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This Standard sets out requirements for data elements for the interchange of client information. 

The data elements covered comprise party identification, person details, organisation details, addressing, and electronic contact details.

Note: G-NAF field names differ from those used by the address standard AS4590:2006 and the National Address Management Framework (NAMF).

Metadata items in this Data Set Specification

Below is a list of all the components within this Dataset Specification.
Each entry includes the item name, whether the item is optional, mandatory or conditional and the maximum times the item can occur in a dataset.
If the items must occur in a particular order in the dataset, the sequence number is included before the item name.

Data Elements
Reference Data Element Data Type Length Inclusion #
Address: Geocode Geographic Datum, Text X(10) CHARACTERSTRING 10 optional 1
Address: Electronic Contact Usage, Code N CHARACTERSTRING 1 optional 1
Address: Australian State/Territory Identifier, Code X(3) ALPHASTRING 3 optional 1
Address: Postal Delivery Number, Identifier X(11) CHARACTERSTRING 11 optional 1
Address: Complex Road Type, Code AAAA ALPHASTRING 4 optional 1
Address: Address Currency Status, Code A CHARACTERSTRING 1 optional 1
Address: Start Time, hhmmss TIME 6 optional 1
Address: Geocode Positional Uncertainty, Total Metres NNNN.NNN DECIMAL 7 optional 1
Address: Geocode Latitude, Decimal degrees XNN.N(9) LATITUDE 12 optional 1
Address: Geocode Source Name, Text X(50) ALPHANUMERICSTRING 50 optional 1
Address: Country Calling Code, NNNNN NUMBERSTRING 5 optional 1
Address: Email Address, Text X(255) CHARACTERSTRING 255 optional 1
Address: Address Status, Code AAA CHARACTERSTRING 3 optional 1
Address: Geocode Height, Total Metres NNNNN.NNN DECIMAL 8 optional 1
Address: End Date, YYYYMMDD DATE 8 optional 1
Address: Postal Delivery Service Type, Code A(11) ALPHANUMERICSTRING 11 optional 1
Address: Geocode Longitude, Decimal Degrees XNNN.N(9) LONGITUDE 13 optional 1
Address: Complex Road Name, Text X(46) CHARACTERSTRING 46 optional 1
Address: Country Name, Code X(4) CHARACTERSTRING 4 optional 1
Address: Road Name, Text X(46) CHARACTERSTRING 46 optional 1
Address: Geocode Vertical Datum, Text X(10) CHARACTERSTRING 10 optional 1
Address: Floor/Level Type, Code AAAA CHARACTERSTRING 4 optional 1
Address: Complex Road Number 1, Text X(6) CHARACTERSTRING 6 optional 1
Address: Address Usage, Code AAA CHARACTERSTRING 3 optional 1
Address: End Time, hhmmss TIME 6 optional 1
Address: Geocode Containment Indicator, Code N NUMBERSTRING 1 optional 1
Address: Road Number, Identifier X(6) ALPHANUMERICSTRING 6 optional 1
Address: Postal Delivery Number, Identifier X(11) CHARACTERSTRING 11 optional 1
Address: Australian Area Code, NN NUMBERSTRING 1 optional 1
Address: Internet Communication Application, Text X(200) ALPHANUMERICSTRING 200 optional 1
Address: Complex Road Number 2, Text X(6) CHARACTERSTRING 6 optional 1
Address: Address Site Name, Text X(50) ALPHANUMERICSTRING 50 optional 1
Address: Electronic Contact Preference, Code N CHARACTERSTRING 1 optional 1
Address: Internet Product Username, Text X(500) CHARACTERSTRING 500 optional 1
Address: Complex Road Suffix, Code AA CHARACTERSTRING 2 optional 1
Address: Australian postcode, code (Postcode datafile) NNNN NUMBERSTRING 4 optional 1
Address: Road Suffix, Street Suffix Code AA CHARACTERSTRING 2 optional 1
Address: Start Date, YYYYMMDD DATE 8 optional 1
Address: Geocode Feature, Text X(40) CHARACTERSTRING 40 optional 1
Address: Level Number, Identifier X(6) ALPHANUMERICSTRING 6 optional 1
Address: Road type, Code AAAA ALPHASTRING 4 optional 1
Address: Secondary Complex Name, Text X(50) ALPHANUMERICSTRING 50 optional 1
Address: Suburb/Town/Locality Name, Text X(46) CHARACTERSTRING 46 optional 1
Address: Location Descriptor, Text X(50) ALPHANUMERICSTRING 50 optional 1
Address: Unit Number, Identifier X(7) ALPHANUMERICSTRING 7 optional 1
Address: Lot Number, Identifier X(6) ALPHANUMERICSTRING 6 optional 1
Address: Unit Type, Code AAAA CHARACTERSTRING 4 optional 1
Address: Telecommunication Device Functionality, Code NN CHARACTERSTRING 2 optional 1
Address: Physical Address Indicator, Code A(3) ALPHANUMERICSTRING 3 optional 1
Address: Telecommunication Device Non-Standard Functionality Description, Text X(256) CHARACTERSTRING 256 optional 1
Address: Telephone Number, Text X(16) CHARACTERSTRING 16 optional 1
Address: Telephone Service Line, Code N CHARACTERSTRING 1 optional 1
Address: Unstructured Address Line, Text X(50) ALPHANUMERICSTRING 50 optional 1
Address: Web Address, Text X(1100) CHARACTERSTRING 1100 optional 1
Identifier: Identifier Code, Text X(20) ALPHANUMERICSTRING 20 optional 1
Identifier: Identifier Issuer, Text X(200) ALPHANUMERICSTRING 200 optional 1
Identifier: Identifier Name, Text X(50) ALPHANUMERICSTRING 50 optional 1
Identifier: End Date, YYYYMMDD DATE 8 optional 1
Identifier: Start Date, YYYYMMDD DATE 8 optional 1
Identifier: Identifier Status, Code N CODE 1 optional 1
Organisation: Activity Status End Date, YYYYMMDD DATE 8 optional 1
Organisation: Activity Status Start Date, YYYYMMDD DATE 8 optional 1
Organisation: Activity Status, Code N NUMBERSTRING 1 optional 1
Organisation: Australian State/Territory Identifier, Code N INTEGERNUMBER 1 optional 1
Organisation: Broad Economic Sector, (SESCA 2008) Code N NUMBERSTRING 1 optional 1
Organisation: Entity Type, (ABN) Code A(3) CHARACTERSTRING 3 optional 1
Organisation: Industry Type, (ANZSIC 2nd Edition) Code NNNN CHARACTERSTRING 4 optional 1
Organisation: Institutional Sector, (SESCA 2008) Code NNNN NUMBERSTRING 4 optional 1
Organisation: Level of Government, Code N NUMBERSTRING 1 optional 1
Organisation: Name End Date, YYYYMMDD DATE 8 optional 1
Organisation: Name Start Date, YYYYMMDD DATE 8 optional 1
Organisation: Name Type, Code AAA CHARACTERSTRING 3 optional 1
Organisation: Type of Legal Organisation, (TOLO) Code NN NUMBERSTRING 2 optional 1
Organisation: Organisation Name, Text X(200) ALPHANUMERICSTRING 200 optional 1
Organisation: Registration Description, Text X(200) ALPHANUMERICSTRING 200 optional 1
Organisation: Registration End Date, YYYYMMDD DATE 8 optional 1
Organisation: Registration Start Date, YYYYMMDD DATE 8 optional 1
Person: Country of birth, code (SACC 2016) NNNN NUMBERSTRING 4 optional 1
Person: Country of Citizenship, Code NNNN NUMBERSTRING 4 optional 1
Person: Date of Birth, YYYYMMDD DATE 8 optional 1
Person: Date of Death, YYYYMMDD DATE 8 optional 1
Person: Family Name, Text X(50) ALPHANUMERICSTRING 50 optional 1
Person: Full Name, Text X(500) ALPHANUMERICSTRING 500 optional 1
Person: Gender, Code N NUMBERSTRING 1 optional 1
Person: Given Name, Text X(50) ALPHANUMERICSTRING 50 optional 1
Person: Name Sequence Number, Number N NUMBERSTRING 1 optional 1
Person: Name Suffix, Code X(5) ALPHANUMERICSTRING 5 optional 1
Person: Name Title, Code X(12) ALPHANUMERICSTRING 12 optional 1
Person: Name Usage End Date, YYYYMMDD DATE 8 optional 1
Person: Name Usage Start Date, YYYYMMDD DATE 8 optional 1
Person: Name Usage Type, Code AAA ALPHANUMERICSTRING 3 optional 1
Person: Occupation, Code (ANZSCO 2013 Version 1.2) N(6) NUMBERSTRING 6 optional 1
Person: Relationship Status, Code N ALPHANUMERICSTRING 1 optional 1
Person: Sex, Code N NUMBERSTRING 1 optional 1


