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A label set representing specialist support classes currently available at NSW public schools.




Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values Supporting students with autism and/or moderate intellectual disability (IO/Au)
Supporting students with a range of disabilities with similar support needs (MC Multi Categorical)
Supporting students with autism (Au)
Supporting students with mild intellectual disability (IM)
Supporting students with moderate and students with severe intellectual disability (IO/IS)
Supporting students with disability prior to school (EI Early Intervention)
Supporting students with moderate intellectual disability (IO)
Supporting students with mental health issues (ED Emotional Disturbance)
Supporting students who are deaf or hearing impaired (H)
Supporting students with physical disability (P)
Supporting students with severe intellectual disability (IS)
Supporting students with behavioural issues (BD)
Supporting students requiring intensive behavioural and educational support (Tutorial centres and programs)
Supporting students via the Centre for Effective Reading
Supporting students with mental health issues (State wide ED)
Supporting students who are blind or vision impaired (V)
Supporting students who are Deaf/Blind (DB)

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Data Elements implementing this Value Domain 1