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Metadata for IAC0407 tables containing data for calendar years 2014 to 2023. Each related table contains data for a specific year.

  • Voluntary school contributions are payments made by parents or carers to enhance available educational programs.
  • Subject contributions are payments made by parents or carers to fund elective subjects which the student is enrolled in, for resources that go beyond the minimum requirements of the curriculum.
  • All schools may request contributions from parents and carers of students enrolled in the school to enhance educational programs.
  • The payment of voluntary school contributions is at the discretion of parents and carers. The NSW Education Act states that instruction provided in government schools is to be free of charge, except for overseas students. Students must have access to the minimum curriculum and not be denied the opportunity to meet syllabus requirements because of non-payment of voluntary school contributions.
  • Schools may request contributions for elective subjects for resources that go beyond the minimum requirements of the curriculum following consultation with the school community. Parents and carers who are unable to pay elective subject contributions because of financial hardship may be eligible for assistance
    from the school.
  • Principals can decide on voluntary school contributions and elective subject contributions following consultation with the school community, through structures such as the Parents and Citizens Association (P&C) or the finance/resourcing committee.
  • Principals must ensure that students and families who are unable to make a voluntary school contribution or elective subject contribution do not experience any embarrassment or discrimination. Schools must maintain confidentiality and privacy regarding payment of contributions.

Data Source: Financial Controlling, Finance Directorate. NSW Department of Education.

Data source details

Format type
Creative Commons Attribution
Path name Data Element Definition Data Type Format
School Name School: Name, Official Text X

The official name by which a school is recognised and known, as signed off by the NSW Education Minister.

General school contributions School: Income, AUD Currency N

Financial income received by NSW schools, represented in Australian currency (AUD). 

Specific Information:

This field relates to the voluntary financial contributions from parents to schools, to enhance available educational programs.

Subject contributions School: Income, AUD Currency N

Financial income received by NSW schools, represented in Australian currency (AUD). 

Specific Information:

This field relates to the voluntary financial contributions from parents to schools, to fund elective subjects.



Data Source: Financial Controlling, Finance Directorate. NSW Department of Education.