The 'Child Protection Reporting - Base Data Asset' has been developed to:
- support analysis beyond the scope of what can be done using CIW reporting functions, including as an input to the creation of the CP Longitudinal data asset
- enable greater consistency across analysis
- facilitate the sharing of data with other parts of the organisation who do not have access to CIW, and to researchers/consultants or other agencies who are required to work with the data extract.
The asset is constructed based on combinations of “Child or young person” and “Contact/Report”. Fields from specific assessments and other variables (e.g. “Triage”) associated with the Child Protection Report are also included in the longitudinal asset.
While best efforts have been made to ensure the base counts of the file (number of reports, number of children reported etc) match the Annual Report published counts for the corresponding year, discrepancies may still occur. Data added to the table has been aged for two months before being included. Existing data is not updated when new data is added.
The asset contains a subset of the dimensions currently available in the CIW report builder. The included dimensions have been selected based on types of analysis commonly carried out by FACSIAR. This data is being routinely brought into the FAP and can be used for a range of purposes, including developing the longitudinal asset.
Data source details
Path name | Data Element | Definition | Data Type | Format |
CHILDSTORY_ID | Person: ChildStory Identifier, A-N(8) |
Internal Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) Person identifier from ChildStory. |
LEGACY_ID | Person: KiDS Number, Identifier X(14) |
A person's internal Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) Person Identifier from the legacy KiDS system. |
LEGACY_KIDS_PERSON_NUMBER | Person: KiDS Number, Identifier X(14) |
A person's internal Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) Person Identifier from the legacy KiDS system. |
FIRST_NAME | Person: Given Name, Hashed |
De-identified (hashed) name of a person within the family group or by which the person is socially identified. |
MIDDLE_NAME | Person: Middle Name, Hashed |
De-identified (hashed) person's name placed after the first (given) name and before the surname. |
LAST_NAME | Person: Family Name, Hashed |
De-identified (hashed) name by which a person’s family group may be identified. That part of a name a person usually has in common with some other members of his/her family, as distinguished from his/her given names. |
DOB | Person: Date of Birth, YYYY-MM-DD |
The date of birth of the person, expressed as a date time stamp. |
DATETIME | YYYY-MM-DD(T00:00:00) |
AGE_GROUP | Person: Age, NN |
The age of the person in (completed) years at a specific point in time.
Specific Information:
Age calculated at time of loading the data from the source system. |
The age of the person in (completed) years at a specific point in time.
Specific Information:
Specific point of time (at contact) is when the child or young person was first the subject of a Helpline contact |
GENDER | Person: Gender, Code X(20) |
A code that represents how a person identifies their masculine or feminine characteristics. An individual's gender is not always exclusively male or female, and doesn't always correspond to their sex assigned at birth.
Specific Information:
Gender on person record at time of extraction |
ABORIGINAL_STATUS | Person: Indigenous Status, Label X(40) |
A label that represents the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander origin identified by a person.
Specific Information:
Aboriginal status on person record at time of extraction as in ChildStory. HIDDEN unless requested and approved to view. |
ABORIGINAL_STATUS_GROUPED | Person: Indigenous Status, Grouped Label X(14) |
Aboriginal Status, as represented by a grouped label
Specific Information:
Aboriginal status on person record at time of extraction grouped for reporting purposes (Aboriginal, non-Aboriginal, other, blank) (Not stated is grouped into other) |
COUNTRY_OF_BIRTH | Person: Country of Birth, Label X(100) |
The country in which the person was born, as represented by a label. |
SECURED_FLAG | Person: Secured Flag, Yes/No/NA Code AA |
A flag that represents whether a persons information was secured in ChildStory - at the time of extraction, as represented by a code. |
DISABILITY_FLAG | Person: Disability Indicator, Yes/No Code A |
An indicator of whether a person has a disability. A person has a disability if they have an intellectual, psychiatric, sensory physical or like impairment or a combination of such impairments, that is permanent or is likely to be enduring, and results in a significantly reduced capacity in one or more major life activities such as communication, learning mobility, decision-making or self-care and the need for support. |
DISABILITY_IMPAIRMENT_NATURE | Person: Disability Impairment, Hashed |
De-identified (hashed) text describing the type of disability impairment experienced by an individual. |
DISABILITY_DETAILS | Person: Disability Details, Hashed |
De-identified (hashed) description/collation of a person's disability(s), A person has a disability if they have an intellectual, psychiatric, sensory physical or like impairment or a combination of such impairments, that is permanent or is likely to be enduring, and results in a significantly reduced capacity in one or more major life activities such as communication, learning mobility, decision-making or self-care and the need for support. |
PREFERRED_LANGUAGE | Person: Preferred Language, Label X(50) |
The preferred language spoken by a given client, represented by a label. |
PRIMARY_CULTURAL_BACKGROUND | Person: Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Background, Text X(50) |
Self-enumeration of cultural and linguistic background, based on whether or not one was born in a country other than Australia, has a cultural background other than Australian, or can speak languages other than English, by respondents entering "free text". |
RESIDENTIAL_POSTCODE | Person: Australian Postcode, Code NNNN |
The numeric descriptor for an Australian postal delivery area, aligned with locality, suburb or place for the address of a person. |
RESIDENTIAL_SUBURB | Person: Suburb/town/locality name, Text X(50) |
The full name of the locality contained within the specific address of a person, as represented by text. |
CONTACT_ID | Record: Contact Identifier, N(8) |
Unique identifier for a Child Protection contact record (Concern Report). The contact record documents the details of the child protection concerns reported by the contactor.
