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A count of reasons for individual clients assistance from the Family Connect and Support services in the reporting period.

Indicator Summary


A client may be in the FCS program for one or multiple reasons out of twelve. Each reason is a binary code (i.e. 1 or 0) in the DEX_ref_assistance_needed table. The PRIMARYASSISTANCENEEDEDKEY is an integer that shows the different combination of the flag of the primary different reasons clients seek assistance for FCS. The  PRIMARYASSISTANCENEEDEDKEY is used to join with the AssistanceNeededKey in the DEX_ref_assistance_needed table. For example, AssistanceNeededKey = 14 means the clients is seeking assistance for Housing, Training …

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This indicator may be disaggregated by:

Indicator Specific Breakdown

Distribution/Table Path/Column Dashboard Filter Label
FCaS_Attendance_Table ACTIVITYID Program activity
FCaS_Attendance_Table SERVICETYPEID Service type
FCaS_Attendance_Table DELIVERYORGID Delivery organisation

Geographic Breakdown

Distribution/Table Path/Column Dashboard Filter Label
FCaS_Outlet_Table MB2016BOUNDARYCODE District (outlet)*

*The FCS Mesh Block is used with a geographical conversion table to calculate into DCJ Districts and Local Government Area

Demographic Breakdown

Distribution/Table Path/Column Dashboard Filter Label
FCaS_Attendance_Table AGEATSESSION Age
FCaS_Attendance_Table AGEATSESSION 0 - 5 year olds 
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Reporting Information

The Family Connect and Support Program dashboard reports annually.

Framework Dimensions


The indicator provides practical information for managers and front-line staff to better understand their program.

Alignment: This aligns with reporting in Data Exchange by the Australian Government Department of Social Services (DSS).  

Calculation rules

Computation Rule

A client may be in the FCS program for one or multiple reasons out of twelve. Each reason is a binary code (i.e. 1 or 0) in the DEX_ref_assistance_needed table. The PRIMARYASSISTANCENEEDEDKEY is an integer that shows the different combination of the flag of the primary different reasons clients seek assistance for FCS. The  PRIMARYASSISTANCENEEDEDKEY is used to join with the AssistanceNeededKey in the DEX_ref_assistance_needed table. For example, AssistanceNeededKey = 14 means the clients is seeking assistance for Housing, Training & Employment reasons. AssistanceNeededKey = 24 means it is seeking assistance for Personal and Housing reasons. 

The criteria used in determining clients' primary and secondary reasons for seeking assistance include: 

Activity ID = 107 (i.e. FCS Activity only)

Participation Type = 'CLIENT' (only Individual clients are included).

The summary total of primary reasons clients' seek assistance is therefore : 

A sum of each of the following reasons for seeking assistance: AGE, MATERIAL, FAMILY, MONEY, PHYSICAL, COMMUNITY, MENTAL, PERSONAL, HOUSING, TRAINING, EMPLOYMENT, EDUCEMPL where it equals = 1.







This indicator may be disaggregated by:

Indicator Specific Breakdown

Distribution/Table Path/Column Dashboard Filter Label
FCaS_Attendance_Table ACTIVITYID Program activity
FCaS_Attendance_Table SERVICETYPEID Service type
FCaS_Attendance_Table DELIVERYORGID Delivery organisation

Geographic Breakdown

Distribution/Table Path/Column Dashboard Filter Label
FCaS_Outlet_Table MB2016BOUNDARYCODE District (outlet)*

*The FCS Mesh Block is used with a geographical conversion table to calculate into DCJ Districts and Local Government Area

Demographic Breakdown

Distribution/Table Path/Column Dashboard Filter Label
FCaS_Attendance_Table AGEATSESSION Age
FCaS_Attendance_Table AGEATSESSION 0 - 5 year olds 
  AGEATSESSION 0-18 year old clients affected by mental health*


FCaS_Client_Disability_Table DISABILITYCODE Disability status
FCaS_Client_Table ATSICODE Aboriginality
FCaS_Client_Table HOMELESSCODE Homelessness status
FCaS_Client_Table GENDERCODE Gender

* For the 0-18 year old clients affected by mental health the Primary Assistance Needed Key and the Assistance Needed Key from the from the Attendance Table connect to the Assistance Needed Key in the Reference Assistance Needed Table, where the value for MENTAL is equal to '1', and the value for Age At Session is 0 - 18.


Distribution/Table Path/Column

FCaS_Attendance Table



This is disaggregated by primary assistance reason and secondary assistance needed. The primary assistance needed is calculated by: 

PRIMARYASSISTANCENEEDEDKEY from FCaS_Attendance Table  = AssistanceNeededKey from DEX_ref_assistance_needed.

The secondary assistance needed is calculated by: 

AssistanceNeededKey from FCaS_Attendance Table  = AssistanceNeededKey from DEX_ref_assistance_needed.

The Family Connect and Support Program Dashboard disaggregates by district (outlet), LGA (outlet), Aboriginality and CALD. 


Data ageing:

  • This indicator does not have any data ageing rules.

Custom Fields

DCJ - Domain
Targeted Earlier Intervention

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