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Data about the reason clients sought assistance is collected to inform service planning to better respond to presenting needs. The optional categories for describing the reason for seeking assistance are standardised to reflect the SCORE outcome domains that cover the range of funded activities captured as part of the Data Exchange Framework. For each client, data is recorded about the main reason for seeking assistance and, if relevant, a secondary reason for seeking assistance. Reasons for seeking assistance are recorded at the case level, to allow organisations to reflect that clients go to different activities to address different needs.

Data source details

Path name Data Element Definition Data Type Format
AssistanceNeededKey Person: Assistance Needed Key, Binary Identifier N(4)

A binary representation of the Earlier Intervention service/s required by a person.

MATERIAL Person: Referral purpose - Material wellbeing, No/Yes Code N

A code representing whether a client is seeking assistance for, or being referred to services to address the client’s immediate lack of money and basic items needed for day-to-day living and to improve their independence, participation and wellbeing.

FAMILY Person: Referral purpose - Family functioning, No/Yes Code N

A code representing whether a client is seeking assistance for, or being referred to services to improve family functioning and change its impact on their independence, participation and wellbeing.

MONEY Person: Referral purpose - Financial resilience, No/Yes Code N

A code representing whether a client is seeking assistance for, or being referred to services to improve financial resilience and change its impact to improve the client’s independence, participation and wellbeing.

PHYSICAL Person: Referral purpose - Physical health, No/Yes Code N

A code representing whether a client is seeking assistance for, or being referred to services to assist with the impact of their physical health on their independence, participation and wellbeing.

COMMUNITY Person: Referral purpose - Community participation, No/Yes Code N

A code representing whether a client is seeking assistance for, or being referred to services to change the impact of poor community participation and networks on their independence, participation and wellbeing.

AGE Person: Referral purpose - Age-appropriate development, No/Yes Code N

A code representing whether a client is seeking assistance for, or being referred to services to improve age-appropriate development.

MENTAL Person: Referral purpose - Mental health, No/Yes Code N

A code representing whether a client is seeking assistance for, or being referred to services to change the impact of mental health issues and self-care on their independence, participation and wellbeing.

PERSONAL Person: Referral purpose - Personal and family safety, No/Yes Code N

A code representing whether a client is seeking assistance for, or being referred to services to change the impact of personal and family safety issues on their independence, participation and wellbeing.

HOUSING Person: Referral purpose - Housing, No/Yes Code N

A code representing whether a client is seeking assistance for, or being referred to services to improve their housing stability or address the impact of poor housing on their independence, participation and wellbeing.

TRAINING Person: Referral purpose - Education and Training, No/Yes Code N

A code representing whether a client is seeking assistance for, or being referred to services to help with the impact of a client’s inability to engage with education and skills training on their independence, participation and wellbeing.

EMPLOYMENT Person: Referral purpose - Employment, No/Yes Code N

A code representing whether a client is seeking assistance for, or being referred to services to change the impact of a client’s lack of employment on their independence, participation and wellbeing.

EDUCEMPL Person: Referral purpose - Education & Employment, No/Yes Code N

A code representing whether a client is seeking assistance for, or being referred to services to change the impact of a client’s lack of employment or ability to engage with education on their independence, participation and wellbeing.

INGESTTIME Record: DateTime Stamp, YYYY-MM-DD

A sequence of characters or encoded information identifying when a certain event occurred, on what day, and optionally including what particular time of day.

INGESTTYPE Record: Ingest Type, Label A(6)

File (data) ingestion process type, represented by a label.

FILENAME Record: Filename, Text X(200)

File name (data) ingested into BigQuery, represented by text.

BATCHID Record: Batch Id, Text X(200)

System generated identification generated when (data) ingested into BigQuery, represented by text.