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Basic description of primary caregiver's relationship to Child or Young Person (CYP), as represented by a label


Data Element (this item)


This representation is based on the value domain for this data element, more information is available at " Caregiver type label X(40) ".
Format X[40]
Maximum character length 40
Value Meaning Definition Start Date End Date
Permissible Values Other relative/kin A non-Indigenous caregiver (or a caregiver of unknown Indigenous status) who was a relative or who has a kinship relationship with the child
Independent living Includes private board and lead tenant
Non-Aboriginal residential care Includes other types of residential care not specified in the 'Indigenous residential care' definition in Aboriginal residential care
Other Aboriginal caregiver Indigenous caregiver who was not a relative and did not have a kinship relationship with the child
Other non-Aboriginal caregiver Includes other types of residential care not specified in the 'Indigenous residential care' definition in Non-Aboriginal residential care
Aboriginal relative/kin Indigenous caregiver who was a relative or who had a kinship relationship with the child.
Aboriginal residential care Includes residential care specifically for Indigenous children and/or where there are Indigenous workers.
Supplementary Values Other/unknown
Missing in mapping


Only applies to Aboriginal children.  Is a combination of placement type and Aboriginality of the carer. Used for APP reporting 


Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) 2013. Child Protection National Minimum Data Set, data collection manual 2012-13. Canberra: AIHW.


Source system: ChildStory
CIW folder: Placement: Placement (Priority)

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