Specific Information:
When PSEUDO_REPORT_FLAG = Y, this field will contain a 17 character string (comprised of substrings of PERSON_ID and FA_ID), to indicate that the contact identifier relates to an additional child discovered during a field assessment. |
CONTACT_RECORD_ID | Record: Contact Record Identifier, X(18) |
Unique identifier for a Child Protection contact record (Concern Report) |
CONTACTOR_TYPE | Service Event: Contactor Type, Label X(50) |
The type of contact entity (person/organisation) that is contacting the Helpline, as represented by a label. |
CONTACTOR_TYPE_GROUP | Service Event: Contactor Type, Grouped Label X(45) |
Type of organisation the person is contacting Helpline from, as represented by a grouped label. |
CONTACTOR_REGION | Service Event: Contactor Region, Text X(50) |
The region/location of a person/organisation contacting Helpline, as represented by text
Specific Information:
Free text. Region includes Suburbs/Districts, as well as other contact sources (e.g. YOUTH COMMAND, AMIHS, STATE CRIME COMMAND). |
CONTACTOR_ROLE | Service Event: Contactor Role, Label X(50) |
The role of the person contacting Helpline within their organisation, or their relationship to the child being reported, as represented by a label. |
MANDATORY_REPORTER | Service Event: Mandatory Reporter, Yes/No Label X(3) |
Flag indicating whether the contactor type is mapped as a mandatory reporter. |
MANDATORY_REPORTER_DERIVED | Service Event: Mandatory Reporter, Yes/No Label X(3) |
Flag indicating whether the contactor type is mapped as a mandatory reporter.
Specific Information:
This attribute is the standard used in CIW. Indicator derived (value can be different from MANDATORY_REPORTER) |
MRG_COMPLETED | Service Event: Mandatory Reporter Guide Completed, Yes/No/Not Asked Label A(10) |
A flag indicating whether the contactor completed the Mandatory Reporter Guide before making the report. |
PRIMARY_CONTACT_REASON | Service Event: Primary Contact Reason, Label X(40) |
Main reason for contacting the Helpline, as represented by a label |
PRIMARY_CONCERN | Service Event: Contact Primary Concern, Label X(100) |
First concern reported to the Helpline, as represented by a label |
PRIMARY_CONCERN_GROUPED | Service Event: Contact Primary Concern, Grouped Label X(50) |
First concern reported to the Helpline, as represented by a grouped label |
CONTACT_ORIGIN | Service Event: Contact, Label X(25) |
The means by which a Concern Report was received, as represented by a label |
SOURCE_OF_NOTIFICATION | Service Event: Source of Notification, Label A(50) |
A combination of contactor type and contactor role, as represented by a label.
Specific Information:
This is an AIHW attribute used for annual reporting. |
CONTACT_OUTCOME | Service Event: Contact Outcome, Label X(100) |
The outcome of a contact (concern report), as represented by a label |
CONTACT_START_DATE | Service Event: Start Date, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD |
The date a service event commenced
Specific Information:
The date the contactor made contact with the Helpline (via phone/email/eReport etc) |
DATETIME | YYYY-MM-DD(T00:00:00) |
CONTACT_RECORD_STATUS | Service Event: Contact Record Status, Label A(20) |
The status of a contact record during the helpline process, as represented by a label |
CONTACT_APPROVAL_STATUS | Service Event: Contact Record Approval Status, Label X(20) |
The approval status of a contact record during the helpline process, as represented by a label |
POSTCODE_AT_CONTACT | Person: Australian Postcode, Code NNNN |
The numeric descriptor for an Australian postal delivery area, aligned with locality, suburb or place for the address of a person.
Specific Information:
The postcode for the child/reporter, as at the contact record creation date. |
SUBURB_AT_CONTACT | Person: Suburb/town/locality name, Text X(50) |
The full name of the locality contained within the specific address of a person, as represented by text.
Specific Information:
The suburb of a person as at the contact record creation date |
REPORT_WID | Record: Identifier, N(8) |
A sequence of characters represented as a numeric string which uniquely identifies a data warehouse record. |
VALID_REPORT_FLAG | Record: Valid Report Flag, Yes/No Code A(A) |
A flag indicating whether the report is valid, as represented by a code (Y/N). |
VALID_CONTACT_FLAG | Record: Valid Contact Flag, Yes/No Code A(A) |
A flag indicating whether the contact is valid, as represented by a code (Y/N). |
ROSH_FLAG | Assessment: ROSH Flag, Yes/No/NA Code A(A) |
Flag indicates if the a report meets the threshold for Risk of Significant Harm (ROSH) upon applying the screening tool at the Child Protection Helpline. |
PSEUDO_REPORT_FLAG | Service Event: Pseudo Report Flag, Yes/No Code A |
An indicator for additional child discovered during a field assessment, as represented by a code (Y/N). |
REREPORT_FLAG | Service Event: ReReport Flag, Yes/No/NA Code X |
A flag indicating whether a report is a between 3 and 12 months after a previous ROSH report, as represented by a code (Y/N). |
SAFETYINCARE_FLAG | Assessment: Safety in Care Flag, Yes/No/NA Code A(A) |
A flag indicating that a child was identified at Helpline as being in OOHC when the reported issue occurred, AND the child was in OOHC as at Contact start date, as represented by a code (Y/N). |
PRIMARY_HL_ASSESSED_ISSUE | Assessment: Helpline Primary Issue, Label X(200) |
Issue identified at Helpline assessment that has been flagged as primary by the Helpline caseworker, represented by a label
Specific Information:
Helpline |
PRIMARY_HL_ASSESSED_ISSUE_GRPD | Assessment: Helpline Primary Issue, Grouped Label X(50) |
Issue assessed as primary by a Helpline caseworker, represented by a group label |
OTHER_HL_ASSESSED_ISSUES | Assessment: Other Assessed Issues, Label X(200) |
Multiple other/non-primary assessed issues, as represented by a concatenation of labels (indicating multiple selections).
