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The Specialist Homelessness Services (SHS) Program is the primary NSW Government response to homelessness. SHS are a vital part of the broader service system that supports people who are experiencing, or are at risk of homelessness.

The SHS Program aims to ensure people who are homeless or at risk are supported to achieve safe and stable housing in the community. SHS are a vital part of the broader social service system, which includes mainstream and specialist services.

Support Period: The period of time a client receives services from an agency is referred to as a support period. A support period starts on the day the client first receives a service from an agency and ends when:

  • the relationship between the client and the agency ends
  • the client has reached the maximum amount of support the agency can offer
  • a client has not received any services from the agency for a whole calendar month and does not have an appointment booked with the agency
  • there is no ongoing relationship


Data source details

Path name Data Element Definition Data Type Format
organisation_id Service provider organisation: Organisation identifier, NNNNNA

A unique identifier comprised of a logical combination of numeric and alphanumeric characters which identifies an agency.

Specific Information:

Number of clients who applied for a government benefit, pension or allowance, but are still awaiting their first payment; as at last reported.

shs_agency_name Organisation: Organisation Name, SHS Label

The full title of an SHS Agency's name.

support_period_identifier Record: Identifier, N(12)

Numeric identifier allocated during processing to uniquely identify this support period

date_support_period_commenced Service Episode: Episode Start Date, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD

The date expressed as YYYYMMDD on which a service episode/support period commenced.

date_support_period_finished Service Episode: End Date, YYYY-MM-DD

The date on which a service episode/support period was completed, expressed as YYYYMMDD.

assistance_request_date Service Event: Assistance Request Date, YYYY-MM-DD

The date on which assistance from an agency is requested, expressed as DDMMYYYY.

Clientid Person: Identifier, NX(14)

A code that uniquely identifies a person within a state or territory.

date_of_birth Person: Date of Birth, YYYYMMDD

The date of birth of the person, expressed as YYYYMMDD.

language_at_home Person: Main language other than English spoken at home, Language code (ASCL 2016) N(4)

The language reported by a person as the main language other than English spoken by that person in his/her home (or most recent private residential setting occupied by the person) to communicate with other residents of the home or setting and regular visitors, as represented by a code.

Year_of_Arrival_In_Aust Person: Year of First Arrival in Australia, Date YYYY

The year a person (born outside of Australia) first arrived in Australia, from another country, with the intention of staying in Australia for one year or more.

relationship_to_puh Person: Relationship to Presenting Unit Head, Code NN

Relation of the person to the presenting unit head, as represented by a code.

new_client_ind Person: New client indicator, Yes/no code N

Whether the person has been a client of this Agency before.

Formal_Referral_Source Service Event: Referral Source, Homelessness Code NN

A code that represents the person, entity or agency responsible for the formal referral of a client to a SHS agency.

Assist_Main_Reason Person: Reason for Seeking Assistance, Homelessness code NN

A code that represents the main reason a person seeks assistance from a SHS agency.

Time_Since_Most_Recent_Addr Person: Period of time since last permanent living place, code N

The period of time since the person occupied a permanent living place, as represented by a code.

last_permanent_address_state Person: Australian State/Territory Identifier, Code N

The code that represents the Australian state or territory where a person can be located.

last_permanent_address_locality Person: Suburb/town/locality name, Text X(50)

The full name of the locality contained within the specific address of a person, as represented by text.

last_permanent_address_postcode Person: Australian Postcode, Code NNNN

The numeric descriptor for an Australian postal delivery area, aligned with locality, suburb or place for the address of a person.

address_last_week_state Person: Australian State/Territory Identifier, Code N

The code that represents the Australian state or territory where a person can be located.

address_last_week_locality Person: Suburb/town/locality name, Text X(50)

The full name of the locality contained within the specific address of a person, as represented by text.

address_last_week_postcode Person: Australian Postcode, Code NNNN

The numeric descriptor for an Australian postal delivery area, aligned with locality, suburb or place for the address of a person.

Diagnosed_Mental_Health Person: Formally Diagnosed Mental Health Condition Indicator, Yes/No Code N

An indicator of whether a person has been diagnosed with a mental health condition by a doctor, nurse or other relevant health professional, as represented by a code.

Mental_Health_Services_Recd Person: Mental health services received, Code N(2)

An indicator of whether a person has received mental health services for a mental health issue, as represented by a code.

Mental_Illness_Info_Sources Person: Mental Illness Information Source, code N

Sources of additional information regarding a client's mental health issue, as represented by a code.

Living_Arngmnt_Wkbef Person: Living Arrangement, Homelessness Code N(2)

The living arrangement of a client and whether they reside alone or live with others, as represented by a code.

Specific Information:

Number of clients by living arrangement of a client as at the week before first presentation to SHS.

Dwelling_Wkbef Person: Residential type, code NN

A person's type of residential arrangement, as represented by a code.

Specific Information:

Number of clients by type of residential arrangement as at the week before first presentation to SHS.

tenure_wkbef Person: Housing tenure type, Homelessness code N

The arrangement under which a person occupies a dwelling, as represented by a code.

Specific Information:

Number of clients by arrangement under which a person occupies a dwelling as at the week before first presentation to SHS

Occupancy_Wkbef Person: Conditions of Occupancy Arrangement, Code N

A description of the type of conditions of occupancy, for a person's accommodation arrangement, as represented by a code.

Specific Information:

Number of clients by conditions of occupancy as at the week before first presentation to SHS.

labour_force_status_wkbef Person: Labour Force Status, Code N

The self-reported status of the client being either in the labour force (employed/unemployed) or not in the labour force, as represented by a code.

Specific Information:

Number of clients by labour force status as at the week before first presentation to SHS.

FT_PT_Status_Wkbef Person: Full-time/part-time status, code N

Whether a person in paid employment is employed full-time or part-time, as represented by a code.

Specific Information:

Number of clients by full-time or part-time employment status as at the week before first presentation to SHS.

Source_Of_Income_Wkbef Person: Principal Source of Cash Income, SHS Code NN

A code that represents the source from which a person derives the greatest proportion of his/her income.

Specific Information:

Number of clients by the source from which a person derives the greatest proportion of their cash income as at the week before first presentation to SHS.

Awaiting_Govt_Pymnt_Ind_Wkbef Person: Registered/Awaiting Government Payment Indicator, Yes/No Code N

An indicator of whether a person has applied for a government benefit, pension or allowance, but is still awaiting their first payment, as represented by a code.

Specific Information:

Number of clients by whether they were awaiting a government benefit as at the week before first presentation to SHS.

student_ind_wkbef Person: Student/employment training indicator, Yes/no code N

An indicator of whether a person is undertaking formal study or employment training, as represented by a code.

Specific Information:

Number of clients by whether they were undertaking formal study or employment training as at the week before first presentation to SHS.

student_type_wkbef Person: Student Type, Code N

The type of education or training undertaken by a student, as represented by a code.

Specific Information:

Number of clients by type of education or training undertaken as at the week before first presentation to SHS.

Care_And_Prot_Order_Wkbef Child: Care Arrangements, Care and Protection Order Code NN

A code that represents the type of a care arrangement in which a child lives.

Specific Information:

Number of clients who report a care or protection order in place, as at at the week before first presentation to SHS. 

Living_Arngmnt_Present Person: Living Arrangement, Homelessness Code N(2)

The living arrangement of a client and whether they reside alone or live with others, as represented by a code.

Specific Information:

Number of clients by living arrangement of a client as at time of first presentation to SHS.

Dwelling_Present Person: Residential type, code NN

A person's type of residential arrangement, as represented by a code.

Specific Information:

Number of clients by type of residential arrangement of a client as at time of first presentation to SHS.

tenure_present Person: Housing tenure type, Homelessness code N

The arrangement under which a person occupies a dwelling, as represented by a code.

Specific Information:

Number of clients by arrangement under which a person occupies a dwelling of a client as at time of first presentation to SHS.

Occupancy_Present Person: Conditions of Occupancy Arrangement, Code N

A description of the type of conditions of occupancy, for a person's accommodation arrangement, as represented by a code.

