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Metadata.NSW (beta)
This table shows items related to the item School: Performance Directorate Name, Label A.
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Showing 3 results.
Name Details Statuses
2019-2023 Incident reports in NSW government schools
Metadata for IAC0448 covering data tables released for calendar years 2019 to 2023. Each related data table contains data for a...
  • NSW Education Statistical Standards Committee: Qualified on
NSW public schools master dataset


Metadata for IAC0392 covering data table 'NSW public schools master dataset'.   Student enrolment numbers are based on the census of government...
  • NSW Education Statistical Standards Committee: Qualified on
Specialist support classes by school and support needs type
Metadata for IAC0404  covering data table titled 'Specialist support classes by school and support needs type'.   Data is for government schools...
  • NSW Education Statistical Standards Committee: Qualified on