Specific Information:
As assessed during the Helpline Assessment phase |
PRIMARY_FA_ASSESSED_ISSUE | Assessment: Field Assessment Primary Issue, Label X(200) |
Issue identified by the caseworker during the field assessment as being the primary issue of concern, represented by a label. Substantiated issues are prioritised over unsubstantiated issues. |
PRIMARY_FA_ASSESSED_ISSUE_GRPD | Assessment: Field Assessment Primary Issue, Grouped Label X(50) |
Issue assessed as primary by caseworker during the field assessment, represented by a group label. |
OTHER_FA_ASSESSED_ISSUES | Assessment: Other Assessed Issues, Label X(200) |
Multiple other/non-primary assessed issues, as represented by a concatenation of labels (indicating multiple selections).
Specific Information:
As assessed during the Field Assessment phase |
FACS_ACTUAL_RISK_GRPD | Assessment: Field Assessment - Actual Harm or Risk of Harm, ROSH Label X(20) |
Substantiated harm or risk for a child or young person, made by a caseworker during the field assessment process (part of the substantiation questions), as represented by a label. |
FACS_HARM_TYPE_GRPD | Assessment: Field Harm Type, Group Label X(30) |
The type of harm identified in the primary assessed issue on the field assessment, as represented by a grouped label. |
SAFET_OUTCOME | Service Event: Safety Assessment Outcome, Label X(25) |
Outcome of first (primary) Safety or Alternative Assessment attached to the Field Assessment, as represented by a label. |
FINAL_RISK_LEVEL | Assessment: Risk Level, Label X(22) |
The level of risk determined in an assessment, as represented by a label.
Specific Information:
Final Outcome of a the first risk assessment or the alternate assessment attached to the field assessment. The final risk level is determined after any policy or discretionary overrides are applied. |
REPORTED_BY | Service Event: Contact Reporter, Label A(40) |
The type/function of contactor that wants to report a concern about a child or young person, as represented by a grouped label |
N1 | Service Event: Helpline Contact, N1 Code NX |
Indicator that a contact is made with the helpline, as represented by a code |
N2 | Service Event: Helpline Contact, N2 Code NX |
Reason contact is made with the helpline, as represented by a code |
N3 | Service Event: Helpline Assessment Outcome, Code NX |
The outcome of the Helpline Screening and Response Priority Tools (SCRPT) assessment, as represented by a code. |
N4 | Service Event: Triage Decision Outcome, Code NX(N) |
The outcome of the triage decision at the CSC (or helpline if the report is closed at the helpline), as represented by a code |
N5 | Service Event: Field Assessment Outcome, Code NX(N) |
The outcome of a field assessment, as represented by a code. |
DITRICT_COMMON | Organisation: NSW Department of Communities and Justice District, Label X(40) |
The name of the NSW District where the NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) are responsible for delivery of services, as represented by a label.
Specific Information:
The District attached to the furthest stage of the child protection framework that has been progressed to on the following order from earliest to furthest: Contact, Helpline, Transfer, Triage, Case |
BUSINESS_UNIT_COMMON | Organisation: Internal Business Unit, label X(50) |
An Internal Business Unit that provides services and/or care, as represented by a label
Specific Information:
The Business Unit attached to the furthest stage of the child protection framework that has been progressed to on the following order from earliest to furthest: Contact, Helpline, Transfer, Triage, Case |
HELPLINE_ASSESSMENT_ID | Record: Helpline Assessment ID, XXX-NNNNNNN |
Unique ID assigned to last Helpline assessment record associated with the contact |
HLA_RECORD_ID | Record: Helpline Assessment ID, XXX-NNNNNNN |
Unique ID assigned to last Helpline assessment record associated with the contact |
HLA_START_DATE | Service Event: Start Date, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD |
The date a service event commenced
Specific Information:
The date that a Helpline caseworker commenced the assessment of a report of concern |
DATETIME | YYYY-MM-DD(T00:00:00) |
HELPLINE_ASSESSMENT_STATUS | Assessment: Helpline Assessment Status, Label X(10) |
The assessment status of an (report of concern) assessment by a Helpline caseworker, as represented by a label |
HLA_APPROVAL_STATUS | Assessment: Helpline Approval Status, Label X(25) |
The approval status of an assessment undertaken at Helpline, as represented by a label. |
HLA_CARER_ISSUES_FLG | Assessment: Carer Issues Flag, Yes/No/NA Code A(A) |
Flag to indicate the presence of any carer related issues by an Assessment (Helpline/Field), as represented by a code (Y/N).
Specific Information:
Flag to indicate whether any carer related issue/s are identified in the Helpline Assessment - based on presence of any carer related issue in PRIMARY_HL_ASSESSED_ISSUE_GRPD |
HLA_CYP_ISSUES_FLG | Assessment: Issues Flag, Yes/No/NA Code A(A) |
Flag to indicate whether any issues related to the child or young person's behaviour are identified in an Assessment (Helpline/Field), as represented by yes/no code.
Specific Information:
As assessed by a caseworker at HelpLine |
HLA_DV_FLG | Assessment: Domestic Violence Flag, Yes/No/NA Code A(A) |
Flag to indicate the presence of any Domestic Violence issues by an Assessment (Helpline/Field), as represented by yes/no code.
Specific Information:
Flag to indicate whether any Domestic Violence issue/s are identified in the Helpline Assessment - based on presence of any Domestic Violence issue in PRIMARY_HL_ASSESSED_ISSUE_GRPD |
HLA_EMOTIONAL_ABUSE_FLG | Assessment: Emotional Abuse Flag, Yes/No/NA Code A(A) |
Flag to indicate the presence of any emotional abuse issues by an Assessment (Helpline/Field), as represented by a yes/no code.
Specific Information:
Flag to indicate whether any emotional abuse issue/s are identified in the Helpline Assessment - based on presence of any emotional abuse issue in PRIMARY_HL_ASSESSED_ISSUE_GRPD |
HLA_NEGLECT_FLG | Assessment: Neglect Flag, Yes/No/NA Code A(A) |
Flag to indicate the presence of any neglect issues by an Assessment (Helpline/Field), as represented by a yes/no code.