Specific Information:

Number of clients by conditions of occupancy of a client as at time of first presentation to SHS.

labour_force_status_present Person: Labour Force Status, Code N

The self-reported status of the client being either in the labour force (employed/unemployed) or not in the labour force, as represented by a code.

Specific Information:

Number of clients by labour force status of a client as at time of first presentation to SHS.

FT_PT_Status_Present Person: Full-time/part-time status, code N

Whether a person in paid employment is employed full-time or part-time, as represented by a code.

Specific Information:

Number of clients by full-time or part-time employment status of a client as at time of first presentation to SHS.

Source_Of_Income_Present Person: Principal Source of Cash Income, SHS Code NN

A code that represents the source from which a person derives the greatest proportion of his/her income.

Specific Information:

Number of clients by the source from which a person derives the greatest proportion of their cash income of a client as at time of first presentation to SHS.

Awaiting_Govt_Pymnt_Ind_Present Person: Registered/Awaiting Government Payment Indicator, Yes/No Code N

An indicator of whether a person has applied for a government benefit, pension or allowance, but is still awaiting their first payment, as represented by a code.

Specific Information:

Number of clients by whether they were awaiting a government benefit of a client as at time of first presentation to SHS.

student_ind_present Person: Student/employment training indicator, Yes/no code N

An indicator of whether a person is undertaking formal study or employment training, as represented by a code.

Specific Information:

Number of clients by whether they were undertaking formal study or employment training of a client as at time of first presentation to SHS.

student_type_present Person: Student Type, Code N

The type of education or training undertaken by a student, as represented by a code.

Specific Information:

Number of clients by type of education or training undertaken of a client as at time of first presentation to SHS.

education_at_present Person: School Enrolment and Attendance Status, Code N

The school enrolment and attendance status of a person as at their first presentation, as represented by a code.

Specific Information:

Number of clients by school enrolment and attendance status of a client as at time of first presentation to SHS.

Care_And_Prot_Order_Present Child: Care Arrangements, Care and Protection Order Code NN

A code that represents the type of a care arrangement in which a child lives.

Specific Information:

Number of clients who report a care or protection order in place, as at time of first presentation to SHS. 

Service_Episode_End_Reason Service episode: Service cessation reason, homelessness code NN

The reason a service episode ended for a client of an agency, as represented by a code.

Client_country_of_Birth Person: Country of birth, code (SACC 2016) NNNN

The country in which the person was born, as represented by a code.

date_of_birth_accuracy_ind Date: Accuracy Indicator, Code AAA

A code that represents the accuracy of the components of a reported date.

consent_obtained_ind Record: Consent Indicator, No/Yes Code N

Whether consent is given or not, recorded as a code set representing 'no' and 'yes'. (0 and 1)

count_in_presenting_unit Person: Number of people presenting, Total NN

The number of people presenting as a unit or group, represented by the total number of people.

pulk_support_period_identifier Person: Linkage Key, Identifier X(30)

A key (presenting unit linkage key) that enables two or more records belonging to the same individual (presenting unit) to be brought together.

source_support_period_id Record: Linkage Key, Identifier X(30)

A key that enables two or more records belonging to the same individual to be brought together.

source_pulk_support_period_id Person: Linkage Key, Identifier X(30)

A key (presenting unit linkage key) that enables two or more records belonging to the same individual (presenting unit) to be brought together.

source_client_id Person: Identifier, X(15)

A unique identifier assigned to a person that is taken directly from the source system.

Specific Information:

Transitory variable retained in files for calculations - IGNORE

collection_period_identifier Service episode: Reporting period, Date YYYY-MM-DD

The calendar month and year during which support period information is collected, represented as YYYY-MM-DD.

source_file_type Record: File Source Type, Code A(4)

A code that represents the File Source Type.

Specific Information:

Transitory variable retained in files for calculations - IGNORE

NDIS_Ind Person: Participation in National Disability Insurance Scheme indicator, Yes/no code N

An indicator of whether a person is a participant in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), as represented by a code.

Intersex_Ind Person: Intersex Indicator, Yes/No/Prefer Not to Say Code N

A code that represents whether a person is born with genetic, hormonal or physical sex characteristics that are not typically male or female. Intersex people have a diversity of bodies and identities.

Gender_Diversity_Ind Person: Gender Identity Diverse, Yes/No/Prefer Not to Say Code N

A code that represents whether a person does not fall within the traditional binary notions of sex and gender (male and females). This may include people who identify as a gender different to their birth sex or as neither male nor female. Other terms commonly associated include trans, transgender, transsexual, gender queer, pan-gendered, androgynous and inter-gender. Some cultures may have their own terms for gender identities outside male and female.

proficiency_in_spoken_english Person: Proficiency in spoken English, code N

A person's self-assessed level of ability to speak English, as represented by a code.

Period13 Record: Period13, Code N

A code that identifies a period of time

Specific Information:

Transitory variable retained in files for calculations - IGNORE

age Person: Age, Total Years NNN

The age of the person in (completed) years at a specific point in time.

ClosedSupportPeriod Person: Closed Support Period, Indicator Code N(2)

An indicator to show a person with all support periods closed in the reporting period. That is, they have no open support periods.

Support_Period_Length Service Episode: Number of Support Period Days, Total Days N(5)

The support period length in terms of days.

Support_Period_Length_RP Service Episode: Number of Support Period Days, Total Days N(5)

The support period length in terms of days.

FACS Person: NSW Department of Communities and Justice District, DCJ Code NN

A code that represents a Department of Communities and Justice District in NSW attached to the location of the SHS agency.

MainReasonForSeekAssistance Person: Grouped Reason for Seeking Assistance, Homelessness code NN

A code that represents the main reason a person seeks assistance from a SHS agency.

Indigenous_Status Person: Indigenous Status, Indicator Code N(2)

A code that represents whether a person is identified as being either Indigenous or Non Indigenous.

Sex_id Person: Sex, Code X

The sex identified by a person, represented by a label.

ADF_Ind Person: Australian Defence Force indicator, Yes/no code N

An indicator of whether a person has served in the Australian Defence Force, as represented by a code.

interpreter_required Person: Interpreter requirement, Yes/No/Not Known Code N(2)

Interpreter service required by the person, as represented by a code.

Assist_reason1 Assistance Reason: Financial Difficulties, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the reason for seeking assistance was due to financial difficulties, such as insufficient money to pay for accommodation, food, bills or other essentials; if the person has adequate financial resources but has difficulties managing these resources; or if the person doesn't have the financial resources to meet rental commitments.

Assist_reason2 Assistance Reason: Housing Affordability Stress, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the reason for seeking assistance was due to housing affordability stress, such as current rent on the leased property being too high, or they are having difficulty meeting mortgage repayments, creating stress with general living expenses.

Assist_reason3 Assistance Reason: Housing Crisis, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the reason for seeking assistance was due to a housing crisis, such as being formally evicted from previous accommodation arrangement (for example, by a landlord or public housing official) or if the person was asked to leave their previous accommodation (for example, if the person was asked to leave by flatmates).

Assist_reason4 Assistance Reason: Inadequate or Inappropriate Dwelling Conditions, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the reason for seeking assistance was due to an inadequate or inappropriate dwelling, such as overcrowding, unsuitable or unsafe dwelling conditions.

Assist_reason5 Assistance Reason: Previous Accommodation Ended, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the reason for seeking assistance was due to previous accommodation no longer being available (for example the breakup of a group home or rental property being sold by the owner).

Assist_reason6 Assistance Reason: Time Out from Family/Other Situation, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the reason for seeking assistance was due to needing time away from family or non-related individuals.

Assist_reason7 Assistance Reason: Relationship/Family Breakdown, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the reason for seeking assistance was due to family or relationship breakdown, such as dissolution of a spouse/partner relationship or other family relationship.

Assist_reason8 Assistance Reason: Sexual Abuse, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the reason for seeking assistance was due to sexual abuse inflicted on the client by a family member or non-related individual.

Assist_reason9 Assistance Reason: Domestic and Family Violence, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the reason for seeking assistance was due to domestic and family violence, such as physical or emotional abuse inflicted on the person by a family member.

