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Type of (primary) caregiver’s relationship to child in OOHC

Conceptual Domain

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Value Meaning Definition Start Date End Date
Permissible Values Other relative/kin A non-Indigenous caregiver (or a caregiver of unknown Indigenous status) who was a relative or who has a kinship relationship with the child
Independent living Includes private board and lead tenant
Non-Aboriginal residential care Includes other types of residential care not specified in the 'Indigenous residential care' definition in Aboriginal residential care
Other Aboriginal caregiver Indigenous caregiver who was not a relative and did not have a kinship relationship with the child
Other non-Aboriginal caregiver Includes other types of residential care not specified in the 'Indigenous residential care' definition in Non-Aboriginal residential care
Aboriginal relative/kin Indigenous caregiver who was a relative or who had a kinship relationship with the child.
Aboriginal residential care Includes residential care specifically for Indigenous children and/or where there are Indigenous workers.
Supplementary Values Other/unknown
Missing in mapping

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