts are expected to vary from those in the Child protection Reports - Base Data Asset. The Longitudinal asset should therefore not be used for internal reporting purposes. 

The asset is stored in the table `fdp-child-protection-prod.child_protection_pii_bdm.cp_longitudinal` in the Google Cloud Platform Federated Analytics Platform and includes data back to 1987.

Data is incorporated from two sources:

  1. Existing longitudinal file containing records to 30 June 2019 coming from data manually provided by IM. 

  2. Bi Annual data from CIW extracts, appended onto the existing file using R and SPSS scripts. The processing of data is currently carried out on local machines, and is int he process of being rewritten in tools hosted on the Federated Analytics Platform. 


Data source details

Path name Data Element Definition Data Type Format
ETL_RUN Record: DateTime Stamp, YYYY-MM-DD

A sequence of characters or encoded information identifying when a certain event occurred, on what day, and optionally including what particular time of day.

ver_num You don't have permission to see this Data Element. - - -
filename Record: Filename, Text X(200)

File name (data) ingested into BigQuery, represented by text.

BATCHID_DL Record: Batch Id, Text X(200)

System generated identification generated when (data) ingested into BigQuery, represented by text.

child_story_id Person: ChildStory Identifier, A-N(8)

Internal Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) Person identifier from ChildStory. 

Specific Information:

Known data quality issues: A number of CYP who have a legacy ID currently do not have a ChildStoryID. This is because some CYP were identified as being duplicated at some point in time there records were merged in the course system and only one ID was kept.
KiDS concordance: All client records existing upon the implementation of Childstory were assigned a Childstory ID during the data conversion process.

x1n_contacts_received_at_helpline Service Event: Helpline Contact, N1 Code NX

Indicator that a contact is made with the helpline, as represented by a code

Specific Information:

Known data quality issues: Only records with a value of 1B have been included in this data extract. Only available from 2017/18 onwards.

x2n_contactsconcern_cy_pandnon_cyp Service Event: Helpline Contact, N2 Code NX

Reason contact is made with the helpline, as represented by a code

Specific Information:

Framework dimension to indicate the primary contact reason. i.e. is this a contact to the helpline relating to a concern about a CYP, or contact for another reason.

x3n_helpline_assessment_outcome Service Event: Helpline Assessment Outcome, Code NX

The outcome of the Helpline Screening and Response Priority Tools (SCRPT) assessment, as represented by a code.

Specific Information:

Framework dimension to indicate the outcome of the helpline SCRIPT assessment.

x4n_triage_decision Service Event: Triage Decision Outcome, Code NX(N)

The outcome of the triage decision at the CSC (or helpline if the report is closed at the helpline), as represented by a code

Specific Information:

Framework dimension to indicate the outcome of the triage decision at the CSC (or helpline if the report is closed at the helpline)

x5n_outcome_of_field_assessment Service Event: Field Assessment Outcome, Code NX(N)

The outcome of a field assessment, as represented by a code.

Specific Information:

Framework dimension to indicate field assessment outcome.

pseudo_report_flag You don't have permission to see this Data Element. -
Specific Information:

A pseudo report is added when additional children are 'discovered' during a field assessment and CIW creates a report for these children based on the report of the original child for whom the field assessment was conducted.

- -
rosh_flag You don't have permission to see this Data Element. -
Specific Information:

Flag indicates if the report meets the threshold for Risk of Significant Harm (ROSH) upon applying the screening tool at the Child Protection Helpline

- -
primary_helpline_assessed_issue Assessment: Helpline Primary Issue, Label X(200)

Issue identified at Helpline assessment that has been flagged as primary by the Helpline caseworker, represented by a label

Specific Information:

Issue identified at Helpline assessment that has been flagged as primary by the Helpline caseworker.

primary_helpline_assessed_issue_grouped Assessment: Helpline Primary Issue, Grouped Label X(50)

Issue assessed as primary by a Helpline caseworker, represented by a group label

Specific Information:

CIW derived higher level grouping of PrimaryHelplineAssessedIssue

safety_outcome You don't have permission to see this Data Element. -
Specific Information:

Outcome of first (primary) safety assessment attached to the contact

- -
final_risk_level Assessment: Risk Level, Label X(22)

The level of risk determined in an assessment, as represented by a label.

Specific Information:

Outcome of the first (primary) risk assessment or alternate assessment attached to the contact. If a CYP has both a RA and an AA the AA takes precedence.

district Service Event: NSW Department of Communities and Justice District, Label X(40)

The District of the business unit where the report was sent by Helpline, as represented by a label.

