Age-appropriate development: where the client is seeking to improve age-appropriate development.
Community participation and networks: where the client is seeking to change the impact of poor community participation and networks on their independence, participation and wellbeing.
Education / employment
Employment: to change the impact of a client’s lack of employment on their independence, participation and wellbeing.
Family functioning: where the client is seeking to improve family functioning and change its impact on their independence, participation and wellbeing.
Housing: where the client is seeking to improve their housing stability or address the impact of poor housing on their independence, participation and wellbeing.
Material wellbeing and basic necessities: to address the client’s immediate lack of money and basic items needed for day-to-day living and to improve their independence, participation and wellbeing.
Mental health, wellbeing and self-care: where the client is seeking to change the impact of mental health issues and self-care issues on their independence, participation and wellbeing.
Financial Resilience: where the client is seeking to improve financial resilience and change its impact to improve the client’s independence, participation and wellbeing.
Personal and family safety: where the client is seeking to change the impact of personal and family safety issues on their independence, participation and wellbeing.
Physical health: where the client is seeking to change the impact of their physical health on their independence, participation and wellbeing.
Education and skills training: where the client is seeking to engage with education and skills training to improve their independence, participation and wellbeing.