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A code set that describes the relationship of the person to the presenting unit head


Format NN
Maximum character length 2


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 Self - client presents by themselves | The client is the presenting unit head
2 Spouse/partner - A client has a relationship to the presenting unit head akin to a ‘married’ or ‘partner’ relationship. This includes same sex couples
3 Parent/guardian - The client is the parent or guardian of the presenting unit head
4 Child - The client is a natural or adopted child, or ward, of the presenting unit head
5 Step child - The client is the stepchild of the presenting unit head
6 Foster child - The client is the foster child of the presenting unit head
7 Sibling - The client is either the brother or sister of the presenting unit head
8 Aunt or Uncle - The client is either the aunt or uncle of the presenting unit head
9 Niece or nephew - The client is either the niece or nephew of the presenting unit head
10 Grandparent - The client is a grandparent of the presenting unit head
11 Grandchild - The client is the grandchild of the presenting unit head
12 Other relative - The client is a more distant relative to the presenting unit head; for example, cousin or second cousin
13 Unrelated person - If the client is unrelated to the presenting unit head but is a flatmate or co-tenant, record them in the category ‘Unrelated flatmate or co-tenant’ | The client accompanying the presenting unit head is not related to them | Includes those clients who are friends of the presenting unit head
14 Unrelated flatmate or co-tenant - The client is not related to the presenting unit head and is either a flatmate or co-tenant with the presenting unit head
15 Other relationship - The client has another type of relationship to the presenting unit head that has not been described above | Specify the relationship in the space provided
Supplementary Values 99 Dont know - The information is not known or the client has refused to provide the information

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Data Elements implementing this Value Domain 1