Metadata facilitates and supports the discovery, identification, organisation and interoperability of data for analysis and reporting. Rich metadata helps maximise exposure and reuse of your data.
The Metadata Registry has several functions to meet the needs of different users:
- Data discovery - Users can browse the Metadata.NSW Registry to see what datasets are available. Definitions and lineage of data elements within these datasets can be explored, and so can linkages between data elements and multiple data assets.
- Access to Cross-Agency Metadata - The Metadata Registry enables visibility and sharing of cross-agency metadata. This promotes collaboration and assists data exchange between NSW Government agencies.
- Metadata generation – The Metadata Registry can be used to create and edit metadata, collaborate with colleagues to add content, change the status of metadata items and endorse metadata items for either private use or for publishing.
- Consistent Definitions and Use of Terms - The Metadata Registry facilitates the use of consistent definitions and terms across NSW Government agencies datasets. It provides a glossary and data dictionary, that enable agency governance bodies to reduce ambiguity, promote consistency and standardisation, and improve interoperability.
- Data Integration and Analysis - By providing a comprehensive view of metadata across various datasets, the Metadata Registry enables analysts and data scientists to understand the context of a dataset and its elements as well as the relationships between different datasets.
Click here for more information on Data Discovery and Browsing the registry or Creating and Editing Metadata (External website)