Specific Information:

The District attached to the furthest stage of the child protection framework that has been progressed to on the following order from earliest to furthest: Contact, Helpline, Transfer, Triage, Case, Field Assessment

gender You don't have permission to see this Data Element. -
Specific Information:

Gender of person record at the time of extract

- -
dob Person: Date of birth, DDMMYYYY

The date of birth of the person, expressed as DDMMYYYY.

aboriginal_status_fa_cs_grouped Person: Indigenous Status, Grouped Label X(14)

Aboriginal Status, as represented by a grouped label

Specific Information:

Aboriginal Status at the time of extract

countryof_birth You don't have permission to see this Data Element. -
Specific Information:

Known data quality issues: Poor data recording

- -
contact_start_date_date You don't have permission to see this Data Element. -
Specific Information:

Date that contact was created at helpline

- -
contactor_role Service Event: Contactor Role, Label X(50)

The role of the person contacting Helpline within their organisation, or their relationship to the child being reported, as represented by a label.

contactor_type Service Event: Contactor Type, Label X(50)

The type of contact entity (person/organisation) that is contacting the Helpline, as represented by a label.

contactor_type_group Service Event: Contactor Type, Grouped Label X(45)

Type of organisation the person is contacting Helpline from, as represented by a grouped label.

mandatory_reporter Service Event: Mandatory Reporter, Yes/No Label X(3)

Flag indicating whether the contactor type is mapped as a mandatory reporter.

Specific Information:

This is based on mapping contactor type, the individual themselves may not identify as a mandatory reporter.

mrg_completed Service Event: Mandatory Reporter Guide Completed, Yes/No/Not Asked Label A(10)

A flag indicating whether the contactor completed the Mandatory Reporter Guide before making the report.

Specific Information:

Contactor is asked whether they have completed the Mandatory Reporter Guide before making the report.

primary_contact_reason Service Event: Primary Contact Reason, Label X(40)

Main reason for contacting the Helpline, as represented by a label

helpline_assessment_start_date Service Event: Start Date, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD

The date a service event commenced

transferto_district Service Event: NSW Department of Communities and Justice District, Label X(40)

The District of the business unit where the report was sent by Helpline, as represented by a label.

Specific Information:

First district the contact was transferred to from the Helpline

transferto_business_unit Service Event: Business Unit, Label X(50)

The Business Unit where the report was last sent by Helpline or another Business Unit if transferred on.

Specific Information:

First business unit the contact was transferred to from the Helpline

internal_organisation_district Organisation: NSW Department of Communities and Justice District, Label A(25)

A label that represents the area where the NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) are responsible for the delivery of DCJ services across Community Services and Housing of an organisation that provides services and/or care.

Specific Information:

District in which the business unit that created the triage record is assigned to

triage_decision_status Service Event: Triage Decision Status, Label X(30)

Indicates the point in the triage process a report is sitting, represented by a label.

allocation_purpose Service Event: Allocation Purpose, Label A(25)

Indicates the purpose of allocating a report to a caseworker, as represented by a label

legacy_identifier Record: Legacy Triage Identifier, Identifier X(12)

Unique ID associated with triage records migrated from KiDS

closure_reason Service Event: Case Closure Reason, Label X(50)

The reason a case was closed, as represented by a label

Specific Information:

Detailed reason for closing at triage stage

date_closure_decision You don't have permission to see this Data Element. - - -
risk_assessment_start_date Service Event: Start Date, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD

The date a service event commenced

Specific Information:

Date risk assessment was started - first

risk_reassessment_first_start_date Service Event: Start Date, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD

The date a service event commenced

Specific Information:

Date risk re-assessment was started - first

safety_assessment_start_date Service Event: Start Date, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD

The date a service event commenced

data_loader_unique_key Record: Filename, Text X(200)

File name (data) ingested into BigQuery, represented by text.

dob_ymd Person: Date of Birth, YYYYMMDD

The date of birth of the person, expressed as YYYYMMDD.

contact_start_date_date_ymd You don't have permission to see this Data Element. - - -
helpline_assessment_start_date_ymd You don't have permission to see this Data Element. - - -
date_closure_decision_ymd You don't have permission to see this Data Element. - - -
risk_assessment_start_date_ymd Assessment: Performed Date, YYYY-MM-DD

The date on which an assessment was conducted/commenced, expressed as YYYY-MM-DD.

risk_reassessment_first_start_date_ymd Service Event: Start Date, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD

The date a service event commenced

safety_assessment_start_date_ymd Service Event: Start Date, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD

The date a service event commenced

primary_language_spoken Person: Preferred Language, Label X(50)

The preferred language spoken by a given client, represented by a label.

