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A NSW Government website
Metadata.NSW (beta)


A label set representing type of certificate.


Format A(12)
Maximum character length 12


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values GENUINE Attended - genuine effort
NOTGENUINE Attended - not genuine effort
NORESOLUTION Matter inappropriate for resolution
NOTHELD Not held due to refusal or failure of other person to attend
DISCONTINUED FDR began - considered inappropriate to continue


Organisation outlet/office: an organisation’s outlets as recorded in the Data Exchange. Client residence : a client’s usual place of residence. Community venue: a venue that is available to the general public and is hired away from the organisation’s usual offices. Examples include community halls, public libraries or parks. Partner organisation : another organisation's facilities (whether there is a formal or informal arrangement) to deliver a service. Telephone : person to person contact (other than face to face) that is interactive. Examples includes services provided to clients over the phone, via video conference or online chat. Digital: self-service, e-Learning, webinar, online training, non-interactive electronic resources. Healthcare facility: doctor’s office, hospital, mental health facility, aged care facility. Education facility: school, university. Justice facility : correctional facility (jail, prison), police station, court of law.

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Relation Count
Data Elements implementing this Value Domain 1