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Metadata.NSW (beta)


A code set representing residential arrangements.


Format NN
Maximum character length 2


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 House/townhouse/flat - Includes bedsits, flats attached to houses or shops.
2 Caravan
3 Tent
4 Cabin
5 Boat
6 Improvised building/dwelling
7 No dwelling/street/park/in the open - Includes those people who are sleeping in public transport, e.g. riding on trains/buses etc. because they have no other option.
8 Motor vehicle
9 Boarding/rooming house
10 Emergency accommodation - Includes night shelter/women's refuge/youth shelter.
11 Hotel/motel/bed and breakfast
12 Hospital (excluding psychiatric) - Includes hospitals and other health care facilities but not specialised prison health facilities.
13 Psychiatric hospital/unit - Includes mental health units and forensic health units of corrective services systems.
14 Disability support - Includes all units whose primary role is disability support.
15 Rehabilitation - Includes facilities that cater for drug and alcohol rehabilitation. Excludes rehabilitation in prisons and correctional facilities.
16 Adult correctional facility - Includes those facilities whose main role is to detain and rehabilitate adult prisoners.
17 Youth/juvenile justice correctional centre - Includes those facilities whose main role is to detain and rehabilitate youth or juveniles. Community custodial facilities are included in this category.
18 Boarding school/residential college
19 Aged care facility - Includes nursing home, aged care hostel or non-self contained accommodation for the aged.
20 Immigration detention centre
21 Other
Supplementary Values 99 Not stated/inadequately described

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Data Elements implementing this Value Domain 1