Specific Information:

2018 - 2020

primary_cultural_identity Person: Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Background, Text X(50)

Self-enumeration of cultural and linguistic background, based on whether or not one was born in a country other than Australia, has a cultural background other than Australian, or can speak languages other than English, by respondents entering "free text".

Specific Information:

2019 - 2020

disability_flag_yn Person: Disability Status, Label X(20)

An indicator of whether a person has a disability

Specific Information:

2020 - 2020 (IN 2018)

disability_type_concatenated You don't have permission to see this Data Element. -
Specific Information:

2018 - 2019. Child and young people with multiple disabilities.

- -
perno Person: KiDS Number, Identifier X(14)

A person's internal Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) Person Identifier from the legacy KiDS system.

primary_helpline_assessed_issue_temp Assessment: Helpline Primary Issue, Label X(200)

Issue identified at Helpline assessment that has been flagged as primary by the Helpline caseworker, represented by a label

Specific Information:

2018 only

risk_level Assessment: Risk Level, Label X(22)

The level of risk determined in an assessment, as represented by a label.

Specific Information:

2018 only

fa_startdate - - - -
carer_issues_flag_a Assessment: Carer Issues Flag, Yes/No/NA Code A(A)

Flag to indicate the presence of any carer related issues by an Assessment (Helpline/Field), as represented by a code (Y/N).

Specific Information:

2018 only

cyp_issues_flag_a You don't have permission to see this Data Element. -
Specific Information:

2018 only

- -
domestic_violence_flag_a Assessment: Domestic Violence Flag, Yes/No/NA Code A(A)

Flag to indicate the presence of any Domestic Violence issues by an Assessment (Helpline/Field), as represented by yes/no code.

Specific Information:

2018 only. 

emotional_abuse_flag_a - - - -
neglect_flag_a Assessment: Neglect Flag, Yes/No/NA Code A(A)

Flag to indicate the presence of any neglect issues by an Assessment (Helpline/Field), as represented by a yes/no code.

Specific Information:

2018 only

physical_abuse_flag_a Assessment: Physical Abuse Flag, Yes/No/NA Code A(A)

Flag to indicate the presence of any physical abuse issues by an Assessment (Helpline/Field), as represented by a yes/no code.

Specific Information:

2018 only

sexual_abuse_flag_a Assessment: Sexual Abuse Flag, Yes/No/NA Code A(A)

Flag to indicate the presence of any sexual abuse issues by an Assessment (Helpline/Field), as represented by a yes/no code.

Specific Information:

2018 only

other_issues_flag_a You don't have permission to see this Data Element. -
Specific Information:

2018 only

- -
final_risk_level_a Assessment: Risk Level, Label X(22)

The level of risk determined in an assessment, as represented by a label.

Specific Information:

2018 only

internal_organisation_business_unit_a Organisation: Internal Business Unit, label X(50)

An Internal Business Unit that provides services and/or care, as represented by a label

Specific Information:

2018 only

allocated_to You don't have permission to see this Data Element. -
Specific Information:

2018 only

- -
date_transfer_decision_made Service Event: Decision Date, YYYY-MM-DD

The date on which a decision was made about the course of action to take in response to a child protection contact/assessment, expressed as YYYY-MM-DD.

Specific Information:

2018 only

transfer_purpose Service Event: Transfer Purpose, Text X(50)

Reason for transferring a (Triage record) report to/from Business Unit to another, as represented by text (description).

Specific Information:

2018 only

disability_body_function_abi You don't have permission to see this Data Element. -
Specific Information:

2018 only. Individuals do/do not experience an acquired brain injury.

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disability_mental_function_developmental_delay You don't have permission to see this Data Element. -
Specific Information:

2018 only. For people who have developmental delays.

- -
disability_body_function_hearing You don't have permission to see this Data Element. -
Specific Information:

2018 only. Individual does/does not experience acquired brain injury.

- -
disability_body_function_physical You don't have permission to see this Data Element. -
Specific Information:

2018 only. An individual does/does not experience physical disability.

- -
disability_body_function_speech You don't have permission to see this Data Element. -
Specific Information:

2018 only. The individual does/does not experience speech disability.

- -
disability_body_function_vision You don't have permission to see this Data Element. -
Specific Information:

2018 only. The individual does/does not experience vision impairment.