Assist_reason10 Assistance Reason: Non-Family Violence, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the reason for seeking assistance was due to non-family violence, such as physical or emotional abuse inflicted on the client by a non-related individual; or sought assistance as a result of violence or a threat of violence inflicted by a non-related individual.

Assist_reason11 Assistance Reason: Mental Health Issues, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the reason for seeking assistance was due to mental health issues. This does not include a situation in which the person sought assistance as a result of another person’s mental health issues.

Assist_reason12 Assistance Reason: Medical Issues, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the reason for seeking assistance was because of medical issues, such as any conditions that are, or have been treated or diagnosed by a health professional.

Assist_reason13 Assistance Reason: Problematic Drug or Substance Use, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the reason for seeking assistance was due to their drug related problem. This does not include a situation in which the person sought assistance as a result of drug abuse by another person.

Assist_reason14 Assistance Reason: Problematic Alcohol Use, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the reason for seeking assistance was due to their alcohol related problem. This does not include a situation in which the person sought assistance as a result of alcohol use by another person.

Assist_reason15 Assistance Reason: Employment Difficulties, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the reason for seeking assistance was due to employment difficulties or changes to employment, that negatively impacts on their ability to work or on their life outside work. This includes cases where employment difficulties are creating current or future financial problems, such as: difficulty maintaining employment; recently losing employment, or a change in employment conditions, such as reduction in pay/hours and so forth; bullying or harassment; unsafe employment conditions (that is, health safety risks); or unfair or illegal workplace practices/conditions (such as excessive workload, inflexible hours).

Assist_reason16 Assistance Reason: Unemployment, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the reason for seeking assistance was due to unemployment, such as difficulties obtaining or maintaining employment and is currently unemployed.

Assist_reason17 Assistance Reason: Problematic Gambling, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the reason for seeking assistance was due to problematic gambling, such as they had insufficient means to cover the cost of living as a consequence of a one-off instance or an ongoing gambling problem.

Assist_reason18 Assistance Reason: Transition from Custodial Arrangements, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the reason for seeking assistance was due to a recent release from a custodial institution such as prison or detention centre.

Assist_reason19 Assistance Reason: Transition from Other Care Arrangements, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the reason for seeking assistance was due to recent release from a care institution such as a hospital or disability care arrangement.

Assist_reason20 Assistance Reason: Transition from Foster Care and Child Safety Residential Placements, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the reason for seeking assistance was due to transitioning from foster care or child safely placement.  Child safety placements include a range of services provided to children and young people under 18 who are in need of care and protection.  This service provides alternative overnight accommodation for children and young people who are unable to live with their parents.  These arrangements include foster care, placements with relatives or kin, and residential care.

Assist_reason21 Assistance Reason: Discrimination Including Racial Discrimination, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the reason for seeking assistance was due to discrimination based on their sex, age, race, religion or other personal attributes.

Assist_reason22 Assistance Reason: Itinerant, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the reason for seeking assistance was due to itinerance, such as moving from place to place or had no fixed address.

Assist_reason23 Assistance Reason: Unable to Return Home Due to Environmental Reasons, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the reason for seeking assistance was due to inability to return home for environmental reasons; (e.g. wet season flooding, bushfires).

Assist_reason24 Assistance Reason: Disengagement with School or Other Education and Training, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the reason for seeking assistance was due to difficulty with engaging within their education or training, creating difficulties for the person to establish connection with community and develop skills that will help them for future employment.

Assist_reason25 Assistance Reason: Lack of Family and/or Community Support, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the reason for seeking assistance was due to no family or community support structure.

Assist_reason26 Assistance Reason: Other Homelessness Service Requested, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the reason for seeking assistance was not included in the other categories for seeking homelessness services (e.g. as a result of their sexuality or sexual identification, or recently arrived in the area from another town or country and had nowhere to stay); if the person sought assistance as a result of his/her sexuality or sexual identification, or if they are seeking assistance for a reasons not listed.

Assist_reason99 Assistance Reason: Not Stated/Inadequately Described, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the reason for seeking assistance was due to not provided or was inadequately described.

covid_19 Assistance Reason: Impacted by COVID 19, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the reason for requesting assistance was due to difficulties experienced by COVID 19 such as health and or inability to pay for accommodation, food, bills or other essentials.

Facility_Type0 Facility Type: Consent Indicator, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether permission was granted to collect information about a facility being a previous place of residence in the past 12 months.

Facility_Type1 Facility Type: Resident of Hospital, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether a hospital and other health care facility (excluding a psychiatric hospital or unit) was a place of residence in the past 12 months.

Facility_Type2 Facility Type: Resident of Psychiatric hospital/unit, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether a psychiatric hospital or unit (includes mental health unit and/or forensic health unit of corrective services systems) was a place of residence in the past 12 months.

Facility_Type3 Facility Type: Resident of Disability support, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether disability support (includes any unit where the primary role is disability support) was a place of residence in the past 12 months.

Facility_Type4 Facility Type: Resident of Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether a facility that caters for drug and alcohol rehabilitation was a place of residence in the past 12 months.

Facility_Type5 Facility Type: Resident of Adult, Correctional Facility, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether an adult correctional facility whose main role is to detain and rehabilitate adult prisoners was a place of residence in the past 12 months.

Facility_Type6 Facility Type: Resident of Youth/Juvenile Justice Correctional Centre, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether a youth/juvenile justice facility whose main role is to detain and rehabilitate youth or juveniles was a place of residence in the past 12 months. Community custodial facilities are included in this category.

Facility_Type7 Facility Type: Resident of Immigration Detention Centre, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether an immigration detention facility that caters for immigration residential housing and immigration transit accommodation was a place of residence in the past 12 months.

Facility_Type88 Facility Type: No Residential Facility, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents that no facility was a place of residence in the past 12 months.

Facility_Type99 Facility Type: Residential Facility Unknown, No/Yes Code N

A code that a facility as a place of residence in the past 12 months is unknown or refused to be provided.

Gender_Identity1 Person: Gender Identity Male, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether a person identifies with masculine characteristics. An individual's gender is not always exclusively male or female, and doesn't always correspond to their sex assigned at birth.

Gender_Identity2 Person: Gender Identity Female, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether a person identifies with feminine characteristics. An individual's gender is not always exclusively male or female, and doesn't always correspond to their sex assigned at birth.

Gender_Identity3 Person: Gender Identity Non-Binary, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether a person's gender identity is not exclusively masculine or feminine. An individual's gender is not always exclusively male or female, and doesn't always correspond to their sex assigned at birth.

Gender_Identity4 Person: Gender Identity Undisclosed Indicator, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether an individual does not wish to disclose gender identity. An individual's gender is not always exclusively male or female, and doesn't always correspond to their sex assigned at birth.

Gender_Identity5 Person: Gender Identity Different Indicator, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether a person identifies with a gender that is different to the other gender identities described. An individual's gender is not always exclusively male or female, and doesn't always correspond to their sex assigned at birth.. An individual's gender is not always exclusively male or female, and doesn't always correspond to their sex assigned at birth.

Gender_Identity99 Person: Gender Identity Not Stated Indicator, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether a the gender identity of a person is not stated or inadequately described. An individual's gender is not always exclusively male or female, and doesn't always correspond to their sex assigned at birth.

Disability_SelfCare_NeedHelpAndSupervision Person: Disability SelfCare Needs Help and Supervision, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether a person with a disability needs help and supervision with self-care.

Disability_SelfCare_DontNeedHelpOrSupervision Person: Disability SelfCare Does Not Need Help and Supervision, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether a person with a disability does not need help and supervision with self-care.

Disability_SelfCare_UseAidsEquipment Person: Disability SelfCare Uses Aids Equipment, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether a person with a disability uses aids or equipment for self-care.

Disability_SelfCare_HaveNoDifficulty Person: Disability SelfCare Have No Difficulty, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether a person with a disability has no difficulty with self-care.

Disability_SelfCare_DontKnowIfNeedHelp Person: Disability SelfCare Dont Know If Need Help, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents when it is unknown if a person with a disability needs help with self-care.

Disability_Mobility_NeedHelpAndSupervision Person: Disability Mobility Needs Help and Supervision, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether a person with a disability needs help and supervision with mobility.

