A central repository of addresses that has been ingested into the FAP, with geospatial data added.
Data source details
Path name | Data Element | Definition | Data Type | Format |
ADDRESS_ID | You don't have permission to see this Data Element. |
Specific Information:
Unique Identifier for the address for a source system. An Address ID is generated for each address that is captured from the source system. If the same address exists in multiple source systems, the Address ID will be different for each source system. |
- | - |
Specific Information:
Unique identifier of the valid address. |
- | - |
ADDRESS_START_DATE_TIME | Address: Start Date, YYYYMMDD | The date when the address began to be associated with a party. | DATE | YYYYMMDD |
ADDRESS_END_DATE_TIME | Address: End Date, YYYYMMDD | The date when the address ceased to be associated with a party. | DATE | YYYYMMDD |
DPID | Address: Postal Delivery Number, Identifier X(11) |
The identifier number for the channel of postal delivery.
Specific Information:
Australia Post Delivery point identifier. NSW Point postalDeliveryNumber |
GNAF_ID | You don't have permission to see this Data Element. |
Specific Information:
NSW Point addressId G-NAF Spatial Reference System: GDA94 and GDA2020 |
- | - |
VERIFIED_ADDRESS_TYPE | You don't have permission to see this Data Element. |
Specific Information:
NSW Point addressRecordType |
- | - |
VERIFIED_FLAT_NUMBER | Address: Unit Number, Identifier X(7) |
A numeric identifier used to distinguish an address within a building/sub-complex.
Specific Information:
NSW Point complexUnitIdentifier |
VERIFIED_FLOOR_LEVEL | Address: Floor/Level Type, Code AAAA |
The abbreviation that represents the type of floor or level, forming part of the address within a multi-storey building or sub-complex.
Specific Information:
NSW Point complexLevelNumber |
VERIFIED_BUILDING_PROPERTY_NAME | Address: Address Site Name, Text X(50) |
The official place name or culturally accepted common usage name for an address site.
Specific Information:
The full name used to identify the physical building or property. |
VERIFIED_UNIT_TYPE | Address: Unit Type, Code AAAA |
The abbreviation that distingushes the separately identifiable portion of the address within a building/sub-complex or marina.
Specific Information:
NSW Point complexUnitIdentifier |
VERIFIED_STREET_NUMBER | Address: Road Number, Identifier X(6) |
An alphanumeric identifier for an address or start number in a ranged address in a road or thoroughfare.
Specific Information:
[GNAF: geo: addressDetails] NSW Point StreetNumber1 (or StreetNumber2) |
VERIFIED_STREET_NAME | Address: Road Name, Text X(46) |
The text that represents the name of the road or thoroughfare applicable to the address site or complex.
Specific Information:
[GNAF: geo: addressDetails] NSW Point StreetName |
VERIFIED_STREET_TYPE_CODE | Address: Road type, Code AAAA |
A code that represents the type of the road or thoroughfare applicable to the address site.
Specific Information:
[GNAF: geo: addressDetails] NSW Point StreetType |
VERIFIED_STREET_TYPE_DESCRIPTION | You don't have permission to see this Data Element. |
Specific Information:
NSW Point complexStreetType |
- | - |
VERIFIED_SUBURB_NAME | Address: Suburb/Town/Locality Name, Text X(46) |
The name of the locality, suburb or town of the address, as represented by text.
Specific Information:
[GNAF: geo: addressDetails] NSW Point localityName |
VERIFIED_STATE_ABBREVIATION | Address: Australian State/Territory Identifier, Code X(3) |
The code descriptor for a state area for an address.
Specific Information:
[GNAF: geo: addressDetails] STATE.STATE_ABBREVIATION |
STATE_NAME | You don't have permission to see this Data Element. |
Specific Information:
[GNAF: geo: addressDetails] STATE.STATE_NAME |
- | - |
VERIFIED_POSTCODE | Address: Australian postcode, code (Postcode datafile) NNNN |
The Australian numeric descriptor for a postal delivery area for an address.
Specific Information:
[GNAF: geo: addressDetails] NSW Point postcode |
COUNTRY_NAME | You don't have permission to see this Data Element. |
Specific Information:
[Address verification does not verify Country name] |
- | - |
VERIFIED_FULL_ADDRESS | Address: Address Line, Text X(180) |
A composite of one or more standard address components, as represented by text.
Specific Information:
[GNAF: geo: addressDetails] NSW Point formattedAddress |
ALIAS_ADDRESS | - | - | - | - |
LOCALITY_NAME | Address: Suburb/Town/Locality Name, Text X(46) |
The name of the locality, suburb or town of the address, as represented by text.
Specific Information:
[GNAF: geo: addressDetails] NSW Point localityName |
LOCALITY_ALIAS | Address: Suburb/Town/Locality Name, Text X(46) |
The name of the locality, suburb or town of the address, as represented by text.
Specific Information:
NSW Point localityAlias The alias name for the locality or suburb. An unofficial name that is sometimes used to refer to a Locality. Alias Locality Names are not recognised as authoritative Locality Names, however they may be in common use. Localities may have multiple alias names but only one official (gazetted) name. Could be misspellings, historic authoritative names or unauthoritative names. |
PLACE | Address: Address Site Name, Text X(50) | The official place name or culturally accepted common usage name for an address site. | ALPHANUMERICSTRING | X(50) |
LOCALITY_IDPI | Address: Postal Delivery Number, Identifier X(11) |
The identifier number for the channel of postal delivery.