Specific Information:
Flag to indicate whether any neglect issue/s are identified in the Helpline Assessment - based on presence of any neglect issue in PRIMARY_HL_ASSESSED_ISSUE_GRPD |
HLA_PHYSICAL_ABUSE_FLG | Assessment: Physical Abuse Flag, Yes/No/NA Code A(A) |
Flag to indicate the presence of any physical abuse issues by an Assessment (Helpline/Field), as represented by a yes/no code.
Specific Information:
Flag to indicate whether any physical abuse issue/s are identified in the Helpline Assessment - based on presence of any physical abuse issue in PRIMARY_HL_ASSESSED_ISSUE_GRPD |
HLA_SEXUAL_ABUSE_FLG | Assessment: Sexual Abuse Flag, Yes/No/NA Code A(A) |
Flag to indicate the presence of any sexual abuse issues by an Assessment (Helpline/Field), as represented by a yes/no code.
Specific Information:
Flag to indicate whether any sexual abuse issue/s are identified in the Helpline Assessment - based on presence of any sexual abuse issue in PRIMARY_HL_ASSESSED_ISSUE_GRPD |
HLA_OTHER_ISSUES_FLG | Assessment: Other Issues Flag, Yes/No/NA Code A(A) |
Flag to indicate the presence of any other issues not covered by other groupings by an Assessment (Helpline/Field), as represented by a yes/no code.
Specific Information:
Flag to indicate whether any other issue/s* are identified in the Helpline Assessment - based on presence of any other issues* in PRIMARY_HL_ASSESSED_ISSUE_GRPD * Other issue groupings: CARER_ISSUES, CYP_ISSUES, DV, EMOTIONAL_ABUSE, NEGLECT, PHYSICAL_ABUSE, SEXUAL_ABUSE |
FINAL_SCREENING_RESULT | Assessment: Final Screening, Result Label X(50) |
The Screening and Response Priority (SCRPT) Tool outcome determining if a child is assessed to reach the threshold for Risk of Significant Harm (ROSH) and requires a child protection response, as represented by a label. |
FINAL_RESPONSE_PRIORITY | Service Event: Final Response Priority, Label X(40) |
Final response priority determined by the Response Priority Tool at Helpline in relation to the report, as represented by a label |
RESPONSE_PRIORITY_OVERRIDE_APP | Service Event: Response Priority Override, Label A(40) |
Decision to override the response priority in relation to a report, as represented by a label |
TRANSFER_HL_ID | Record: Identifier, A(3)-N(7) |
A sequence of characters represented as an alphanumeric string which uniquely identifies a record, preserved in a lasting form. |
TRANSFER_HL_ASSIGNED_DATE | Service Event: Report transfer, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD |
The latest date the report was transferred to a business unit.
Specific Information:
This is the date the report was first transferred from the Helpline to a business unit. |
DATETIME | YYYY-MM-DD(T00:00:00) |
TRANSFER_HL_RECORD_STATUS | Service Event: Record Transfer Status, Label X(15) |
The status of the transfer record, as represented by a label. |
TRANSFER_HL_TO_DISTRICT | Service Event: NSW Department of Communities and Justice District, Label X(40) |
The District of the business unit where the report was sent by Helpline, as represented by a label. |
TRANSFER_HL_TO_BUSINESS_UNIT | Service Event: Business Unit, Label X(50) |
The Business Unit where the report was last sent by Helpline or another Business Unit if transferred on.
Specific Information:
The Business Unit where the report was first sent by Helpline. |
TRANSFER_LAST_ID | Record: Identifier, A(3)-N(7) |
A sequence of characters represented as an alphanumeric string which uniquely identifies a record, preserved in a lasting form. |
TRANSFER_LAST_ASSIGNED_DATE | Service Event: Report transfer, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD |
The latest date the report was transferred to a business unit.
Specific Information:
In most cases this will be the same as TRANSFER_HL_ASSIGNED_DT. It only differs if the report is transferred from the initial business unit to another unit prior to a decision to allocate or close for the child. |
DATETIME | YYYY-MM-DD(T00:00:00) |
TRANSFER_LAST_RECORD_STATUS | Service Event: Record Transfer Status, Label X(15) |
The status of the transfer record, as represented by a label. |
TRANSFER_LAST_TO_DISTRICT | Service Event: NSW Department of Communities and Justice District, Label X(40) |
The District of the business unit where the report was sent by Helpline, as represented by a label.
Specific Information:
The district attached to the business unit on the latest Triage record with an outcome of "Transfer". |
TRANSFER_LAST_TO_BUSINESS_UNIT | Service Event: Business Unit, Label X(50) |
The Business Unit where the report was last sent by Helpline or another Business Unit if transferred on.
Specific Information:
The business unit on the latest Triage record with an outcome of "Transfer". |
TRIAGE_ID | Record: Triage Identifier, X(18) |
Unique ID assigned to a Triage record associated with the contact/report |
TRIAGE_LEGACY_ID | Record: Legacy Triage Identifier, Identifier X(12) |
Unique ID associated with triage records migrated from KiDS |
TRIAGE_RECORD_ID | Record: Triage Identifier, X(18) |
Unique ID assigned to a Triage record associated with the contact/report |
TRIAGE_RECORD_TYPE | Service Event: Triage Record Type, Label A(30) |
Description of the triage record type, as represented by a label |
TRIAGE_START_DATE | Service Event: Start Date, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD |
The date a service event commenced
Specific Information:
This is the date the business unit began reviewing the report to determine what action will be taken (either to allocate, transfer or close) |
DATETIME | YYYY-MM-DD(T00:00:00) |
TRIAGE_END_DATE | Service Event: End Date, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD |
The date a service event was completed.
