Each Organisation can have 1 or more Outlet. The Outlet table contains the Outlet ID and Outlet Name under each Organisation ID.
Each Outlet in the table contains the address and postcode along with Longitude and Latitude of the location. It also has the Mesh Block and Statistical Area code (SA1, SA2, SA3 and SA4) code that can be linked to the ABS Geography Concordance.
A Current Record flag exist to indicate whether the Outlet is currently delivering TEI services to clients.
OUTLET table to contain the following data elements
Data source details
Provenance records
Generated distributions
Target early intervention: _2018_29_4_ti_outlet
Statuses: UnregisteredA1.5:TEI Outlet data
Path name | Data Element | Definition | Data Type | Format |
OUTLETID | Data Exchange: Outlet identifier, X(19) |
A number that represents a system-generated identifier for a unique outlet record in the Data Exchange. |
NAME | Organisation: Outlet Name, Text X(200) |
Text by which the nearest administrative premises is known or called where staff are based, and where they are likely to be travelling from to deliver services of the organisation engaged to provide services and/or care. |
ORGANISATIONID | Data Exchange: Organisation identifier, X(19) |
A system-generated identifier for a unique service provider record in the Data Exchange, represented by a number. |
OUTLETADDRESSLINE1 | Organisation: Address Line, Text X(180) |
A composite of one or more standard address components that describes a low level of geographical/physical description of a location of an organisation that provides services and/or care, recorded as a combination of alphanumeric characters. See Derivation items Address Line Derivation |
OUTLETADDRESSLINE2 | Organisation: Address Line, Text X(180) |
A composite of one or more standard address components that describes a low level of geographical/physical description of a location of an organisation that provides services and/or care, recorded as a combination of alphanumeric characters. See Derivation items Address Line Derivation |
OUTLETLOCALITY | Organisation: Suburb/town/locality name, text X(46) |
The full name of the general locality containing the specific address of an organisation that provides services and/or care, recorded as a combination of alphanumeric characters. |
OUTLETSTATE | Organisation: Australian State/Territory Identifier, Code X(3) |
A code that represents the state/territory services by a service provider organisation. |
OUTLETPOSTCODE | Organisation: Australian Postcode, code (Postcode datafile) NNNN |
The Australian numeric descriptor for a postal delivery area for an organisation's address. |
GPSORGANISATIONID | Organisation: SystemID, String X(14) |
A persistent system generated identifier. |
SYSSTARTTIME | Record: DateTime Stamp, YYYY-MM-DD |
A sequence of characters or encoded information identifying when a certain event occurred, on what day, and optionally including what particular time of day. |
DATETIME | YYYY-MM-DD(T00:00:00) |
SYSENDTIME | Record: DateTime Stamp, YYYY-MM-DD |
A sequence of characters or encoded information identifying when a certain event occurred, on what day, and optionally including what particular time of day. |
DATETIME | YYYY-MM-DD(T00:00:00) |
MB2016BOUNDARYCODE | Organisation: Statistical area, Mesh Block (MB) code (ASGS 2016), N(11) |
The geographical region represented by a Mesh Block (MB) code set in which an organisation or agency is located. |
SA12016BOUNDARYCODE | Organisation: Statistical area, area level 1 (SA1) code (ASGS 2016), N(11) |
The geographical region represented by a Statistical area level 1 (SA1) code set in which an organisation or agency is located. |
SA22016BOUNDARYCODE | Organisation: Statistical area, level 2 (SA2) code (ASGS 2016), N(9) |
The geographical region represented by a Statistical area level 2 (SA2) code set in which an organisation or agency is located. |
SA32016BOUNDARYCODE | Organisation: Statistical area, level 3 (SA3) code (ASGS 2016) N(5) |
The geographical region represented by a Statistical area level 3 (SA3) code set in which an organisation or agency is located. |
SA42016BOUNDARYCODE | Organisation: Statistical area, level 4 (SA4) code (ASGS 2016), [NNN] |
The geographical region represented by a Statistical area level 4 (SA4) code set in which an organisation or agency is located. |
STE2016BOUNDARYCODE | Organisation: Australian State/Territory Identifier, Code X(3) |
A code that represents the state/territory services by a service provider organisation. |
ACPR2015BOUNDARYCODE | Organisation: Aged Care Planning Region, Code N(9) |
The geographical region represented by a Statistical area level 2 (SA2) code set in which an organisation or agency is located. |
LATITUDE | Address: Geocode Latitude, Decimal degrees XNN.N(9) |
The geographic latitude of an address point on the earth, measured in decimal degrees north or south of the equator. |
LONGITUDE | Address: Geocode Longitude, Decimal Degrees XNNN.N(9) |
The geographic longitude of an address point on the earth, measured in decimal degrees east or west of the Greenwich Meridian. |
CURRENTRECORD | Record: Current Record Indicator, No/Yes Code N |
Whether a record is current or active, recorded as a code set representing 'no' and 'yes'. |
RECORDSEQNBR | Record: Sequence Number, NNN |
A system generated sequence of numbers that locates a client's historical record who attended one or more services funded to improve wellbeing. This number ensures a record is unique. |
AECFED2016BOUNDARYCODE | Person: Area of usual residence, Federal Electorate Label X(50) |
The Australian Electoral Commission (Federal) electoral division boundaries in which a person or group of people usually reside, as represented by a label.
Specific Information:
Required to provide flexibility when the dataset is used in conjunction with other data sets to provide alignment for spatial breakdowns. |
LGA2016BOUNDARYCODE | Person: Area of usual residence, LGA Code N(5) |
A code that represents the NSW Local Government Area in which a person or group of people usually reside.
Specific Information:
Required to provide flexibility when the dataset is used in conjunction with other data sets to provide alignment for spatial breakdowns. |
DCJ_NAME_2019 | Organisation: NSW Department of Communities and Justice District, Label A(25) |
A label that represents the area where the NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) are responsible for the delivery of DCJ services across Community Services and Housing of an organisation that provides services and/or care. |
CREATEDDATETIME | Record: DateTime Stamp, YYYY-MM-DD |
A sequence of characters or encoded information identifying when a certain event occurred, on what day, and optionally including what particular time of day. |
DATETIME | YYYY-MM-DD(T00:00:00) |
FILENAME | Record: Filename, Text X(200) |
File name (data) ingested into BigQuery, represented by text. |
BATCHID | Record: Batch Id, Text X(200) |
System generated identification generated when (data) ingested into BigQuery, represented by text. |
etl_run_dt | Record: DateTime Stamp, YYYY-MM-DD |
A sequence of characters or encoded information identifying when a certain event occurred, on what day, and optionally including what particular time of day. |
DATETIME | YYYY-MM-DD(T00:00:00) |