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Metadata.NSW (beta)

FACSIAR Data Governance Committee (active)



FACS Insights, Analysis and Research Data Governance Committee. Endorsing body for NSW Department of Communities & Justice metadata.

Recording a Governance Decision in the Aristotle Metadata Registry.

The following list gives a description of the context of the 11179-6 status levels for FACSIAR Data Governance Committee.
State Definition Visibility Locked
Not Progressed - Workgroup Unlocked
Incomplete The item has been added to the workgroup to make registered users of the metadata register aware of the existence of the item and that it requires further development. An Incomplete status implies that items may not contain all the attributes specified for a metadata item as described in the ISO/IEC 11179 part 3. Workgroup Unlocked
Candidate Items are approved by the Metadata Team and are proposed for progression to the registration levels of Recorded, Qualified, Standard or Preferred Standard as determined by the FACSIAR DGC. Items at this registration status contain all the attributes specified for the metadata item described in the ISO/IEC 11179 part 3. Members of NSW Dept. Communities and Justice Locked
Recorded Items are approved by the Metadata Team and reviewed by the FACSIAR DGC but require further development if they are to achieve a higher registration status. The contents of the mandatory metadata attributes may not conform to quality requirements. Authenticated users Locked
Qualified Items at this registration status had a Candidate or Recorded registration status. The FACSIAR DGC has confirmed that the mandatory metadata attributes are complete and conform to applicable quality requirements. Some caveats apply to the data in the tables described by this metadata. These issues have been described in the metadata at this registration status to ensure users of the data understand the data quality issues. Public Unlocked
Standard Items at this registration status had a Recorded or Qualified registration status and are approved terminology across DCJ. The FACSIAR DGC confirm the metadata items are of sufficient quality and to be of broad use in the community that uses this metadata register. Public Locked
Preferred Standard Items at this registration status had a Recorded, Qualified or Standard registration status and are the preferred definitions used across the NSW Government or are National Standards. For example, AS4590, ISO, Standards Australia, Australian Bureau of Statistics standards. Public Locked
Superseded The FACSIAR DGC has determined that this item is no longer recommended for use and a successor item is now preferred for use. A Superseded Item may still be used but the successor item is the one preferred for use. Only editorial edits of superseded administered items are permitted. An administered item can move to superseded status from Recorded status or above, so the quality of the attribution might be no better than in Recorded status Public Locked
Retired The FACSIAR DGC has determined that this item is no longer recommended for use and should no longer be used. Retired items should include a reference to replacement items when appropriate. Only editorial edits of retired administered items are permitted. An administered item can move to Retired status from Recorded status or above, so the quality of the attribution might be no better than in Recorded status. Authenticated users Locked
Visibility legend

The below table gives more information on who can view registrations statuses, and registered items when registered based on the above settings.

Visibility settings Users who can view registration statuses and items
Less visible, fewer users Registration Authority Only Only registrars and managers in this Registration Authority can see metadata registered with this visibility level. This is a more restrictive level of visibility that overrides the default visibility behavior.
Workgroup Members of Workgroups that metadata items belong to can see registration status information at this level.
Steward Organisation Members of the Stewardship Organisation (NSW Dept. Communities and Justice) that this Registration Authority belongs to is in can view registration information, and can see metadata registered with these statuses.
Authenticated users All authenticated users in the Registry can see items registered with this visibility level.
More visible, more users Public Anyone who can view the registry can see items registered with a status with this visibility level. Users do not log in to see this information.
Locked legend