Specific Information:
The date the business unit made the decision to allocate, transfer or close. |
DATETIME | YYYY-MM-DD(T00:00:00) |
TRIAGE_STATUS | Service Event: Triage Status, Label A(20) |
The status of the triage assessment, as represented by a label |
TRIAGE_APPROVAL_STATUS | Service Event: Triage Record Approval Status, Label X(20) |
The approval status of the triage record, as represented by a label |
TRIAGE_BUSINESS_UNIT | Organisation: Internal Business Unit, label X(50) |
An Internal Business Unit that provides services and/or care, as represented by a label
Specific Information:
The Business Unit attached to the Triage record. |
TRIAGE_DISTRICT | Organisation: NSW Department of Communities and Justice District, Label X(40) |
The name of the NSW District where the NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) are responsible for delivery of services, as represented by a label.
Specific Information:
The District attached to the business unit recorded on the Triage record. |
TRIAGE_OUTCOME | Service Event: Triage Outcome, Label A(20) |
The outcome of the triage assessment, as represented by a label |
TRIAGE_DECISION_STATUS | Service Event: Triage Decision Status, Label X(30) |
Indicates the point in the triage process a report is sitting, represented by a label. |
ALLOCATION_PURPOSE | Service Event: Allocation Purpose, Label A(25) |
Indicates the purpose of allocating a report to a caseworker, as represented by a label |
CLOSURE_REASON | Service Event: Triage Closure Reason, Label X(50) |
Reason for closing a report at triage, as represented by a label. |
DATE_DECISION_CLOSURE | Service Event: Decision Date, YYYY-MM-DD |
The date on which a decision was made about the course of action to take in response to a child protection contact/assessment, expressed as YYYY-MM-DD.
Specific Information:
Decision closure date |
DATETIME | YYYY-MM-DD(T00:00:00) |
DATE_TRANSFER_DECISION_MADE | Service Event: Decision Date, YYYY-MM-DD |
The date on which a decision was made about the course of action to take in response to a child protection contact/assessment, expressed as YYYY-MM-DD.
Specific Information:
Decision transfer date |
DATETIME | YYYY-MM-DD(T00:00:00) |
TRANSFER_PURPOSE | Service Event: Transfer Purpose, Text X(50) |
Reason for transferring a (Triage record) report to/from Business Unit to another, as represented by text (description).
Specific Information:
Free text. Purposes range from reasons for transfer, to including location/team receiving the transfer. |
TRANSFER_TO_BUSINESS_UNIT | Service Event: Business Unit, Label X(50) |
The Business Unit where the report was last sent by Helpline or another Business Unit if transferred on.
Specific Information:
The Business Unit recorded on the latest Triage record. This field is only populated if the triage record has an outcome of Transfer. |
FIELD_ASSESSMENT_ID | Record: Field Assessment, Identifier X(19) |
Unique Identifier assigned to Field Assessment record by ChildStory |
FA_LEGACY_ID | Record: Field Assessment, Identifier X(19) |
Unique Identifier assigned to Field Assessment record by ChildStory
Specific Information:
Field assessment ID from the legacy KiDS system. |
FA_RECORD_ID | Record: Field Assessment, Identifier X(19) |
Unique Identifier assigned to Field Assessment record by ChildStory |
FA_CREATED_DATE | Service Event: Start Date, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD |
The date a service event commenced
Specific Information:
Date field assessment was created |
DATETIME | YYYY-MM-DD(T00:00:00) |
FA_START_DATE | Service Event: Start Date, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD |
The date a service event commenced
Specific Information:
Date field assessment was commenced [Extracted from FA_CREATED_DATE, without time detail.] |
DATETIME | YYYY-MM-DD(T00:00:00) |
FA_END_DATE | Service Event: End Date, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD |
The date a service event was completed.
Specific Information:
Date field assessment was completed |
DATETIME | YYYY-MM-DD(T00:00:00) |
FIELD_ASSESSMENT_STATUS | Assessment: Field Assessment Status, Label X(10) |
The status of a field assessment record, as represented by a label. |
FA_APPROVAL_STATUS | Assessment: Field Assessment Approval Status, Label A(20) |
The approval status of a field assessment record, by a caseworker, as represented by a label |
FA_BUSINESS_UNIT | Organisation: Internal Business Unit, label X(50) |
An Internal Business Unit that provides services and/or care, as represented by a label
Specific Information:
The Business Unit attached to the Field Assessment record. |
FA_DISTRICT | Organisation: NSW Department of Communities and Justice District, Label X(40) |
The name of the NSW District where the NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) are responsible for delivery of services, as represented by a label.
Specific Information:
The District attached to the business unit recorded on the Field Assessment record. |
FIELD_ASSESSMENT_PATHWAY | Service Event: Field Assessment Pathway, Label X(50) |
Type of field assessment process undertaken - the structured decision making safety and risk assessment (SARA) or the Alternate Assessment (AA). The alternate assessment is used for children in OOHC, or where the reported concerns do not relate to a person within the household. |
FIELD_ASSESSMENT_OUTCOME | Service Event: Field Assessment Outcome, Label A(25) |
The outcome of a field assessment, as represented by a label. |
REASON_FA_NOT_PROCEEDING | Service Event: Reason for Assessment not Proceeding, Label X(50) |
Detailed reason why field assessment did not proceed, as represented by a label |
FA_CARER_ISSUES_FLAG | Assessment: Carer Issues Flag, Yes/No/NA Code A(A) |
Flag to indicate the presence of any carer related issues by an Assessment (Helpline/Field), as represented by a code (Y/N).
Specific Information:
Flag to indicate whether any carer related issues are identified in the Field Assessment, based on presence of any Carer related issue in PRIMARY_FA_ASSESSED_ISSUE_GRPD |
FA_CYP_ISSUES_FLAG | Assessment: Issues Flag, Yes/No/NA Code A(A) |
Flag to indicate whether any issues related to the child or young person's behaviour are identified in an Assessment (Helpline/Field), as represented by yes/no code.