Specific Information:
NSW Point deliveryPointIdentifier |
GEO_FEATURE | Address: Geocode Feature, Text X(40) |
The text code that describes the physical or virtual features associated with the geocode for the address point.
Specific Information:
[GNAF: geo] NSW Point geoFeature |
ADDRESS_RECORD_TYPE | You don't have permission to see this Data Element. |
Specific Information:
[GNAF] NSW Point addressRecordType |
- | - |
LGA_PID | Address: Local Government Area, Code N(5) |
A code that describes a geographic area defined by the Departments of Local Government, or their equivalent in each state or territory, excepting the Australian Capital Territory of an address.
Specific Information:
[GNAF: localGovernmentArea] NSW Point lgaPid |
LGA_NAME | You don't have permission to see this Data Element. |
Specific Information:
[GNAF: localGovernmentArea] NSW Point lgaName |
- | - |
MB_ID | You don't have permission to see this Data Element. |
Specific Information:
[GNAF: asgsMain: 2016/2021] NSW Point mbId |
- | - |
SA1_ID | You don't have permission to see this Data Element. |
Specific Information:
[GNAF: asgsMain: 2016/2021] NSW Point sa1Id |
- | - |
SA2_ID | Address: Statistical Area, level 2 (SA2) code N(9) |
The unique identifier provided by the ABS for a feature within their Statistical Area 2 dataset, grouped by the year of capture (eg asgsMain.2016.sa2Id: “117031337” or asgsMain.2021.sa2Id: “117031644”).
Specific Information:
[GNAF: asgsMain: 2016/2021] NSW Point sa2Id |
SA3_ID | You don't have permission to see this Data Element. |
Specific Information:
[GNAF: asgsMain: 2016/2021] NSW Point sa3Id |
- | - |
SA4_ID | You don't have permission to see this Data Element. |
Specific Information:
[GNAF: asgsMain: 2016/2021] NSW Point sa4Id |
- | - |
COMMONWEALTH_ELECTORATE_NAME | Address: Federal Electorate, Label X(50) |
Federal (Commonwealth) electorate in which property in located, as represented by a label.
Specific Information:
[GNAF: commonwealthElectorate] NSW Point commElectoralName |
COMMONWEALTH_ELECTORATE_PID | You don't have permission to see this Data Element. |
Specific Information:
[GNAF: commonwealthElectorate] NSW Point commElectoralPid |
- | - |
STATE_ELECTORATE_NAME | You don't have permission to see this Data Element. |
Specific Information:
[GNAF: stateElectorate] NSW Point stateElectoralName |
- | - |
STATE_ELECTORATE_PID | You don't have permission to see this Data Element. |
Specific Information:
[GNAF: stateElectorate] NSW Point stateElectoralPid |
- | - |
VALID_LATITUDE | Address: Geocode Latitude, Decimal degrees XNN.N(9) |
The geographic latitude of an address point on the earth, measured in decimal degrees north or south of the equator.
Specific Information:
[GNAF: ADDRESS_DEFAULT_GEOCODE.LATITUDE] NSW Point output: geoNorthSouthCoordinate From 1 January 2020, GDA2020 is the legal datum for NSW. Misalignments may occur when projecting GDA94 and GDA2020 spatial data into WGS 84 |
VALID_LONGITUDE | Address: Geocode Longitude, Decimal Degrees XNNN.N(9) |
The geographic longitude of an address point on the earth, measured in decimal degrees east or west of the Greenwich Meridian.
Specific Information:
[GNAF: ADDRESS_DEFAULT_GEOCODE.LONGITUDE] NSW Point output: geoEastWestCoordinate From 1 January 2020, GDA2020 is the legal datum for NSW. Misalignments may occur when projecting GDA94 and GDA2020 spatial data into WGS 84 |
Specific Information:
locationDescriptor: A description of the position of the address relative to another physical site. eg. 3KM PAST THE BLACK STUMP SIGN |
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GEOCODING_MATCHCODE | You don't have permission to see this Data Element. | - | - | - |
GEOCODING_CONFIDENCE_PERCENTAGE | You don't have permission to see this Data Element. |
Specific Information:
NSW Point matchQualityPercentage |
- | - |
GEOCODING_DATE | Record: DateTime Stamp, YYYY-MM-DD |
A sequence of characters or encoded information identifying when a certain event occurred, on what day, and optionally including what particular time of day.
Specific Information:
NSW Point requestDate |
DATETIME | YYYY-MM-DD(T00:00:00) |
DATASET | You don't have permission to see this Data Element. | - | - | - |
DATUM | Address: Geocode Geographic Datum, Text X(10) |
The reference model of the earth's surface (datum) and the coordinate system (e.g. latitude and longitude) used in the measurement of the geocode position of the address point.
Specific Information:
NSW Point (GNAF) geoDatumCode From 1 January 2020, GDA2020 is the legal datum for NSW. Misalignments may occur when projecting GDA94 and GDA2020 spatial data into WGS 84 |
The NSW Address Policy and User Manual (APUM) outlines the Geographical Names Board (GNB) and NSW Spatial Services policy, principles, processes and procedures for addressing in NSW
AS/NZS 4819:2011 Rural and Urban Addressing
AS 4590.1:2017 Interchange of client information, Part 1: Data elements and interchange formats
Address Database
ISO 19113 Geographic Information
ISO 19157 Purpose
ISO 19113 Usage
Address String
ISO 19157:2013 Lineage
ISO 19113 Completeness & Accuracy