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This refers to the total number of households assisted with Private Rent Assistance (PRA) products to secure or maintain their tenancy in the private market, where the head of the household was aged 55 years or over, in the reporting period.

Indicator Summary

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Reporting Information

Published by NSW Department of Communities and Justice.

Outcome Areas

Framework Dimensions

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The detailed metadata for this measure is currently not available.

  • Description

    Financial year end.

    Data Set
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A household may access more than one type of housing assistance during the reporting period.

The data is likely to undercount the actual number of older people assisted with private rental assistance as it does not include households with older people if the head of the household was under 55.

The information on gender and the status of the culturally and linguistically diverse background of the head of the household is used for reporting on demographic characteristics of the household.

An Aboriginal household is defined as a household with one or more members, including children, identifying as an Aboriginal person.

Prior to the introduction of Rent Choice products during 2017-18, several financial assistance products were reported under different names. For instance, Rent Choice Start Safely was reported as Start Safely. Rent Choice Youth and Private Rental Subsidy were reported as Private Rental Subsidy (excluding Start Safely).

Bond extra was introduced and replaced Tenancy guarantee in 2020-21.

Data Source:

  • HOMES - Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW)


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