- -
disability_mental_function_autism You don't have permission to see this Data Element. -
Specific Information:

2018 only. Autism.

- -
disability_body_funtion_neurological You don't have permission to see this Data Element. -
Specific Information:

2018 only. The individual does/does not experience neurological impairement.

- -
disability_mental_function_intellectual You don't have permission to see this Data Element. -
Specific Information:

2018 only. Intellectual disabilities.

- -
disability_menal_function_psychiatric You don't have permission to see this Data Element. -
Specific Information:

2018 only. Psychiatric mental illness.

- -
disability_mental_function_learning_add - - - -
disability_body_funtion_deaf_blind You don't have permission to see this Data Element. -
Specific Information:

2018 only. The individual does/does not experience being deaf and blind.

- -
disability_body_structure_other You don't have permission to see this Data Element. -
Specific Information:

2018 only. The individual does/does not experience disability in other structure.

- -
disability_body_funtion_other You don't have permission to see this Data Element. -
Specific Information:

2018 only. The individual does/does not experience other disability in function.

- -
disability_body_function_physical_diverse You don't have permission to see this Data Element. -
Specific Information:

2018 only. The individual does/does not experience physical diverse disability.

- -
disability_mental_function_other - - - -
disability_body_structure_physical You don't have permission to see this Data Element. -
Specific Information:

2018 only. The individual does/does not experience disability in physical structure.

- -
disability_body_structure_speech You don't have permission to see this Data Element. -
Specific Information:

2018 only. The individual does/does not experience disability in speech structure.

- -
disability_mental_function_intellectual_learning You don't have permission to see this Data Element. -
Specific Information:

2018 only. Disability in intellectual learning.

- -
valid_rosh - - - -
role_type Service Event: Contactor Role, Label X(50)

The role of the person contacting Helpline within their organisation, or their relationship to the child being reported, as represented by a label.

Specific Information:

More detail required, values only contain 'Subject'.

other_helpline_assessed_issues1 You don't have permission to see this Data Element. -
Specific Information:

2018 only

Need to clarify purpose of the 13 fields with same data.

- -
other_helpline_assessed_issues2 Assessment: Helpline Primary Issue, Label X(200)

Issue identified at Helpline assessment that has been flagged as primary by the Helpline caseworker, represented by a label

Specific Information:

2018 only

Need to clarify purpose of the 13 fields with same data.

other_helpline_assessed_issues3 Assessment: Helpline Primary Issue, Label X(200)

Issue identified at Helpline assessment that has been flagged as primary by the Helpline caseworker, represented by a label

Specific Information:

2018 only

Need to clarify purpose of the 13 fields with same data.

other_helpline_assessed_issues4 Assessment: Helpline Primary Issue, Label X(200)

Issue identified at Helpline assessment that has been flagged as primary by the Helpline caseworker, represented by a label

Specific Information:

2018 only

Need to clarify purpose of the 13 fields with same data.

other_helpline_assessed_issues5 Assessment: Helpline Primary Issue, Label X(200)

Issue identified at Helpline assessment that has been flagged as primary by the Helpline caseworker, represented by a label

Specific Information:

2018 only

Need to clarify purpose of the 13 fields with same data.

other_helpline_assessed_issues6 Assessment: Helpline Primary Issue, Label X(200)

Issue identified at Helpline assessment that has been flagged as primary by the Helpline caseworker, represented by a label

Specific Information:

2018 only

Need to clarify purpose of the 13 fields with same data.

other_helpline_assessed_issues7 Assessment: Helpline Primary Issue, Label X(200)

Issue identified at Helpline assessment that has been flagged as primary by the Helpline caseworker, represented by a label

Specific Information:

2018 only

Need to clarify purpose of the 13 fields with same data.

other_helpline_assessed_issues8 Assessment: Helpline Primary Issue, Label X(200)

Issue identified at Helpline assessment that has been flagged as primary by the Helpline caseworker, represented by a label

Specific Information:

2018 only

Need to clarify purpose of the 13 fields with same data.

other_helpline_assessed_issues9 Assessment: Helpline Primary Issue, Label X(200)

Issue identified at Helpline assessment that has been flagged as primary by the Helpline caseworker, represented by a label

Specific Information:

2018 only

Need to clarify purpose of the 13 fields with same data.

other_helpline_assessed_issues10 Assessment: Helpline Primary Issue, Label X(200)

Issue identified at Helpline assessment that has been flagged as primary by the Helpline caseworker, represented by a label

Specific Information:

2018 only

Need to clarify purpose of the 13 fields with same data.