Wherever possible, the definitions of data elements in this Standard are based on existing standards. Reference has been made to International and Australian Standards, and to standards from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Part 1: Data elements and interchange formats

This Standard was prepared by Standards Australia Subcommittee IT-004-07, Revision of AS 4590, for Standards Australia Committee IT-004, Geographical Information/Geomatics, to supersede AS 4590—2006 Interchange of client information.

This revised Standard is a result of industry and government concern at the myriad of data interchange formats used within the information technology industry for the exchange of client information and the requirement of machine to machine sharing of client information across platforms. The objective of this Standard is to provide industry common client data elements and formats for data storage and interchange that will eliminate the need for creative variations.

This Standard will improve identification practices within a party. For parties that match, validate and interchange client information this Standard will improve matching processes.

The abbreviations, data interchange descriptions and recommendations are aimed at improving data accuracy and interoperability.

The addressing information interchange, Section 5 of this Standard, has been aligned with AS/NZS 4819 Rural and urban addressing. AS/NZS 4819 was compiled to direct authorities required to allocate physical addresses, whether they be to properties, features or facilities. This revision of AS 4590 has been extended to cater for new address provisions noted in AS/NZS 4819 and has been reviewed and amended to minimize ambiguity and maximize understanding in client data interchange. Whether such information is exchanged as simple text files or structured XML files, this Standard aims to ensure a common understanding by both the sender and receiver of the data content.

AS/NZS 4819 and Amendment 1 to AS/NZS 4819 should be consulted when assigning addresses; AS 4590 need not be used for this purpose. Amendment 1 to AS/NZS 4819 is in the form of a guideline that provides explicit advice on the structure of addresses that are assigned. 


Originated as part of AS 4212—1994.Previous edition 2006.This edition 2017. Originated as part of AS 4212-1994. Previous edition 2006. This edition 2017. Reissued incorporating Amendment No. 1 (July 2020).

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