Specific Information:
As assessed by a caseworker at Field Assessment |
FA_DV_FLAG | Assessment: Domestic Violence Flag, Yes/No/NA Code A(A) |
Flag to indicate the presence of any Domestic Violence issues by an Assessment (Helpline/Field), as represented by yes/no code.
Specific Information:
Flag to indicate whether any Domestic Violence issues are identified in the Field Assessment - based on presence of any Domestic Violence issue in PRIMARY_FA_ASSESSED_ISSUE_GRPD |
FA_EMOTIONAL_ABUSE_FLAG | Assessment: Emotional Abuse Flag, Yes/No/NA Code A(A) |
Flag to indicate the presence of any emotional abuse issues by an Assessment (Helpline/Field), as represented by a yes/no code.
Specific Information:
Flag to indicate whether any emotional abuse issues are identified in the Field Assessment - based on presence of any emotional abuse issue in PRIMARY_FA_ASSESSED_ISSUE_GRPD |
FA_NEGLECT_FLAG | Assessment: Neglect Flag, Yes/No/NA Code A(A) |
Flag to indicate the presence of any neglect issues by an Assessment (Helpline/Field), as represented by a yes/no code.
Specific Information:
Flag to indicate whether any neglect issues are identified in the Field Assessment - based on presence of any neglect issue in PRIMARY_FA_ASSESSED_ISSUE_GRPD |
FA_PHYSICAL_ABUSE_FLAG | Assessment: Physical Abuse Flag, Yes/No/NA Code A(A) |
Flag to indicate the presence of any physical abuse issues by an Assessment (Helpline/Field), as represented by a yes/no code.
Specific Information:
Flag to indicate whether any physical abuse issues are identified in the Field Assessment - based on presence of any physical abuse issue in PRIMARY_FA_ASSESSED_ISSUE_GRPD |
FA_SEXUAL_ABUSE_FLAG | Assessment: Sexual Abuse Flag, Yes/No/NA Code A(A) |
Flag to indicate the presence of any sexual abuse issues by an Assessment (Helpline/Field), as represented by a yes/no code.
Specific Information:
Flag to indicate whether any sexual abuse issues are identified in the Field Assessment - based on presence of any sexual abuse issue in PRIMARY_FA_ASSESSED_ISSUE_GRPD |
FA_OTHER_ISSUES_FLAG | Assessment: Other Issues Flag, Yes/No/NA Code A(A) |
Flag to indicate the presence of any other issues not covered by other groupings by an Assessment (Helpline/Field), as represented by a yes/no code.
Specific Information:
Flag to indicate whether any other issues are identified in the Field Assessment - based on presence of any other issues in PRIMARY_FA_ASSESSED_ISSUE_GRPD |
SUBSTANTIATED_STATUS | Assessment: Substantiated Status, Label A(20) |
The outcome of issues (i.e. the substantiated status) linked to the field assessment, as represented by a label. |
ALTERNATE_ASSESSMENT_ID | Record: Alternative Assessment ID, X(19) |
Unique ID assigned to the Alternate Assessment record by ChildStory (first record) |
AA_PERFORMED_DATE | Assessment: Performed Date, YYYY-MM-DD |
The date on which an assessment was conducted/commenced, expressed as YYYY-MM-DD.
Specific Information:
The date on which the Alternate Assessment was conducted/commenced |
DATETIME | YYYY-MM-DD(T00:00:00) |
AA_FIRST_SUBMITTED_DATE | Assessment: Submitted Date, YYYY-MM-DD |
The date on which an assessment was first submitted for approval, expressed as YYYY-MM-DD.
Specific Information:
The date on which the alternate assessment was first submitted for approval |
DATETIME | YYYY-MM-DD(T00:00:00) |
ALTERNATE_ASSESSMEN_STATUS | Assessment: Assessment Status, Label A(25) |
The assessment status of a record during the child protection process, as represented by a label.
Specific Information:
The status of the alternate assessment record |
AA_APPROVAL_STATUS | Assessment: Approval Status, Alternative Assessment Label A(20) |
The assessment approval status of a Alternative Assessment in Child Protection, as represented by a label
Specific Information:
The approval status of the Alternate Assessment |
AA_BUSINESS_UNIT | Organisation: Internal Business Unit, label X(50) |
An Internal Business Unit that provides services and/or care, as represented by a label
Specific Information:
The Business Unit attached to the Alternate Assessment record. |
AA_DISTRICT | Organisation: NSW Department of Communities and Justice District, Label X(40) |
The name of the NSW District where the NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) are responsible for delivery of services, as represented by a label.
Specific Information:
The District attached to the business unit recorded on the Alternate Assessment record. |
AA_RISK_LEVEL | Assessment: Risk Level, Label X(22) |
The level of risk determined in an assessment, as represented by a label.
Specific Information:
The level of risk determined in the alternate assessment linked to the field assessment. |
RISK_ASSESSMENT_ID | Record: Risk Assessment ID, X(19) |
Unique ID assigned to Risk Assessment record by ChildStory |
RA_PERFORMED_DATE | Assessment: Performed Date, YYYY-MM-DD |
The date on which an assessment was conducted/commenced, expressed as YYYY-MM-DD.
Specific Information:
The date a risk assessment was conducted. |
DATETIME | YYYY-MM-DD(T00:00:00) |
RA_FIRST_SUBMITTED_DATE | Assessment: Submitted Date, YYYY-MM-DD |
The date on which an assessment was first submitted for approval, expressed as YYYY-MM-DD.
Specific Information:
The date a risk assessment was first submitted for approval. |
DATETIME | YYYY-MM-DD(T00:00:00) |
RISK_ASSESSMENT_STATUS | Assessment: Assessment Status, Label A(25) |
The assessment status of a record during the child protection process, as represented by a label.
