An average of the outcome domain SCOREs from the community assessment table, for the earliest and latest paired Community SCORE, in the reporting period.
A paired Community SCORE is made up of Assessment IDs that have Activity ID equal to 80,81,82,83, or 84, and Outcome Type = 'Group/Community.'
To get a paired Community SCORE, the Assessment IDs are grouped by Case ID, Activity ID, Service Type ID, Outcome Type and Outcome Domain. The earliest of the paired SCORE takes the Assessment ID from the first Session Conducted Date, Session Id and where Assessment Type = Pre-SCORE.
The latest of the paired SCORE is calculated for each reporting period, within the same grouping of Case ID, Activity ID, Service Type ID, Outcome Type and Outcome Domain. If there is not a latest score paired with the earliest score in a reporting period for a particular grouping of Case ID, Activity ID, Service Type ID, Outcome Type and Outcome Domain, there is no earliest or latest paired community score for that reporting period.