Disability_Mobility_DontNeedHelpOrSupervision Person: Disability Mobility Does Not Need Help and Supervision, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether a person with a disability does not need help and supervision with mobility.

Disability_Mobility_UseAidsEquipment Person: Disability Mobility Uses Aids Equipment, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether a person with a disability uses aids or equipment for mobility.

Disability_Mobility_HaveNoDifficulty Person: Disability Mobility Have No Difficulty, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether a person with a disability has no difficulty with mobility.

Disability_Mobility_DontKnowIfNeedHelp Person: Disability Mobility Dont Know If Need Help, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents when it is unknown if a person with a disability needs help with mobility.

Disability_Communication_NeedHelpAndSupervision Person: Disability Communication Needs Help and Supervision, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether a person with a disability needs help and supervision with communication.

Disability_Communication_DontNeedHelpOrSupervision Person: Disability Communication Does Not Need Help and Supervision, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether a person with a disability has no difficulty with communication.

Disability_Communication_UseAidsEquipment Person: Disability Communication Uses Aids Equipment, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether a person with a disability uses aids or equipment for communication.

Disability_Communication_HaveNoDifficulty Person: Disability Communication Have No Difficulty, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether a person with a disability does not need help and supervision with communication.

Disability_Communication_DontKnowIfNeedHelp Person: Disability Communication Dont Know If Need Help, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents when it is unknown if a person with a disability needs helps with communication.

Previously_Homeless_Ind_1_Mth Person: Sleeping Rough Accommodation Type, No/Yes Code N

A code that indicates whether a person is sleeping rough or in non-conventional accommodation.

Specific Information:

Number of clients sleeping rough or in non-conventional accommodation in the month prior to first presentation to SHS.

Previously_Homeless_Ind_1_Yr Person: Sleeping Rough Accommodation Type, No/Yes Code N

A code that indicates whether a person is sleeping rough or in non-conventional accommodation.

Specific Information:

Number of clients sleeping rough or in non-conventional accommodation in the 12 months prior to first presentation to SHS.

Previously_Homeless_Ind_2_Mth Person: Short-Term Accommodation Type, No/Yes Code N

A code that indicates whether a person is residing in short-term or emergency accommodation.

Specific Information:

Number of clients residing in short-term or emergency accommodation in the month prior to first presentation to SHS.

Previously_Homeless_Ind_2_Yr Person: Short-Term Accommodation Type, No/Yes Code N

A code that indicates whether a person is residing in short-term or emergency accommodation.

Specific Information:

Number of clients residing in short-term or emergency accommodation in the 12 months prior to first presentation to SHS.

Previously_Homeless_Ind_3_Mth Person: Not Homeless, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether a person is not homeless.

Specific Information:

Number of clients not homeless in the month prior to first presentation to SHS.

Previously_Homeless_Ind_3_Yr Person: Not Homeless, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether a person is not homeless.

Specific Information:

Number of clients not homeless in the 12 months prior to first presentation to SHS.

Previously_Homeless_Ind_99_Mth Person: Homelessness Status Unknown, No/Yes Code N

A code that indicates whether a person's homelessness status is unknown or the client refused to provide information.

Specific Information:

Number of clients where their homelessness status is unknown for the month prior to first presentation to SHS.

Previously_Homeless_Ind_99_Yr Person: Homelessness Status Unknown, No/Yes Code N

A code that indicates whether a person's homelessness status is unknown or the client refused to provide information.

Specific Information:

Number of clients where their homelessness status is unknown for the 12 months prior to first presentation to SHS.

Sexual_Orientation1 Person: Sexual Orientation Homosexual Indicator, No/Yes Code N

A code that indicates whether a person is sexually attracted solely to people of one's own sex.

Sexual_Orientation2 Person: Sexual Orientation Heterosexual Indicator, No/Yes Code N

A code that indicates whether a person is sexually attracted solely to people of the opposite sex.

Sexual_Orientation3 Person: Sexual Orientation Bisexual Indicator, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether one is sexually attracted not exclusively to people of one particular gender.

Sexual_Orientation4 Person: Sexual Orientation Queer Indicator, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether one is sexually attracted to sexual and gender identities other than straight and cisgender.

Sexual_Orientation5 Person: Sexual Orientation Undisclosed Indicator, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether a person prefers not to disclose their sexual orientation.

Sexual_Orientation6 Person: Sexual Orientation Different Indicator, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether a person's sexual preference is different to the preferences described

Sexual_Orientation99 Person: Sexual Orientation Not Stated Indicator, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether one's sexual preference is not stated or inadequately described.

Awaiting_Govt_Pymt_Ind_RP_END Person: Registered/Awaiting Government Payment Indicator, Yes/No Code N

An indicator of whether a person has applied for a government benefit, pension or allowance, but is still awaiting their first payment, as represented by a code.

Care_And_Prot_Order_RP_END Child: Care Arrangements, Care and Protection Order Code NN

A code that represents the type of a care arrangement in which a child lives.

Specific Information:

Number of clients who report a care or protection order in place, as at last reported.

Case_Mgmt_Plan_Goal_St_RP_END Person: Case Management Goal Status, Code N

The extent to which a client has achieved case management goals, as represented by a code.

Case_Mgmt_Plan_Ind_RP_END Person: Case Management Plan Indicator, Yes/No Code N

Whether or not a current (at the time of recording) case management plan has been developed for the person, as represented by a code.

FT_PT_Status_RP_END Person: Full-time/part-time status, code N

Whether a person in paid employment is employed full-time or part-time, as represented by a code.

Specific Information:

Number of clients who are employed full-time or part-time, as at last reported.

Living_Arngmnt_RP_END Person: Living Arrangement, Homelessness Code N(2)

The living arrangement of a client and whether they reside alone or live with others, as represented by a code.

Specific Information:

Number of clients who reside alone or live with others, as at last reported.

Occupancy_RP_END Person: Conditions of Occupancy Arrangement, Code N

A description of the type of conditions of occupancy, for a person's accommodation arrangement, as represented by a code.

Specific Information:

Number of clients by accommodation arrangement, as at last reported.

ongoing_support_period_ind Person: Ongoing Support Period, Indicator Code N

An indicator to show a person with an ongoing support period in the reporting period.

Reason_No_Case_Mgmt_Plan_RP_END Person: Reason Case Management Plan Does Not Exist, Code N

The reason a case management plan for the client does not exist, as represented by a code.

Dwelling_RP_END Person: Residential type, code NN

A person's type of residential arrangement, as represented by a code.

Specific Information:

Number of clients by residential arrangement, as at last reported.

Source_Of_Income_RP_END Person: Principal Source of Cash Income, SHS Code NN

A code that represents the source from which a person derives the greatest proportion of his/her income.

Specific Information:

Number of clients by source from which a person derives the greatest proportion of his/her cash income, as at last reported.

Student_Type_RP_END Person: Student Type, Code N

The type of education or training undertaken by a student, as represented by a code.

Specific Information:

Number of clients by type of education or training undertaken by a student, as at last reported.

Tenure_RP_END Person: Housing tenure type, Homelessness code N

The arrangement under which a person occupies a dwelling, as represented by a code.

Specific Information:

Number of clients by arrangement under which a person occupies a dwelling, as at last reported.

Labour_Force_Status_RP_END Person: Labour Force Status, Code N

The self-reported status of the client being either in the labour force (employed/unemployed) or not in the labour force, as represented by a code.

Specific Information:

Number of clients who report being either in the labour force (employed/unemployed) or not in the labour force, as at last reported.

Student_Ind_RP_END Person: Student/employment training indicator, Yes/no code N

An indicator of whether a person is undertaking formal study or employment training, as represented by a code.

Specific Information:

Number of clients who are undertaking formal study or employment training, as at last reported.

Homeless_RP_End_Ind_01 Person: Sleeping Rough Accommodation Type, No/Yes Code N

A code that indicates whether a person is sleeping rough or in non-conventional accommodation.

Specific Information:

Number of clients who are sleeping rough or in non-conventional accommodation, as at last reported.

Homeless_RP_End_Ind_02 Person: Short-Term Accommodation Type, No/Yes Code N

A code that indicates whether a person is residing in short-term or emergency accommodation.