Specific Information:
The status of the risk assessment record |
RA_APPROVAL_STATUS | Assessment: Approval Status, Risk-Safety Label X(20) |
The assessment approval status of a (Risk or Safety) Assessment by a caseworker, as represented by a label
Specific Information:
The approval status of the Risk Assessment by a caseworker |
RA_BUSINESS_UNIT | Organisation: Internal Business Unit, label X(50) |
An Internal Business Unit that provides services and/or care, as represented by a label
Specific Information:
The Business Unit attached to the risk Assessment record. |
RA_DISTRICT | Organisation: NSW Department of Communities and Justice District, Label X(40) |
The name of the NSW District where the NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) are responsible for delivery of services, as represented by a label.
Specific Information:
The District attached to the business unit recorded on the risk Assessment record. |
RA_FINAL_RISK_LEVEL | Assessment: Risk Level, Label X(22) |
The level of risk determined in an assessment, as represented by a label.
Specific Information:
Outcome of the risk assessment attached to the field assessment. The final risk level is determined by the outcome of the SDM tool combined with any policy/discretionary overrides that may be applied. |
RISK_RE_ASSESSMENT_ID_PRILAST | Record: Risk Re Assessment, Identifier N(5) |
Unique ID assigned to Risk Re Assessment record by ChildStory
Specific Information:
Last Primary Identifier is the latest approved risk reassessment record |
RRA_PERFORMED_DATE | Assessment: Performed Date, YYYY-MM-DD |
The date on which an assessment was conducted/commenced, expressed as YYYY-MM-DD.
Specific Information:
The date on which the risk reassessment was conducted/commenced |
DATETIME | YYYY-MM-DD(T00:00:00) |
RRA_FIRST_SUBMITTED_DATE | Assessment: Submitted Date, YYYY-MM-DD |
The date on which an assessment was first submitted for approval, expressed as YYYY-MM-DD.
Specific Information:
The date on which the risk reassessment was first submitted for approval |
DATETIME | YYYY-MM-DD(T00:00:00) |
RRA_ASSESSMENT_STATUS | Assessment: Assessment Status, Label A(25) |
The assessment status of a record during the child protection process, as represented by a label.
Specific Information:
The status of the risk reassessment record |
RRA_APPROVAL_STATUS | Assessment: Approval Status, Risk Re-Assessment Label A(20) |
The assessment approval status of a Risk Re-Assessment in Child Protection, as represented by a label
Specific Information:
The approval status of a the latest Risk Re-Assessment |
RRA_BUSINESS_UNIT | Organisation: Internal Business Unit, label X(50) |
An Internal Business Unit that provides services and/or care, as represented by a label
Specific Information:
The Business Unit attached to the Risk ReAssessment record |
RRA_DISTRICT | Organisation: NSW Department of Communities and Justice District, Label X(40) |
The name of the NSW District where the NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) are responsible for delivery of services, as represented by a label.
Specific Information:
The District attached to the business unit recorded on the Risk ReAssessment record. |
RRA_OUTCOME | Service Event: Risk Re-Assessment Outcome, Label A(25) |
The outcome of a Risk Re-Assessment, as represented by a label. |
RRA_FINAL_RISK_LEVEL | Assessment: Risk Level, Label X(22) |
The level of risk determined in an assessment, as represented by a label.
Specific Information:
Outcome of the risk reassessment. The final risk level is determined by the outcome of the SDM tool combined with any policy/discretionary overrides that may be applied. |
SAFETY_ASSESSSMENT_ID | Record: Safety Assessment, Identifier X(18) |
Unique ID assigned to Safety Assessment record by ChildStory (first record) |
ASSESSSMENT_RECORD_ID | Record: Assessment Record, Identifier X(18) |
Unique ID assigned to an assessment record by ChildStory |
SA_PERFORMED_DATE | Assessment: Performed Date, YYYY-MM-DD |
The date on which an assessment was conducted/commenced, expressed as YYYY-MM-DD.
Specific Information:
The date on which the safety assessment was conducted |
DATETIME | YYYY-MM-DD(T00:00:00) |
SA_FIRST_SUBMITTED_DATE | Assessment: Submitted Date, YYYY-MM-DD |
The date on which an assessment was first submitted for approval, expressed as YYYY-MM-DD.
Specific Information:
The date on which the safety assessment was first submitted for approval |
DATETIME | YYYY-MM-DD(T00:00:00) |
SA_RECORD_STATUS | Service Event: Record Transfer Status, Label X(15) |
The status of the transfer record, as represented by a label.
Specific Information:
The status of the safety assessment record |
SA_APPROVAL_STATUS | Assessment: Approval Status, Risk-Safety Label X(20) |
The assessment approval status of a (Risk or Safety) Assessment by a caseworker, as represented by a label
Specific Information:
The approval status of the first Safety Assessment linked to the field assessment |
SA_BUSINESS_UNIT | Organisation: Internal Business Unit, label X(50) |
An Internal Business Unit that provides services and/or care, as represented by a label
Specific Information:
The Business Unit attached to the Safety Assessment record. |
SA_DISTRICT | Organisation: NSW Department of Communities and Justice District, Label X(40) |
The name of the NSW District where the NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) are responsible for delivery of services, as represented by a label.
Specific Information:
The District attached to the business unit recorded on the Safety Assessment record. |
SA_ASSESSMENT_STATUS | Assessment: Assessment Status, Label A(25) |
The assessment status of a record during the child protection process, as represented by a label.
Specific Information:
The status of the first safety assessment linked to the field assessment |
CASE_NUMBER | Person: Case Identifier, X(10) |
A system-generated identifier for a case associated with a person in receipt of services.
