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The Standard Australian Classification of Countries (SACC 2016) code set representing a country.


Format NNNN
Maximum character length 4


The Standard Australian Classification of Countries (SACC) provides guidelines for consistent collection, aggregation and dissemination of statistics by country. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) endorses the use of this classification when collecting, aggregating and disseminating data relating to characteristics such as birthplace and country of residence. In addition to its use by the ABS, the SACC is also designed for use in the broader Australian statistical community, including government agencies, private companies and community organisations.

The country names within the SACC reflect country titles recognised by the Australian Government. The ABS monitors changes in the official recognition of country titles by the Australian Government and updates the SACC as necessary to ensure the classification remains current. The identification of countries and country groups within the SACC does not imply the expression of any opinion on the part of the ABS regarding the legal status of any country, territory, or area, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

Countries have four-digit codes (the first digit represents the parent major group code | the first two digits represent the parent minor group code and the final two digits represent the sequence of countries within a minor group)


This classification was developed for use in the collection, storage and dissemination of all Australian statistical data classified by country


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