Specific Information:

Number of clients who are residing in short-term or emergency accommodation, as at last reported.

Homeless_RP_End_Ind_03 Person: Not Homeless, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether a person is not homeless.

Specific Information:

Number of clients who are not homeless, as at last reported.

Homeless_RP_End_Ind_99 Person: Homelessness Status Unknown, No/Yes Code N

A code that indicates whether a person's homelessness status is unknown or the client refused to provide information.

Specific Information:

Number of clients where their homelessness status is unknown, as at last reported.

Need_1 Assistance Needed: Short-Term or Emergency Accommodation, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of short-term accommodation (generally provided for up to three months).

Prov_1 Service Event: Short-Term or Emergency Accommodation, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for short-term accommodation (generally provided for up to three months).

Ref_1 Referral: Short-Term or Emergency Accommodation, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to services for short-term accommodation (generally provided for up to three months).

Need_2 Assistance Needed: Medium Term/Transitional Accommodation, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of medium-term accommodation (generally, this would be longer than 3 months in duration)

Prov_2 Service Event: Medium Term/Transitional Accommodation, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for medium-term accommodation (generally, this would be longer than 3 months in duration).

Ref_2 Referral: Medium Term/Transitional Accommodation, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to services for medium-term accommodation (generally, this would be longer than 3 months in duration).

Need_3 Assistance Needed: Long Term Accommodation, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of long-term accommodation (public housing, private rental accommodation, community housing or owner-occupied housing), that is generally provided for three months or longer.

Prov_3 Service Event: Long Term Accommodation, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for long-term accommodation (public housing, private rental accommodation, community housing or owner-occupied housing), that is generally provided for three months or longer and with the expectation that it will be ongoing. Does not refer to assistance to sustain a tenancy in long-term housing.

Ref_3 Referral: Long Term Accommodation, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to services for long-term accommodation (public housing, private rental accommodation, community housing or owner-occupied housing), that is generally provided for three months or longer and with the expectation that it will be ongoing. Does not refer to assistance to sustain a tenancy in long-term housing.

Need_4 Assistance Needed: Assistance to Sustain Tenancy or Prevent Tenancy Failure or Eviction, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of support to maintain a tenancy by assisting the client to meet rental payments or arrears, maintain property standards and/or organise their finances to meet rental payments, such as using Centrepay.

Prov_4 Service Event: Assistance to Sustain Tenancy or Prevent Tenancy Failure or Eviction, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for support to maintain a tenancy by assisting the client to meet rental payments or arrears, maintain property standards and/or organise their finances to meet rental payments, such as using Centrepay. Also includes mediation with housemates and/or neighbours, and advocacy and liaison with housing agencies, landlords or real estate agents and so forth.

Ref_4 Referral: Assistance to Sustain Tenancy or Prevent Tenancy Failure or Eviction, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to services providing support to maintain a tenancy by assisting the client to meet rental payments or arrears, maintain property standards and/or organise their finances to meet rental payments, such as using Centrepay. Also includes mediation with housemates and/or neighbours, and advocacy and liaison with housing agencies, landlords or real estate agents and so forth.

Need_5 Assistance Needed: Assistance to Prevent Foreclosures or for Mortgage Arrears, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of support to prevent foreclosures, such as assisting the client to assess his/her financial situation and advocating and liaising with lenders.

Prov_5 Service Event: Assistance to Prevent Foreclosures or for Mortgage Arrears, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for support to prevent foreclosures, such as assisting the client to assess his/her financial situation and advocating and liaising with lenders.

Ref_5 Referral: Assistance to Prevent Foreclosures or for Mortgage Arrears, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to services for support to prevent foreclosures, such as assisting the client to assess his/her financial situation and advocating and liaising with lenders.

Need_6 Assistance Needed: Assertive Outreach for Rough Sleepers, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of assertive outreach, which is targeted at rough sleepers and refers to agency workers visiting clients in their usual or familiar environment to find flexible and creative ways of meeting their needs.

Prov_6 Service Event: Assertive Outreach for Rough Sleepers, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for assertive outreach, which is targeted at rough sleepers and refers to agency workers visiting clients in their usual or familiar environment to find flexible and creative ways of meeting their needs. Service delivery is generally intensive and not dependent on the client turning up to the service centre for appointments. Workers might visit clients in a boarding house, an inner city homelessness agency, a coffee shop, a park bench or any other place that the client may be located. Assertive outreach should not be selected if the client does not have a history of sleeping rough and the client is being visited to assist them to sustain their tenancy.

Ref_6 Referral: Assertive Outreach for Rough Sleepers, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to services for assertive outreach, which is targeted at rough sleepers and refers to agency workers visiting clients in their usual or familiar environment to find flexible and creative ways of meeting their needs. Service delivery is generally intensive and not dependent on the client turning up to the service centre for appointments. Workers might visit clients in a boarding house, an inner city homelessness agency, a coffee shop, a park bench or any other place that the client may be located. Assertive outreach should not be selected if the client does not have a history of sleeping rough and the client is being visited to assist them to sustain their tenancy.

Need_7 Assistance Needed: Assistance to Obtain/Maintain Government Allowance, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of support aimed at obtaining social security income, such as completing Centrelink applications or accompanying a client to an interview with a Centrelink officer.

Prov_7 Service Event: Assistance to Obtain/Maintain Government Allowance, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for support aimed at obtaining social security income, such as completing Centrelink applications or accompanying a client to an interview with a Centrelink officer.

Ref_7 Referral: Assistance to Obtain/Maintain Government Allowance, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to services for support aimed at obtaining social security income, such as completing Centrelink applications or accompanying a client to an interview with a Centrelink officer.

Need_8 Assistance Needed: Employment Assistance, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of employment assistance, such as assistance to obtain a job or access to employment assistance programs.

Prov_8 Service Event: Employment Assistance, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for employment assistance, such as assistance to obtain a job or access to employment assistance programs.

Ref_8 Referral: Employment Assistance, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to services for employment assistance, such as assistance to obtain a job or access to employment assistance programs.

Need_9 Assistance Needed: Training Assistance, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of assistance to access training programs.

Prov_9 Service Event: Training Assistance, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for assistance to access training programs.

Ref_9 Referral: Training Assistance, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to services for assistance to access training programs.

Need_10 Assistance Needed: Educational Assistance, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of assistance to access education or assist the client to remain in education.

Prov_10 Service Event: Educational Assistance, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for assistance to access education or assist the client to remain in education.

Ref_10 Referral: Educational Assistance, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to services for assistance to access education or assist the client to remain in education.

Need_11 Assistance Needed: Financial Information, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of financial information through informal discussions aimed at helping the client to understand their financial affairs and raise awareness of some options to address their financial management issues.

Prov_11 Service Event: Financial Information, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for financial information through informal discussions aimed at helping the client to understand their financial affairs and raise awareness of some options to address their financial management issues. Includes assisting the client to budget using Centrepay.

Ref_11 Referral: Financial Information, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to services for financial information through informal discussions aimed at helping the client to understand their financial affairs and raise awareness of some options to address their financial management issues. Includes assisting the client to budget using Centrepay.

Need_12 Assistance Needed: Material Aid/Brokerage, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of material aid, such as money given to, or on behalf of, the client for bond/rent/transport and so forth and other non-monetary assistance, such as clothing, food vouchers and bus/train tickets.

Prov_12 Service Event: Material Aid/Brokerage, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for material aid, such as money given to, or on behalf of, the client for bond/rent/transport and so forth and other non-monetary assistance, such as clothing, food vouchers and bus/train tickets. This assistance is not expected to be repaid.

Ref_12 Referral: Material Aid/Brokerage, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to services for material aid, such as money given to, or on behalf of, the client for bond/rent/transport and so forth and other non-monetary assistance, such as clothing, food vouchers and bus/train tickets. This assistance is not expected to be repaid.

Need_13 Assistance Needed: Assistance for Incest/Sexual Assault, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of assistance for sexual assault, such as one-to-one discussion sessions with the client, usually provided on more than one occasion, dealing with incest or sexual abuse.

