DCJ's Annual Statistical Report 2023-24 (ASR) present key measures to improve outcomes for children and young people, families and communities in NSW. Data presented in the Statistical Report is reported under three key state outcome areas, which are outlined in the Strategic Directions 2020-2024.
Framework Dimensions
Active and Inclusive Communities This outcome, as outlined in DCJ's Strategic Directions 2020-2024, shows how we provide a range of community supports to improve wellbeing, increase community participation, and promote social inclusion and cohesion for Aboriginal1 children, families and communities, older people, and people with disability in NSW.
Supporting Older People - Number of Aboriginal social housing applicants of the NSW Housing Register where the head of the household was aged 55 years or over
- Number of households assisted with Private Rental Assistance (PRA) products where the head of the household was aged 55 years or over
- Number of newly housed applicants who were previously homeless or at risk of homelessness where the head of the household was aged 55 years or over
- Number of Seniors Card holders
- Number of social housing applicants on the NSW Housing Register where the head of the household was aged 55 years or over
- Number of training place provided in the Tech Savvy Seniors program
Supporting People with Disability - Number of Aboriginal National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants with a plan approved in the year
- Number of National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants receiving supports by cost of support categories
- Number of National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants with an approved plan
- Percentage of Aboriginal National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants with an approved plan in the year
Supporting Aboriginal Children, Families and Communities
Children and Families Thrive This outcome, as outlined in DCJ's Strategic Directions 2020-2024, shows how we support the safety and wellbeing of vulnerable children, young people and families in NSW. It also demonstrates our effort to support and achieve the outcomes of the Premier’s Priorities of Protecting our most vulnerable children, Increasing permanency for children in out-of-home care and Reducing domestic violence reoffending.
Supporting children and families through intervening early -
Supporting children in statutory protection -
Supporting children in out-of-home care
People have a safe and affordable place to live This outcome, as outlined in DCJ's Strategic Directions 2020-2024, shows how we provide assistance for people in NSW who were unable to access or maintain appropriate housing. It also includes information about homelessness services including our contribution to supporting the Premier’s Priorities of reducing homelessness.
People experiencing homelessness, and those at risk of homelessness, are among NSW's most socially and economically disadvantaged. DCJ fund services to support people who are homeless, or at risk of homelessness. Services are delivered mainly by non–government organisations, including those specialising in delivering services to specific target groups (such as young people or people experiencing Family and domestic violence) and those providing more generic services to people facing housing crises.
Supporting people to access social housing
At DCJ we refer only to "Aboriginal", in recognition that Aboriginal people are the original inhabitants of NSW. We do not have a specific charter of service related to Torres Strait Islander people. However, we acknowledge and respect that Torres Strait Islander people are among the First Nations of Australia. Torres Strait Islander people are also included amongst our clients and staff. Refer to Information for Aboriginal people.
Accuracy of Indigenous Status Data
The accuracy of data held about Indigenous Status in current collections is poor for several factors. Firstly, the number of individuals indicating that they are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander may not be an accurate count, but an over- or under-representation depending on several factors. Secondly, the data quality of Indigenous Status is poor due to the variance and inadequacies of the question/s currently being asked to record Indigenous status.
The accuracy in the representation of Aboriginal and /or Torres Strait Islanders is determined by whether a person will or can identify as such on a data collection form. This is influenced by a number of factors, including the requirements of data collected, the reasons for the collection, who will have access to the information, who the collector is, the way it is collected, and the perception of why the information is collected. These factors are compounded by the structural systems of racism, which have led to power imbalances and relationships founded on mistrust.
The Department of Communities and Justice currently enacts program level Aboriginal identification guidelines, the variance in program guidelines impacts upon the capacity and willingness for an Aboriginal person to self-identify.
The current questions included in data collections to capture Indigenous status are also inadequate. Most commonly, this is seen as a Yes or No reply to Indigenous Status and provides very limited information. A person’s Indigenous status is more complex than a Yes or No reply. It is a starting point to seek more information about a person’s identity. It may be appropriate to collect additional information for example on Country, Clan, and Language affiliation. This Information should only be collected for a defined and appropriate use for example to facilitate cultural connection of children with family and community.
To begin addressing these gaps, the Department of Communities and Justice, is implementing the Family is Culture Report, which will result in the re-design and collection of identifying Indigenous information as per Recommendation 77. This more detailed suite of questions will improve the quality of the data collected and be more likely to attract an accurate representation of people identifying as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander. Multiple projects are also underway across DCJ to address the recommendations made in the Family is Culture Report to increase both the practice and policy positions of DCJ in regard to the identification and de-identification of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander children. The recommendations have been made to increase consistency, improve practice and ensure the principles of Indigenous Data Sovereignty guide the design of all future data elements.
NSW Government is committed to enabling the principles of Indigenous Data Governance as per the NSW Data Strategy . Aboriginal-led Governance structures will be formed as a result of the NSW Governments Commitment to the Family is Culture Report (Recommendation 2), and Closing the Gap, Priority Reform Four, Priority Key action Area 2 Closing the Gap, Priority Reforms.