other_helpline_assessed_issues11 Assessment: Helpline Primary Issue, Label X(200)

Issue identified at Helpline assessment that has been flagged as primary by the Helpline caseworker, represented by a label

Specific Information:

2018 only

Need to clarify purpose of the 13 fields with same data.

other_helpline_assessed_issues12 Assessment: Helpline Primary Issue, Label X(200)

Issue identified at Helpline assessment that has been flagged as primary by the Helpline caseworker, represented by a label

Specific Information:

2018 only

Need to clarify purpose of the 13 fields with same data.

other_helpline_assessed_issues13 Assessment: Helpline Primary Issue, Label X(200)

Issue identified at Helpline assessment that has been flagged as primary by the Helpline caseworker, represented by a label

Specific Information:

2018 only

Need to clarify purpose of the 13 fields with same data.

fa_status Assessment: Field Assessment Status, Label X(10)

The status of a field assessment record, as represented by a label.

Specific Information:

2018 only

fa_outcome Service Event: Field Assessment Outcome, Label A(25)

The outcome of a field assessment, as represented by a label.

Specific Information:

2018 only.

fa_pathway - - - -
fa_reasons - - - -
carerissues_flag Assessment: Carer Issues Flag, Yes/No/NA Code A(A)

Flag to indicate the presence of any carer related issues by an Assessment (Helpline/Field), as represented by a code (Y/N).

Specific Information:

2018 only

cypissues_flag You don't have permission to see this Data Element. -
Specific Information:

2018 only

- -
domestic_violence_flag Assessment: Domestic Violence Flag, Yes/No/NA Code A(A)

Flag to indicate the presence of any Domestic Violence issues by an Assessment (Helpline/Field), as represented by yes/no code.

Specific Information:

2018 only

emotional_abuse_flag Assessment: Emotional Abuse Flag, Yes/No/NA Code A(A)

Flag to indicate the presence of any emotional abuse issues by an Assessment (Helpline/Field), as represented by a yes/no code.

Specific Information:

2018 only

neglect_flag You don't have permission to see this Data Element. -
Specific Information:

2018 only

- -
other_issues_flag Assessment: Other Issues Flag, Yes/No/NA Code A(A)

Flag to indicate the presence of any other issues not covered by other groupings by an Assessment (Helpline/Field), as represented by a yes/no code.

Specific Information:

2018 only

physical_abuse_flag Assessment: Physical Abuse Flag, Yes/No/NA Code A(A)

Flag to indicate the presence of any physical abuse issues by an Assessment (Helpline/Field), as represented by a yes/no code.

Specific Information:

2018 only

sexual_abuse_flag Assessment: Sexual Abuse Flag, Yes/No/NA Code A(A)

Flag to indicate the presence of any sexual abuse issues by an Assessment (Helpline/Field), as represented by a yes/no code.

Specific Information:

2018 only

substantiated_status Assessment: Substantiated Status, Label A(20)

The outcome of issues (i.e. the substantiated status) linked to the field assessment, as represented by a label.

Specific Information:

2018 only

sourceof_notification Service Event: Source of Notification, Label A(50)

A combination of contactor type and contactor role, as represented by a label.

Specific Information:

2018 only

primary_concern Service Event: Contact Primary Concern, Label X(100)

First concern reported to the Helpline, as represented by a label

Specific Information:

2018 only

record_status Service Event: Record Transfer Status, Label X(15)

The status of the transfer record, as represented by a label.

Specific Information:

2018 only

contact_outcome Service Event: Contact Outcome, Label X(100)

The outcome of a contact (concern report), as represented by a label

Specific Information:

2018 only

open_case_flag You don't have permission to see this Data Element. -
Specific Information:

2018 only

- -
open_transfer_flag You don't have permission to see this Data Element. -
Specific Information:

2018 only

- -
transfer_status - - - -
open_triage_flag You don't have permission to see this Data Element. -
Specific Information:

2018 only

- -
triage_outcome Service Event: Triage Outcome, Label A(20)

The outcome of the triage assessment, as represented by a label

Specific Information:

2018 only

triage_status Service Event: Triage Status, Label A(20)

The status of the triage assessment, as represented by a label

Specific Information:

2018 only

record_type Service Event: Triage Record Type, Label A(30)

Description of the triage record type, as represented by a label

Specific Information:

2018 only

csc Organisation: Internal Business Unit, label X(50)

An Internal Business Unit that provides services and/or care, as represented by a label

Specific Information:

2018 only

contactwith_cyp_flag You don't have permission to see this Data Element. -
Specific Information:

2018 only

- -
valid_contact_flag Record: Valid Contact Flag, Yes/No Code A(A)

A flag indicating whether the contact is valid, as represented by a code (Y/N).