Prov_13 Service Event: Assistance for Incest/Sexual Assault, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for assistance with sexual assault, such as one-to-one discussion sessions with the client, usually provided on more than one occasion, dealing with incest or sexual abuse.

Ref_13 Referral: Assistance for Incest/Sexual Assault, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to services for assistance with sexual assault, such as one-to-one discussion sessions with the client, usually provided on more than one occasion, dealing with incest or sexual abuse.

Need_14 Assistance Needed: Assistance for Domestic/Family Violence, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of assistance for domestic and family violence.

Prov_14 Service Event: Assistance for Domestic/Family Violence, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for assistance with domestic and family violence. Includes referring the client for counselling to a domestic violence support group, or specialised domestic violence support service.

Ref_14 Referral: Assistance for Domestic/Family Violence, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to services for assistance with domestic and family violence. Includes referring the client for counselling to a domestic violence support group, or specialised domestic violence support service.

Need_15 Assistance Needed: Family/Relationship Assistance, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of assistance dealing with family and relationship problems or issues.

Prov_15 Service Event: Family/Relationship Assistance, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for assistance dealing with family and relationship problems or issues.

Ref_15 Referral: Family/Relationship Assistance, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to services for assistance dealing with family and relationship problems or issues.

Need_16 Assistance Needed: Assistance for Trauma, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of assistance for trauma (clients who have experienced or witnessed an event that threatened their life or safety, or that of others around them).

Prov_16 Service Event: Assistance for Trauma, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for assistance with trauma (clients who have experienced or witnessed an event that threatened their life or safety, or that of others around them). Events include serious accidents, physical or sexual assault, child abuse, suicide of a family member or friend, natural disasters such as bushfires or floods, acts of violence such as an armed robbery, torture, war or terrorism. Excludes sexual assault or domestic/family violence against the client themselves. Includes children who have witnessed domestic violence.

Ref_16 Referral: Assistance for Trauma, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to services for assistance with trauma (clients who have experienced or witnessed an event that threatened their life or safety, or that of others around them). Events include serious accidents, physical or sexual assault, child abuse, suicide of a family member or friend, natural disasters such as bushfires or floods, acts of violence such as an armed robbery, torture, war or terrorism. Excludes sexual assault or domestic/family violence against the client themselves. Includes children who have witnessed domestic violence.

Need_17 Assistance Needed: Assistance with Challenging Social/Behavioural Problems, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of assistance with behavioural problems, such as managing behaviour that is disruptive and/or verbally or physically harmful to other people or animals.

Prov_17 Service Event: Assistance with Challenging Social/Behavioural Problems, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for assistance with behavioural problems, such as managing behaviour that is disruptive and/or verbally or physically harmful to other people or animals. Includes assistance for children’s behavioural problems and may include teaching social skills (that is, building friendships), anger management and conflict resolution skills.

Ref_17 Referral: Assistance with Challenging Social/Behavioural Problems, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to services for assistance with behavioural problems, such as managing behaviour that is disruptive and/or verbally or physically harmful to other people or animals. Includes assistance for children’s behavioural problems and may include teaching social skills (that is, building friendships), anger management and conflict resolution skills.

Need_18 Assistance Needed: Living Skills/Personal Development, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of assistance with living skills or personal development, such as help to enhance clients’ independence or self-esteem.

Prov_18 Service Event: Living Skills/Personal Development, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for assistance with living skills or personal development, such as help to enhance clients’ independence or self-esteem. This help is more than normal everyday contact with the client and includes assistance to develop cooking skills, literacy skills and personal care.

Ref_18 Referral: Living Skills/Personal Development, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to services for assistance with living skills or personal development, such as help to enhance clients’ independence or self-esteem. This help is more than normal everyday contact with the client and includes assistance to develop cooking skills, literacy skills and personal care.

Need_19 Assistance Needed: Legal Information, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of information about legal issues, such as family law matters or information from a tenancy advice service, where the information provider is not actively working on behalf of the client.

Prov_19 Service Event: Legal Information, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for information about legal issues, such as family law matters or information from a tenancy advice service, where the information provider is not actively working on behalf of the client. Also includes assistance to obtain legal d

Ref_19 Referral: Legal Information, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to services for information about legal issues, such as family law matters or information from a tenancy advice service, where the information provider is not actively working on behalf of the client. Also includes assistance to obtain legal d

Need_20 Assistance Needed: Court Support, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of court support, such as attending, or assisting with, court hearings.

Prov_20 Service Event: Court Support, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for court support, such as attending, or assisting with, court hearings.

Ref_20 Referral: Court Support, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to services for court support, such as attending, or assisting with, court hearings.

Need_21 Assistance Needed: Advice/Information, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of advice or information for the client relating to their needs as identified by the worker.

Prov_21 Service Event: Advice/Information, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for advice or information for the client relating to their needs as identified by the worker. Includes information about other services where it is left to the client to follow up the information. For example, where a client is gi

Ref_21 Referral: Advice/Information, No/Yes Code N A code that represents whether clients are referred to services for advice or information for the client relating to their needs as identified by the worker. Includes information about other services where it is left to the client to follow up the information. For example, where a client is gi NUMBERSTRING N
Need_22 Assistance Needed: Retrieval/Storage/Removal of Personal Belongings, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of assistance with their worker’s time to assist with the client’s personal effects.

Prov_22 Service Event: Retrieval/Storage/Removal of Personal Belongings, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for assistance with their personal effects.

Ref_22 Referral: Retrieval/Storage/Removal of Personal Belongings, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to services for assistance with their personal effects.

Need_23 Assistance Needed: Advocacy/Liaison On Behalf of Client, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of advocacy, such as ensuring the client has proper representation and access to services.

Prov_23 Service Event: Advocacy/Liaison On Behalf of Client, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for advocacy, such as ensuring the client has proper representation and access to services. Includes liaison with police, probation officers, legal services, Centrelink, housing agencies and so forth.

Ref_23 Referral: Advocacy/Liaison On Behalf of Client, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to services for advocacy, such as ensuring the client has proper representation and access to services. Includes liaison with police, probation officers, legal services, Centrelink, housing agencies and so forth.

Need_24 Assistance Needed: School Liaison, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of a school liaison to work on behalf of a child that is related to the child’s education.

Prov_24 Service Event: School Liaison, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for a school liaison to work on behalf of a child that is related to the child’s education. Includes, for example, assistance with enrolments, and discussion with teachers, administrators or counsellors concerning the child’s progress or behaviour.

Ref_24 Referral: School Liaison, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to services for a school liaison to work on behalf of a child that is related to the child’s education. Includes, for example, assistance with enrolments, and discussion with teachers, administrators or counsellors concerning the child’s progress or behaviour.

Need_25 Assistance Needed: Child Care, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of care of a child care by someone other than the child’s parents (where parent is taken to mean biological, adoptive or step parent of the child, the child’s legal guardian, or the de facto partner of the child’s parent).

Prov_25 Service Event: Child Care, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for child care by someone other than the child’s parents (where parent is taken to mean biological, adoptive or step parent of the child, the child’s legal guardian, or the de facto partner of the child’s parent). Includes care of a school-aged child after school (after school care) or during school vacations or holidays (holiday/vacation care).

Ref_25 Referral: Child Care, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to services for child care by someone other than the child’s parents (where parent is taken to mean biological, adoptive or step parent of the child, the child’s legal guardian, or the de facto partner of the child’s parent). Includes care of a school-aged child after school (after school care) or during school vacations or holidays (holiday/vacation care).

Need_26 Assistance Needed: Structured Play/Skills Development, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of assistance with structured play or skill development for a child’s development, such as building social skills and living skills, or to achieve particular goals.

Prov_26 Service Event: Structured Play/Skills Development, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for assistance with structured play or skill development for a child’s development, such as building social skills and living skills, or to achieve particular goals.

Ref_26 Referral: Structured Play/Skills Development, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to services for assistance with structured play or skill development for a child’s development, such as building social skills and living skills, or to achieve particular goals.

Need_27 Assistance Needed: Child Contact and Residence Arrangements, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of assistance with child contact and residence arrangements, such as refers to support to the client to negotiate and facilitate child access arrangements.