Specific Information:
The Case Number (unique ID) used in ChildStory source system. The "Case" is the parent record of all Plans and Case Plans. |
CASE_RECORD_ID | Record: Identifier, X(18) |
Unique ID assigned to a record for an individual, organisation, or an account of something; as represented by a sequence of characters.
Specific Information:
Case record row ID (including current non-OOHC case plan if any, e.g. Adoption/CP/CWU/EI) |
CASE_LEGACY_ID | Person: KiDS Number, Identifier X(14) |
A person's internal Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) Person Identifier from the legacy KiDS system. |
CASE_CREATED_DATE | Service Event: Start Date, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD |
The date a service event commenced
Specific Information:
A system generated datetime stamp marking when a case was created. |
DATETIME | YYYY-MM-DD(T00:00:00) |
CASE_START_DATE | Service Event: Start Date, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD |
The date a service event commenced
Specific Information:
Start date of the Case (this is different than the creation date), recorded by the caseworker at creation |
DATETIME | YYYY-MM-DD(T00:00:00) |
CASE_END_DATE | Service Event: End Date, DateTime YYYY-MM-DD |
The date a service event was completed.
Specific Information:
End date of the Case (this is different than the case closed date), recorded by the caseworker at creation and could be updated. Known data quality issues: Date can be recorded at any time, even when case is active. Closed or Closed Approved AND a closure date = closed, all else considered Active. |
DATETIME | YYYY-MM-DD(T00:00:00) |
CASE_BUSINESS_UNIT_AGENCYNAME | Service Event: Business Unit, Label X(50) |
The Business Unit where the report was last sent by Helpline or another Business Unit if transferred on.
Specific Information:
The DCJ Business Unit that owned the Case on the date the data was extracted from CIW. |
CASE_DISTRICT_PARENTAGENCY | Service Event: NSW Department of Communities and Justice District, Label X(40) |
The District of the business unit where the report was sent by Helpline, as represented by a label.
Specific Information:
The DCJ Parent District of the Business Unit that owned the Case on the date the data was extracted from CIW. |
CASE_TYPE | Person: Case Type, Label X(20) |
A label that represents the type of case used for a service to a person.
Specific Information:
The type of engagement for the Case at time of extraction (Statutory OOHC, Supported Care, ...) |
CASE_CLOSURE_REASON | Service Event: Case Closure Reason, Label X(50) |
The reason a case was closed, as represented by a label
Specific Information:
The Case closure reason recorded on the source system Known data quality issues: Reason can be entered while the case is still active. Closed or Closed Approved AND a closure date = closed, all else considered Active. |
CASE_STATUS | Person: Case Status, Label X(30) |
Approval/closure status of a case, as represented by a label |
CALD_FLAG | Person: Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD), Yes/No Code A |
An indication of an individual's cultural and linguistic background, based on whether or not they were born in a country other than Australia, have a cultural background other than Australian, can speak languages other than English, recorded as a code set representing 'yes' and 'no'. |
CYP_RECORD_ID | Record: Identifier, X(18) |
Unique ID assigned to a record for an individual, organisation, or an account of something; as represented by a sequence of characters. |
ETL_RUN_DT | Record: DateTime Stamp, YYYY-MM-DD |
A sequence of characters or encoded information identifying when a certain event occurred, on what day, and optionally including what particular time of day.
Specific Information:
Date of the data warehouse (CIW) Extract Transform and Load (ETL) run - last updated. |
DATETIME | YYYY-MM-DD(T00:00:00) |
AGED_M_START_DT | Record: DateTime Stamp, YYYY-MM-DD |
A sequence of characters or encoded information identifying when a certain event occurred, on what day, and optionally including what particular time of day.
Specific Information:
Calculated Aged Date: The Start date of the "aged" month/period for the current data extract file; 2 months ageing is used for CP reporting |
DATETIME | YYYY-MM-DD(T00:00:00) |
A calculated/constructed field based on an SQL process to assign an aged date relating to the financial year (start/end)
Specific Information:
Calculated using the ETL_RUN_DT field |
AGED_M_END_DT | Record: DateTime Stamp, YYYY-MM-DD |
A sequence of characters or encoded information identifying when a certain event occurred, on what day, and optionally including what particular time of day.
Specific Information:
Calculated Aged Date: The End date of the "aged" month/period for the current data extract file; 2 months ageing is used for CP reporting |
DATETIME | YYYY-MM-DD(T00:00:00) |
A calculated/constructed field based on an SQL process to assign an aged date relating to the financial year (start/end)
Specific Information:
Calculated using the ETL_RUN_DT field |
INGESTTIME | Record: DateTime Stamp, YYYY-MM-DD |
A sequence of characters or encoded information identifying when a certain event occurred, on what day, and optionally including what particular time of day.
Specific Information:
Ingest process Date/Time stamp into BigQuery |
DATETIME | YYYY-MM-DD(T00:00:00) |
INGESTTYPE | Record: Ingest Type, Label A(6) |
File (data) ingestion process type, represented by a label.
Specific Information:
Ingest type (manual or batch) |
FILENAME | Record: Filename, Text X(200) |
File name (data) ingested into BigQuery, represented by text.
Specific Information:
File name of the data file being ingested |
BATCHID | Record: Batch Id, Text X(200) |
System generated identification generated when (data) ingested into BigQuery, represented by text.
Specific Information:
Name generated during ingestion of data file, which can be used to trace errors |
The following figure represents the processes used in NSW for child protection:
The following figure provides a simplified version of the main processes used in child protection systems across Australia:
- Shaded boxes are items for which data are collected nationally.
- Dashed lines indicate that clients might or might not receive these services, depending on need, service availability, and client willingness to participate in what are voluntary services.
- Support services referred to in the box on the right include family preservation and reunification services provided by government departments responsible for child protection, and other agencies. Children and families move in and out of these services and the statutory child protection system, and might also be in the statutory child protection system while receiving support services.