Specific Information:

2018 only

valid_report_flag Record: Valid Report Flag, Yes/No Code A(A)

A flag indicating whether the report is valid, as represented by a code (Y/N).

Specific Information:

2018 only

re_report_flag Service Event: ReReport Flag, Yes/No/NA Code X

A flag indicating whether a report is a between 3 and 12 months after a previous ROSH report, as represented by a code (Y/N).

Specific Information:

2018 only

fa_startdate_ymd You don't have permission to see this Data Element. -
Specific Information:

2018 only

- -
date_transfer_decision_made_ymd Service Event: Decision Date, YYYY-MM-DD

The date on which a decision was made about the course of action to take in response to a child protection contact/assessment, expressed as YYYY-MM-DD.

Specific Information:

2018 only

legacy_kids_person_number Person: KiDS Number, Identifier X(14)

A person's internal Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) Person Identifier from the legacy KiDS system.

Specific Information:

Known data quality issues: Will only exist for records created prior to implementation of Childstory.
KiDS concordance: Allows for matching of clients to extracts created prior to ChildStory

finyear Record: Financial Year, YYYY-YY

The fiscal year or twelve month accounting period, which in Australia commences 1 July of a given calendar year and ends 30 June of the following calendar year relating to a report.

primary_field_assessment_assessed_issue Assessment: Helpline Primary Issue, Label X(200)

Issue identified at Helpline assessment that has been flagged as primary by the Helpline caseworker, represented by a label

Specific Information:

Issue identified at field assessment that has been flagged as primary by the caseworker.

primary_field_assessment_assessed_issue_grouped Assessment: Helpline Primary Issue, Grouped Label X(50)

Issue assessed as primary by a Helpline caseworker, represented by a group label

Specific Information:

CIW derived higher level grouping of Issue identified at field assessment that has been flagged as primary by the caseworker. Grouping based on matched data in PrimaryHelplineAssessedIssue

primary_field_assessment_assessed_issue_actual_harmor_riskof_harm Assessment: Field Assessment - Actual Harm or Risk of Harm, ROSH Label X(20)

Substantiated harm or risk for a child or young person, made by a caseworker during the field assessment process (part of the substantiation questions), as represented by a label.

Specific Information:

Part of the substantiation questions entered by caseworker during the field assessment process.

primary_field_assessment_assessed_issue_harm_type Assessment: Field Harm Type, Group Label X(30)

The type of harm identified in the primary assessed issue on the field assessment, as represented by a grouped label.

Specific Information:

Grouping of field assessment issues following substantiation

final_response_priority Service Event: Final Response Priority, Label X(40)

Final response priority determined by the Response Priority Tool at Helpline in relation to the report, as represented by a label

Specific Information:

Final response priority determined by the Response Priority Tool at Helpline in relation to the report

internal_organisation_business_unit Organisation: Internal Business Unit, label X(50)

An Internal Business Unit that provides services and/or care, as represented by a label

Specific Information:

The Business Unit (including CSCs) attached of the furthest stage of the child protection framework that has been progressed to on the following order from earliest to furthest: Contact, Helpline, Transfer, Triage, Case, Field Assessment

residential_address_postcode Person: Australian Postcode, Code NNNN

The numeric descriptor for an Australian postal delivery area, aligned with locality, suburb or place for the address of a person.

Specific Information:

Postcode recorded where child's residential address is known

cntrowid Person: KiDS Number, Identifier X(14)

A person's internal Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) Person Identifier from the legacy KiDS system.

contact_id Person: ChildStory Identifier, A-N(8)

Internal Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) Person identifier from ChildStory. 

helpline_assessment_id Record: Helpline Assessment ID, XXX-NNNNNNN

Unique ID assigned to last Helpline assessment record associated with the contact

ha_carer_issues_flag Assessment: Carer Issues Flag, Yes/No/NA Code A(A)

Flag to indicate the presence of any carer related issues by an Assessment (Helpline/Field), as represented by a code (Y/N).

ha_cyp_issues_flag You don't have permission to see this Data Element. - - -
ha_domestic_violence_flag You don't have permission to see this Data Element. -
Specific Information:

Flag based on presence of any DV issue in Child Protection Report: Primary Helpline Assessed Issue (Grouped)

- -
ha_emotional_abuse_flag Assessment: Emotional Abuse Flag, Yes/No/NA Code A(A)