Prov_27 Service Event: Child Contact and Residence Arrangements, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for child contact and residence arrangements, such as support to the client to negotiate and facilitate child access arrangements. Support may include ensuring that both parents have adequate access to the child, and ensuring that access is provided in such

Ref_27 Referral: Child Contact and Residence Arrangements, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to services for child contact and residence arrangements, such as support to the client to negotiate and facilitate child access arrangements. Support may include ensuring that both parents have adequate access to the child, and ensuring that access is provided in such

Need_28 Assistance Needed: Meals, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need actual provision of meals or food for the client.

Prov_28 Service Event: Meals, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for of meals or food for the client. Excludes money or vouchers to purchase food as this should be included under the category Material aid/brokerage.

Ref_28 Referral: Meals, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to services for meals or food. Excludes money or vouchers to purchase food as this should be included under the category Material aid/brokerage.

Need_29 Assistance Needed: Laundry/Shower Facilities, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of laundry or shower facilities.

Prov_29 Service Event: Laundry/Shower Facilities, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for laundry or shower facilities.

Ref_29 Referral: Laundry/Shower Facilities, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to services for laundry or shower facilities.

Need_30 Assistance Needed: Recreation, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of assistance with recreation, such as provision and coordination of leisure activities.

Prov_30 Service Event: Recreation, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for assistance with recreation, such as provision and coordination of leisure activities.

Ref_30 Referral: Recreation, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to services for assistance with recreation, such as provision and coordination of leisure activities.

Need_31 Assistance Needed: Transport, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of assistance with transport, such as driving a client to an appointment or location. Excludes money for a tram, train or bus.

Prov_31 Service Event: Transport, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for assistance with transport, such as driving a client to an appointment or location. Excludes money for a tram, train or bus.

Ref_31 Referral: Transport, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to services for assistance with transport, such as driving a client to an appointment or location. Excludes money for a tram, train or bus.

Need_32 Assistance Needed: Other Basic Assistance, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of other basic support that is not specialised and is not listed in the categories above.

Prov_32 Service Event: Other Basic Assistance, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for other basic support that is not specialised and is not listed in the categories above.

Ref_32 Referral: Other Basic Assistance, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to services for other basic support that is not specialised and is not listed in the categories above.

Need_33 Assistance Needed: Child Protection Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of child protection are services for children who are, or may be, at risk of significant harm and for whom intervention is needed for their ongoing safety. Includes the statutory Child Protection Service and Placement Service for children who are unable to live at home.

Prov_33 Service Event: Child Protection Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with child protection services for children who are, or may be, at risk of significant harm and for whom intervention is needed for their ongoing safety. Includes the statutory Child Protection Service and Placement Service for children who are unable to live at home.

Ref_33 Referral: Child Protection Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to child protection services for children who are, or may be; at risk of significant harm and for whom intervention is needed for their ongoing safety. Includes the statutory Child Protection Service and Placement Service for children who are unable to live at home.

Need_34 Assistance Needed: Parenting Skills Education, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of parenting skills eduction teaching skills to care for children, such as referring clients to baby health-care clinics, running groups or enrolling parents in classes to teach parenting skills.

Prov_34 Service Event: Parenting Skills Education, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for parenting skills education, such as referring clients to baby health-care clinics, running groups or enrolling parents in classes to teach parenting skills.

Ref_34 Referral: Parenting Skills Education, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to services for parenting skills education, such as referring clients to baby health-care clinics, running groups or enrolling parents in classes to teach parenting skills.

Need_35 Assistance Needed: Child Specific Specialist Counselling Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of support from a specialist counselling service that specifically caters for children’s issues.

Prov_35 Service Event: Child Specific Specialist Counselling Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services to support from a specialist counselling service that specifically caters for children’s issues.

Ref_35 Referral: Child Specific Specialist Counselling Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to support from a specialist counselling service that specifically caters for children’s issues.

Need_36 Assistance Needed: Psychological Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of psychological services, such as advice, support or assistance from a qualified psychologist.

Prov_36 Service Event: Psychological Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for psychological services, such as advice, support or assistance from a qualified psychologist.

Ref_36 Referral: Psychological Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to psychological services, such as advice, support or assistance from a qualified psychologist.

Need_37 Assistance Needed: Psychiatric Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of psychiatric services, such as advice, support or assistance from a qualified psychiatrist.

Prov_37 Service Event: Psychiatric Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for psychiatric services, such as advice, support or assistance from a qualified psychiatrist.

Ref_37 Referral: Psychiatric Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to psychiatric services, such as advice, support or assistance from a qualified psychiatrist.

Need_38 Assistance Needed: Mental Health Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of advice, support or assistance from mental health services.

Prov_38 Service Event: Mental Health Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for advice, support or assistance from mental health services.

Ref_38 Referral: Mental Health Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to services for advice, support or assistance from mental health services.

Need_39 Assistance Needed: Pregnancy Assistance, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of pregnancy assistance, such as advice, support and assistance relating to pregnancy issues.

Prov_39 Service Event: Pregnancy Assistance, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for pregnancy assistance, such as advice, support and assistance relating to pregnancy issues.

Ref_39 Referral: Pregnancy Assistance, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to services for pregnancy assistance, such as advice, support and assistance relating to pregnancy issues.

Need_40 Assistance Needed: Family Planning Support, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of family planning assistance, such as advice, support and assistance relating to family planning issues.

Prov_40 Service Event: Family Planning Support, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for family planning assistance, such as advice, support and assistance relating to family planning issues.

Ref_40 Referral: Family Planning Support, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to services for family planning assistance, such as advice, support and assistance relating to family planning issues.

Need_41 Assistance Needed: Physical Disability Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of physical disability services, such as support and assistance specifically for the client’s physical disability.

Prov_41 Service Event: Physical Disability Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with physical disability services, such as support and assistance specifically for the client’s physical disability.

Ref_41 Referral: Physical Disability Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to physical disability services, such as support and assistance specifically for the client’s physical disability.

Need_42 Assistance Needed: Intellectual Disability Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of intellectual disability services, such as support and assistance specifically for the client’s intellectual disability.

Prov_42 Service Event: Intellectual Disability Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with intellectual disability services, such as support and assistance specifically for the client’s intellectual disability.

Ref_42 Referral: Intellectual Disability Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to intellectual disability services, such as support and assistance specifically for the client’s intellectual disability.

Need_43 Assistance Needed: Health/Medical Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of health or medical services, such as an assessment of the client’s health and medical needs and any treatment provided.

Prov_43 Service Event: Health/Medical Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for health or medical services, such as an assessment of the client’s health and medical needs and any treatment provided.

Ref_43 Referral: Health/Medical Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to health or medical services, such as an assessment of the client’s health and medical needs and any treatment provided.

Need_44 Assistance Needed: Professional Legal Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of professional legal services.

Prov_44 Service Event: Professional Legal Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for professional legal services.

Ref_44 Referral: Professional Legal Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to services for professional legal services.

Need_45 Assistance Needed: Financial Advice and Counselling, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of financial counselling advice.

Prov_45 Service Event: Financial Advice and Counselling, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for financial counselling or advice. Includes referral to a Centrelink Financial Information Service officer.

Ref_45 Referral: Financial Advice and Counselling, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to services for financial counselling or advice. Includes referral to a Centrelink Financial Information Service officer.

Need_46 Assistance Needed: Counselling for Problem Gambling, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of counselling for problem gambling, such as support or assistance provided to clients who have a gambling addiction/habit/problem and need to develop skills to cope with the problem on a day-to-day basis.

Prov_46 Service Event: Counselling for Problem Gambling, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for counselling with problem gambling, such as support or assistance provided to clients who have a gambling addiction/habit/problem and need to develop skills to cope with the problem on a day-to-day basis.

Ref_46 Referral: Counselling for Problem Gambling, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to counselling with problem gambling, such as support or assistance provided to clients who have a gambling addiction/habit/problem and need to develop skills to cope with the problem on a day-to-day basis.

Need_47 Assistance Needed: Drug/Alcohol Counselling, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of support and assistance specifically to address problems related to the client’s problematic drug, alcohol or substance use.

Prov_47 Service Event: Drug/Alcohol Counselling, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services to support and assistance specifically to address problems related to the client’s problematic drug, alcohol or substance use.

