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A NSW Government website
Metadata.NSW (beta)

The New South Wales Department of Communities and Justice is responsible for the delivery of services to some of the most disadvantaged individuals, families and communities; and the administration and development of a just and equitable legal system of courts, tribunals, laws and other mechanisms that further the principles of justice in the state of New South Wales.

DCJ is the lead agency in the Stronger Communities Cluster, which aims to create safe, just, inclusive and resilient communities through its services.

The department enables services to work together to support everyone's right to access justice and other help for families, and strengthen the promotion of early intervention and inclusion, with benefits for the whole community.

Metadata on this page have been through the Family and Community Service Insights, Analysis and Research (FACSIAR) Data Committee metadata development process. This metadata supports the FACSIAR data collections and has been developed by subject matter experts. The metadata has been reviewed and assigned to a steward. A steward has the responsibility to properly maintain the metadata through its lifecycle of create, endorse, review and retire.


Early Intervention   Family Preservation (FP)
Child Protection   Out of Home Care (OOHC)
Housing   Homelessness
DCJ Indicator Bank


NSW Human Service Data Set (HSDS)
Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ)



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