Flag to indicate the presence of any emotional abuse issues by an Assessment (Helpline/Field), as represented by a yes/no code.

ha_neglect_flag Assessment: Neglect Flag, Yes/No/NA Code A(A)

Flag to indicate the presence of any neglect issues by an Assessment (Helpline/Field), as represented by a yes/no code.

ha_physical_abuse_flag Assessment: Physical Abuse Flag, Yes/No/NA Code A(A)

Flag to indicate the presence of any physical abuse issues by an Assessment (Helpline/Field), as represented by a yes/no code.

ha_sexual_abuse_flag Assessment: Sexual Abuse Flag, Yes/No/NA Code A(A)

Flag to indicate the presence of any sexual abuse issues by an Assessment (Helpline/Field), as represented by a yes/no code.

ha_other_issues_flag Assessment: Other Issues Flag, Yes/No/NA Code A(A)

Flag to indicate the presence of any other issues not covered by other groupings by an Assessment (Helpline/Field), as represented by a yes/no code.

triage_id_last Record: Triage Identifier, X(18)

Unique ID assigned to a Triage record associated with the contact/report

business_unit_triage Service Event: Business Unit, Label X(50)

The Business Unit where the report was last sent by Helpline or another Business Unit if transferred on.

field_assessment_id_first Record: Field Assessment, Identifier X(19)

Unique Identifier assigned to Field Assessment record by ChildStory

Specific Information:

Unique ID assigned to Field Assessment record by ChildStory (first record)

field_assessment_id_last Record: Field Assessment, Identifier X(19)

Unique Identifier assigned to Field Assessment record by ChildStory

Specific Information:

Unique ID assigned to Field Assessment record by ChildStory (last record)

field_assessment_pathway Service Event: Field Assessment Pathway, Label X(50)

Type of field assessment process undertaken -  the structured decision making safety and risk assessment (SARA) or the Alternate Assessment (AA).  The alternate assessment is used for children in OOHC, or where the reported concerns do not relate to a person within the household.

reasonfor_assessmentnot_proceeding Service Event: Reason for Assessment not Proceeding, Label X(50)

Detailed reason why field assessment did not proceed, as represented by a label

Specific Information:

2019 Onward

field_assessment_start_date_date Service Event: Start Date, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD

The date a service event commenced

fa_carer_issues_flag Assessment: Carer Issues Flag, Yes/No/NA Code A(A)

Flag to indicate the presence of any carer related issues by an Assessment (Helpline/Field), as represented by a code (Y/N).

fa_cyp_issues_flag You don't have permission to see this Data Element. - - -
fa_domestic_violence_flag Assessment: Domestic Violence Flag, Yes/No/NA Code A(A)

Flag to indicate the presence of any Domestic Violence issues by an Assessment (Helpline/Field), as represented by yes/no code.

Specific Information:

Flag based on presence of any DV issue in Child Protection Report: Primary Field Assessed Issue (Grouped)

fa_emotional_abuse_flag Assessment: Emotional Abuse Flag, Yes/No/NA Code A(A)

Flag to indicate the presence of any emotional abuse issues by an Assessment (Helpline/Field), as represented by a yes/no code.

fa_neglect_flag Assessment: Neglect Flag, Yes/No/NA Code A(A)

Flag to indicate the presence of any neglect issues by an Assessment (Helpline/Field), as represented by a yes/no code.

fa_other_issues_flag Assessment: Other Issues Flag, Yes/No/NA Code A(A)

Flag to indicate the presence of any other issues not covered by other groupings by an Assessment (Helpline/Field), as represented by a yes/no code.

fa_physical_abuse_flag Assessment: Physical Abuse Flag, Yes/No/NA Code A(A)

Flag to indicate the presence of any physical abuse issues by an Assessment (Helpline/Field), as represented by a yes/no code.

fa_sexual_abuse_flag Assessment: Sexual Abuse Flag, Yes/No/NA Code A(A)

Flag to indicate the presence of any sexual abuse issues by an Assessment (Helpline/Field), as represented by a yes/no code.

alternative_assessment_id Record: Alternative Assessment ID, X(19)

Unique ID assigned to the Alternate Assessment record by ChildStory (first record)

alternate_assessment_start_date Service Event: Start Date, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD

The date a service event commenced

alternate_assessment_risk_level You don't have permission to see this Data Element. - - -
risk_assessment_id_first Record: Risk Assessment ID, X(19)

Unique ID assigned to Risk Assessment record by ChildStory

Specific Information:

Unique ID assigned to Risk Assessment record by ChildStory (first record)

risk_assessment_id_last Record: Risk Assessment ID, X(19)

Unique ID assigned to Risk Assessment record by ChildStory

Specific Information:

Unique ID assigned to Risk Assessment record by ChildStory (last record)

ra_first_final_risk_level You don't have permission to see this Data Element. - - -
rra_first_final_risk_level You don't have permission to see this Data Element. - - -
safety_assessment_id_first Record: Safety Assessment, Identifier X(18)

Unique ID assigned to Safety Assessment record by ChildStory (first record)

case_record_id Record: Identifier, X(10)

A sequence of characters represented as an alphanumeric string which uniquely identifies an entity of an account of something, preserved in a lasting form.

Specific Information:

Unique ID assigned to CYPs case by ChildStory

other_helpline_assessed_issues Assessment: Other Assessed Issues, Label X(200)

Multiple other/non-primary assessed issues, as represented by a concatenation of labels (indicating multiple selections).

Specific Information:

Non primary issues recorded by the helpline

other_field_assessment_assessed_issues You don't have permission to see this Data Element. - - -
ageat_contact Person: Age, Total Years NNN

The age of the person in (completed) years at a specific point in time.

Specific Information:

Age of CYP at the time the contact was made to the helpline

case_plan_status Person: Case Status, Label X(30)

Approval/closure status of a case, as represented by a label

Specific Information:

Approval/closure status of a CYPs case plan record

case_closure_reason Service Event: Case Closure Reason, Label X(50)

The reason a case was closed, as represented by a label

Specific Information:

Known data quality issues: Reason can be entered while the case is still active. Closed or Closed Approved AND a closure date = closed, all else considered Active.

case_end_date_date Service Event: End Date, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD

The date a service event was completed.

Specific Information:

Unique ID assigned to CYPs case by ChildStory
Known data quality issues: Date can be recorded at any time, even when case is active. Closed or Closed Approved AND a closure date = closed, all else considered Active.

field_assessment_start_date_date_ymd Service Event: Start Date, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD

The date a service event commenced

Specific Information:

2019 Onward

alternate_assessment_start_date_ymd - -
Specific Information:

2019 Onward

- -
case_end_date_date_ymd Service Event: End Date, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD

The date a service event was completed.

Specific Information:

2019 Onward

preferred_language Person: Preferred Language, Label X(50)

The preferred language spoken by a given client, represented by a label.

Specific Information:

Known data quality issues: Poor data recording

primary_cultural_background Person: Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Background, Text X(50)

Self-enumeration of cultural and linguistic background, based on whether or not one was born in a country other than Australia, has a cultural background other than Australian, or can speak languages other than English, by respondents entering "free text".

Specific Information:

Known data quality issues: Poor data recording

disability_flag Person: Disability Status, Label X(20)

An indicator of whether a person has a disability

Specific Information:

Whether person has at least one recoded disability type
Known data quality issues: Poor data recording and likely subjective Not entered only introduced in 2019/20 snapshot. Recommend taking last known flag for each child based on finyear due to file being composite of different snapshots in time.

disability_impairment_nature Person: Disability Impairment, label X(100)

Type of disability impairment/type, as represented by a concatenation of labels (indicating multiple selections).

Specific Information:

Record of each disability type recorded against person record
Known data quality issues: Data Appears in single string, with disability types separated by the ; character. Take latest known (by finyear) disability details as snapshots are stationary and a child may have details in 2015 that are superseded by their details in 2019.

reported_by Service Event: Contact Reporter, Label A(40)

The type/function of contactor that wants to report a concern about a child or young person, as represented by a grouped label

Specific Information:

2021 Onward

first_name Person: Given Name, Text X(50)

The name of a person within the family group or by which the person is socially identified.

last_name Person: Family Name, Text X(50)

The text that represents a name by which a person’s family group may be identified. That part of a name a person usually has in common with some other members of his/her family, as distinguished from his/her given names.

contact_origin Service Event: Contact, Label X(25)

The means by which a Concern Report was received, as represented by a label

residential_address_postcodelocationatcontact Person: Australian Postcode, Code NNNN

The numeric descriptor for an Australian postal delivery area, aligned with locality, suburb or place for the address of a person.

Specific Information:

Known data quality issues: Only available from 2019/20 onwards.

reportwid Record: Identifier, N(8)

A sequence of characters represented as a numeric string which uniquely identifies a data warehouse record.

Specific Information:

2021 Onward