Ref_47 Referral: Drug/Alcohol Counselling, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to support and assistance specifically to address problems related to the client’s problematic drug, alcohol or substance use.

Need_48 Assistance Needed: Specialist Counselling Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of specialist counselling for services other than financial, gambling or drug/alcohol counselling.

Prov_48 Service Event: Specialist Counselling Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for specialist counselling for services other than financial, gambling or drug/alcohol counselling.

Ref_48 Referral: Specialist Counselling Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to services for specialist counselling for services other than financial, gambling or drug/alcohol counselling.

Need_49 Assistance Needed: Interpreter Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of interpreter services, such as clients from non-English-speaking backgrounds, or clients who are hearing impaired.

Prov_49 Service Event: Interpreter Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for interpreter services, such as clients from non-English-speaking backgrounds, or clients who are hearing impaired.

Ref_49 Referral: Interpreter Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to interpreter services, such as clients from non-English-speaking backgrounds, or clients who are hearing impaired.

Need_50 Assistance Needed: Assistance with Immigration Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of support or assistance with immigration services, such as help liaising with government departments.

Prov_50 Service Event: Assistance with Immigration Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for support or assistance with immigration services, such as help liaising with government departments.

Ref_50 Referral: Assistance with Immigration Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to services for support or assistance with immigration services, such as help liaising with government departments.

Need_51 Assistance Needed: Culturally Specific Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of culturally specific services, such as support and assistance delivered in a way that is sensitive to the client’s ethnic or cultural background.

Prov_51 Service Event: Culturally Specific Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for culturally specific services, such as support and assistance delivered in a way that is sensitive to the client’s ethnic or cultural background.

Ref_51 Referral: Culturally Specific Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to culturally specific services, such as support and assistance delivered in a way that is sensitive to the client’s ethnic or cultural background.

Need_52 Assistance Needed: Assistance to Connect Culturally, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of assistance to connect culturally, such as helping clients of linguistically diverse and cultural backgrounds to participate in the broader community.

Prov_52 Service Event: Assistance to Connect Culturally, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for assistance to connect culturally, such as helping clients of linguistically diverse and cultural backgrounds to participate in the broader community. Also includes assisting Indigenous Australians and clients from diverse cultural backgrounds to connect with their cultures.

Ref_52 Referral: Assistance to Connect Culturally, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to services for assistance to connect culturally, such as helping clients of linguistically diverse and cultural backgrounds to participate in the broader community. Also includes assisting Indigenous Australians and clients from diverse cultural backgrounds to connect with their cultures.

Need_53 Assistance Needed: Other Specialised Service, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of other specialised support that is not listed elsewhere.

Prov_53 Service Event: Other Specialised Service, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services to specialised support that is not listed elsewhere.

Ref_53 Referral: Other Specialised Service, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to specialised support that is not listed elsewhere.

Need_54 Assistance Needed: Assistance for Domestic/Family Violence - Victim Support Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of assistance for domestic and family violence - victim support services.

Prov_54 Service Event: Assistance for Domestic/Family Violence - Victim Support Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided with services for assistance with domestic and family violence - victim support services. Includes referring the client for counselling to a domestic violence support group, or specialised domestic violence support service for victims of family and domestic violence.

Ref_54 Referral: Assistance for Domestic/Family Violence - Victim Support Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to services for assistance with domestic and family violence - victim support services. Includes referring the client for counselling to a domestic violence support group, or specialised domestic violence support service for victims of family and domestic violence.

Need_55 Assistance Needed: Assistance for Domestic/Family Violence - Perpetrator Support Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether the client is in need of assistance for domestic and family violence - perpetrator support services.

Prov_55 Service Event: Assistance for Domestic/Family Violence - Perpetrator Support Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are provided services for assistance with domestic and family violence - perpetrator support services. Includes referring the client for counselling to a perpetrator support group, or specialised perpetrator support service.

Ref_55 Referral: Assistance for Domestic/Family Violence - Perpetrator Support Services, No/Yes Code N

A code that represents whether clients are referred to services for assistance with domestic and family violence - perpetrator support services. Includes referring the client for counselling to a perpetrator support group, or specialised perpetrator support service.

SLK Record: Linkage key, code 581 XXXXXDDMMYYYYX

A key that enables two or more records belonging to the same individual to be brought together. It is represented by a code consisting of the second, third and fifth characters of a person’s family name, the second and third letters of the person’s given name, the day, month and year when the person was born and the sex of the person, concatenated in that order.

valid Record: Valid Support Period, Code N(2)

Valid support period as represented by a code

Specific Information:

Transitory variable used in calculations - IGNORE

FinancialAssistance_1 Person: Financial Assistance for Short Term/Emergency Accommodation, Total Australian currency N(10)

Total amount in Australian Dollars that a person received for short-term or emergency accommodation. Includes emergency accommodation the agency arranged and paid for in places such as hotels, motels and caravan parks, where the agency does not have an ongoing arrangement to provide such accommodation.

FinancialAssistance_2 Person: Financial Assistance for Establishing/Maintaining a Tenancy, Total Australian currency N(10)

Total amount in Australian Dollars that a person received for establishing/maintaining a tenancy. Support aimed at finding long-term, independent housing, such as public housing, private rental accommodation, community housing or owner-occupied housing. Support to maintain a tenancy by assisting the client to meet rental payments or arrears, maintain property standards and/or organise their finances to meet rental payments.

FinancialAssistance_3 Person: Financial Assistance for Training/Education/Employment, Total Australian currency N(10)

Total amount in Australian Dollars that a person received for for training/education/employment, such as Assistance to obtain employment/education, and/or access to employment assistance or training programs.

FinancialAssistance_4 Person: Financial Assistance for Accessing External Specialist Services, Total Australian currency N(10)

Total amount in Australian Dollars that a person received for accessing external specialist services. Specialised services refer to those services which require knowledge or skills and are usually undertaken by someone with qualifications to provide the particular service. Only includes payments to access specialised services not provided by the SHS agency.

FinancialAssistance_5 Person: Financial Assistance for Other Homelessness Services, Total Australian currency N(10)

Total amount in Australian Dollars that a person received for homelessness services which are not included in the other financial assistance categories.

FinancialAssistance_Total Person: Financial Assistance for All Homelessness Services, Total Australian currency N(10)

Total amount in Australian Dollars that a person received for all homelessness services which are included in the financial assistance categories.

Accommodation_Length_1 Service Event: Short-Term or Emergency Accommodation, Total Days N(5)

A count of the number of nights of short-term accommodation provided (generally for up to three months)

Accommodation_Length_2 Service Event: Medium Term/Transitional Accommodation, Total Days N(5)

A count of the number of nights of medium-term accommodation provided (generally not expected to be long term but longer than 3 months in duration)

Accommodation_Length_3 Service Event: Long Term Accommodation, Total Days N(5)

A count of the number of nights of long-term accommodation provided (public housing, private rental accommodation, community housing or owner-occupied housing, accommodation that is generally provided for three months or longer and with the expectation that it will be ongoing)

Accommodation_Length_4 Service Event: Other Supported Accommodation, Total Days N(5)

A count of the number of nights of accommodation that has not been demarcated as being either short-term or emergency, or medium or long-term accommodation.

Accommodation_Length_Total Service Event: Accommodation Total, Days N(5)

A count of the number of nights for all accommodation provided. It is a sum across all the client's support periods and can span multiple reporting periods.



Support period
The support period is the length of time a client receives services from your agency. A support period commences on the day a person becomes a client by receiving a direct service from your agency and it ends on the last day on which services are provided. Reasons why a support period ends include:
• the relationship between the client and your agency ends
• the client has reached the maximum amount of support your agency can offer 
• a client has not received any services from your agency for a whole calendar month and there is no ongoing relationship.

Collection month
A collection month is the calendar month in which a client receives services.

Fields (Variables) Period14 through to Period24 have not been included in 2020-21Q2


Support Period data extracted from EDW

Relations and Links

Click on the name of any Relation to learn more about the different roles available for Links that implement these Relations.
This item is indicated with strong emphasised text, and the item each link belongs to is indicated with emphasised text.

Relation Role Metadata item Actions
Quality Statement Link Data Set to a Quality Statement Homelessness Data Set Quality Statement