The Attendance table records all attendance, sessions, activity and service type details. Each of these are associated with the Client ID if the attendance is related to individual client or support person. The Attendance table also shows the date of the attendance along with the Organisation and Outlet (in the form of identifier) that delivered the session. It also has the linkage key regarding the reasons client seek assistance for TEI and reasons for referral to other services.
The TEI_Attendance table to contain the following data elements.
Data source details
Provenance records
Generated distributions
Target early intervention: _2018_29_4_ti_attendance
Statuses: UnregisteredA1.5:TEI Attendance data
Path name | Data Element | Definition | Data Type | Format |
ATTENDANCEID | Data Exchange: Attendance identifier, X(19) | A number that represents a system-generated identifier for a unique attendance record in the Data Exchange. | CHARACTERSTRING | X(18) |
SESSIONID | Data Exchange: Session identifier, X(19) | A number that represents a system-generated identifier for a unique session record in the Data Exchange.
Specific Information: Organisation’s Session Id. This is unique for a particular case within the organisation. SessionId and CaseId compound must be unique within the upload file. A client’s name, part of a client’s name, or other identifiable information should not be used as a Session Id under any circumstances. Lineage details:
CLIENTID | Data Exchange: Client identifier, X(19) | A number that represents a system-generated identifier for a unique client record in the Data Exchange. Lineage details:
CASECLIENTID | Data Exchange: Case Client identifier, identifier X(19) | A number that represents a system-generated identifier for a unique Client Case record in the Data Exchange. | CHARACTERSTRING | X(18) |
ORGANISATIONACTIVITYID | Data Exchange: Organisation Activity, identifier X(19) | A number that represents a system-generated identifier for a unique Organisation Activity record in the Data Exchange. | CHARACTERSTRING | X(18) |
OUTLETID | Data Exchange: Outlet identifier, X(19) | A number that represents a system-generated identifier for a unique outlet record in the Data Exchange. Lineage details:
LEADORGID | Data Exchange: Lead Organisation identifier, X(19) | A number that represents a system-generated identifier for a unique service provider record in the Data Exchange of an organisation that has charge over the services provided. | CHARACTERSTRING | X(18) |
DELIVERYORGID | Data Exchange: Delivery Organisation identifier, X(19) | A number that represents a system-generated identifier for a unique service provider record in the Data Exchange of an organisation that has been directed to provide services. | CHARACTERSTRING | X(18) |
ACTIVITYID | Data Exchange: Program activity identifier, Code NN | A number that represents an identifier for a unique program activity record in the Data Exchange. Lineage details:
SERVICETYPEID | Session: Service Type, Code N(4) | The code that represents the main focus of service delivery at a given session. Lineage details:
PARTICIPATIONTYPE | Person: Participation type, Label A(10) | The code that represents the role of a given person at a session. | ALPHASTRING | A(10) |
ATTENDANCECOUNT | Session: Attendance count, Number NNN | The total (count) of attendees at a session. | INTEGERNUMBER | NNN |
CONDUCTEDDATE | Session: Conducted Date, YYYYMMDD | The date represented as year, month, day on which a given session took place. Lineage details:
AGEATSESSION | Person: Age, Total Years NNN | The age of the person in (completed) years at a specific point in time. | NUMBERSTRING | NNN |
ASSISTANCENEEDEDKEY | Person: Assistance Needed Key, Binary Identifier N(4) | A binary representation of the Earlier Intervention service/s required by a person. Lineage details:
PRIMARYASSISTANCENEEDEDKEY | Person: Primary assistance needed, Binary Identifier N(4) | A binary representation of the Targeted Earlier Intervention service/s of chief importance that is required by a person. | NUMBERSTRING | N(4) |
REFERRALFROMSOURCE | Service Event: Referral Source, TEI code X(20) | A code that represents a person or organisation from which a person or group of people is referred for Targeted Earlier Intervention services. | ALPHANUMERICSTRING | X(12) |
REFERRALTOEXTERNALKEY | Session: Referral To External Key, Binary Identifier N(5) | A binary representation of the type of service/s selected for referral to providers external to the organisation. | NUMBERSTRING | N(5) |
REFERRALTOEXTERNALDATE | Session: Referral Date, YYYYMMDD | A date represented as year, month, day of a referral for the receipt of an instance of service. Lineage details:
REFERRALTOINTERNALKEY | Session: Referral To Internal Key, Binary Identifier N(5) | A binary representation of the type of service/s selected for referral to providers internal to the organisation. Lineage details:
REFERRALTOINTERNALDATE | Session: Referral Date, YYYYMMDD | A date represented as year, month, day of a referral for the receipt of an instance of service. | DATE | YYYYMMDD |
EXITREASONCODE | Service episode: Service cessation reason, TEI Exit Code X(16) | The reason a client exited or is no longer receiving a service, as represented by a label. | ALPHANUMERICSTRING | X(16) |
BATCHID | Record: Batch Id, Text X(200) | System generated identification generated when (data) ingested into BigQuery, represented by text. | ALPHANUMERICSTRING | X(200) |
etl_run_dt | Record: DateTime Stamp, YYYY-MM-DD | A sequence of characters or encoded information identifying when a certain event occurred, on what day, and optionally including what particular time of day. Specific Information: The date the data warehouse Extract transform & Load (ETL) run last updated. | DATETIME | YYYY-MM-DD(T00:00:00) |